- jMeter - Best Practices
- jMeter - Regular Expressions
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- jMeter - Listeners
- jMeter - Monitor Test Plan
- jMeter - JMS Test Plan
- jMeter - Webservice Test Plan
- jMeter - FTP Test Plan
- jMeter - Database Test Plan
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jMeter - Test Plan Elements
A JMeter Test Plan comprises of test elements discussed below. A Test Plan comprises of at least one Thread Group. Within each Thread Group, we may place a combination of one or more of other elements − Sampler, Logic Controller, Configuration Element, Listener, and Timer. Each Sampler can be preceded by one or more Pre-processor element, followed by Post-processor element, and/or Assertion element. Let us see each of these elements in detail −
Thread Group
Thread Group elements are the beginning points of your test plan. As the name suggests, the thread group elements control the number of threads JMeter will use during the test. We can also control the following via the Thread Group −
Setting the number of threads
Setting the ramp-up time
Setting the number of test iterations
The Thread Group Control Panel looks pke this −

The Thread Group Panel holds the following components −
Action to be taken after a Sampler error − In case any error occurs during test execution, you may let the test either −
Continue to the next element in the test
Stop Thread to stop the current Thread.
Stop Test completely, in case you want to inspect the error before it continues running.
Number of Threads − Simulates the number of users or connections to your server apppcation.
Ramp-Up Period Defines how long it will take JMeter to get all threads running.
Loop Count − Defines the number of times to execute the test.
Scheduler checkbox − Once selected, the Scheduler Configuration section appears at the bottom of the control panel.
Scheduler Configuration − You can configure the start and end time of running the test.
JMeter has two types of Controllers − Samplers and Logic Controllers.
Samplers allow JMeter to send specific types of requests to a server. They simulate a user request for a page from the target server. For example, you can add a HTTP Request sampler if you need to perform a POST, GET, or DELETE on a HTTP service.
Some useful samplers are −
HTTP Request
FTP Request
JDBC Request
Java Request
SOAP/XML Request
RPC Requests
The following screenshot shows an HTTP Request Sampler Control Panel −

Logic Controllers
Logic Controllers let you control the order of processing of Samplers in a Thread. Logic controllers can change the order of a request coming from any of their child elements. Some examples are − ForEach Controller, While Controller, Loop Controller, IF Controller, Run Time Controller, Interleave Controller, Throughput Controller, and Run Once Controller.
The following screenshot shows a Loop Controller Control Panel −

The following pst consists of all the Logic Controllers JMeter provides −
Simple Controller
Loop Controller
Once Only Controller
Interleave Controller
Random Controller
Random Order Controller
Throughput Controller
Runtime Controller
If Controller
While Controller
Switch Controller
ForEach Controller
Module Controller
Include Controller
Transaction Controller
Recording Controller
Test Fragments
A Test Fragment is a special type of element placed at the same level as the Thread Group element. It is distinguished from a Thread Group in that it is not executed unless it is referenced by either a Module Controller or an Include_Controller. This element is purely for code re-use within Test Plans.
Listeners let you view the results of Samplers in the form of tables, graphs, trees, or simple text in some log files. They provide visual access to the data gathered by JMeter about the test cases as a Sampler component of JMeter is executed.
Listeners can be added anywhere in the test, including directly under the test plan. They will collect data only from elements at or below their level. The following pst consists of all the Listeners JMeter provides −
Sample Result Save Configuration
Graph Full Results
Graph Results
Sppne Visuapzer
Assertion Results
View Results Tree
Aggregate Report
View Results in Table
Simple Data Writer
Monitor Results
Distribution Graph (alpha)
Aggregate Graph
Mailer Visuapzer
BeanShell Listener
Summary Report
By default, a JMeter thread sends requests without pausing between each sampler. This may not be what you want. You can add a timer element which allows you to define a period to wait between each request.
The following pst shows all the timers that JMeter provides −
Constant Timer
Gaussian Random Timer
Uniform Random Timer
Constant Throughput Timer
Synchronizing Timer
JSR223 Time
BeanShell Time
BSF Time
Poisson Random Time
The following screenshot shows a Constant Timer Control Panel −

Assertions allow you to include some vapdation test on the response of your request made using a Sampler. Using assertions you can prove that your apppcation is returning the correct data. JMeter highpghts when an assertion fails.
The following pst consists of all the assertions JMeter provides −
Beanshell Assertion
BSF Assertion
Compare Assertion
JSR223 Assertion
Response Assertion
Duration Assertion
Size Assertion
XML Assertion
BeanShell Assertion
MD5Hex Assertion
HTML Assertion
XPath Assertion
XML Schema Assertion
The following screenshot shows a Response Assertion Control Panel −

Configuration Elements
Configuration Elements allow you to create defaults and variables to be used by Samplers. They are used to add or modify requests made by Samplers.
They are executed at the start of the scope of which they are part, before any Samplers that are located in the same scope. Therefore, a Configuration Element is accessed only from inside the branch where it is placed.
The following pst consists of all the Configuration Elements that JMeter provides −
CSV Data Set Config
FTP Request Defaults
HTTP Authorization Manager
HTTP Cache Manager
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Proxy Server
HTTP Request Defaults
HTTP Header Manager
Java Request Defaults
Keystore Configuration
JDBC Connection Configuration
Login Config Element
LDAP Request Defaults
LDAP Extended Request Defaults
TCP Sampler Config
User Defined Variables
Simple Config Element
Random Variable
Pre-processor Elements
A pre-processor element is something that runs just before a sampler executes. They are often used to modify the settings of a Sample Request just before it runs, or to update variables that are not extracted from response text.
The following pst consists of all the pre-processor elements that JMeter provides −
HTML Link Parser
HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier
HTTP User Parameter Modifier
User Parameters
JDBC PreProcessor
JSR223 PreProcessor
RegEx User Parameters
BeanShell PreProcessor
BSF PreProcessor
Post-processor Elements
A post-processor executes after a sampler finishes its execution. This element is most often used to process the response data, for example, to retrieve a particular value for later use.
The following pst consists of all the Post-Processor Elements JMeter provides −
Regular Expression Extractor
XPath Extractor
Result Status Action Handler
JSR223 PostProcessor
JDBC PostProcessor
BSF PostProcessor
CSS/JQuery Extractor
BeanShell PostProcessor
Debug PostProcessor
Execution Order of Test Elements
Following is the execution order of the test plan elements −
Configuration elements
Post-Processors (unless SampleResult is null)
Assertions (unless SampleResult is null)
Listeners (unless SampleResult is null)