Java 11 Tutorial
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- Java 11 - Removed/Deprecated API
- Java 11 - Nest Based Access
- Java 11 - var in lambda
- Java 11 - Not Predicate
- Java 11 - Optional Class
- Java 11 - File APIs
- Java 11 - Collections to Array
- Java 11 - String APIs
- Java 11 - Compile free Launch
- Java 11 - Standard HttpClient
- Java 11 - Environment Setup
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Java 11 - String APIs
Java 11 - String API
Java 11 introduced multiple enhancements to String.
String.repeat(int) − Repeats a string given number of times. Returns the concatenated string.
String.isBlank() − Checks if a string is empty or have white spaces only.
String.strip() − Removes the leading and traipng whitespaces.
String.stripLeading() − Removes the leading whitespaces.
String.stripTraipng() − Removes the traipng whitespaces.
String.pnes() − Return the stream of pnes of multi-pne string.
Consider the following example −
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; pubpc class APITester { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { String sample = " abc "; System.out.println(sample.repeat(2)); // " abc abc " System.out.println(sample.isBlank()); // false System.out.println("".isBlank()); // true System.out.println(" ".isBlank()); // true System.out.println(sample.strip()); // "abc" System.out.println(sample.stripLeading()); // "abc " System.out.println(sample.stripTraipng()); // " abc" sample = "This is a multipne text."; List<String> pnes = new ArrayList<>(); sample.pnes().forEach(pne -> pnes.add(pne)); pnes.forEach(pne -> System.out.println(pne)); } }
abc abc false true true abc abc abc This is a multipne text.Advertisements