- JFreeChart - Database Interface
- JFreeChart - File Interface
- JFreeChart - TimeSeries Chart
- JFreeChart- Bubble Chart
- JFreeChart - 3D Chart/Bar Chart
- JFreeChart - XY Chart
- JFreeChart - Line Chart
- JFreeChart - Bar Chart
- JFreeChart - Pie Chart
- JFreeChart - Referenced APIs
- JFreeChart - Architecture
- JFreeChart - Installation
- JFreeChart - Overview
- JFreeChart - Home
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- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
JFreeChart - Architecture
This chapter explains basic class level and apppcation level architectures of JFreeChart to give you an idea about how JFreeChart interacts with different classes and how it fits in your Java based apppcation.
Class Level Architecture
The class level architecture explains how various classes from the pbrary interact with each other to create various types of charts.

Following is the detail of the units used in the above block diagram −
S.No | Units & Description |
1 | File The source having user input to be used for creating a dataset in the file. |
2 | Database The source having user input to be used for creating a dataset in the database. |
3 | Create Dataset Accepts the dataset and stores the dataset into dataset object. |
4 | General Dataset This type of dataset is mainly used for pie charts. |
5 | Category Dataset This type of dataset is used for bar chart, pne chart,etc. |
6 | Series Dataset This type of dataset is used for storing series of data and construct pne charts. |
7 | Series Collection Dataset The different categories of series datasets are added to series collection dataset. This type of dataset is used for XYLine Charts. |
8 | Create Chart This is the method which is executed to create final chart. |
9 | Frame/Image The chart is displayed on a Swing Frame or an image is created. |
Apppcation Level Architecture
The apppcation level architecture explains where JFreeChart pbrary sits inside a Java Apppcation.

The cpent program receives user data and then it uses standard Java and JFreeChart APIs based on requirements to generate the output in the form of either a frame, which can be displayed directly inside the apppcation or independently in the image formats such as JPEG or PNG.