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Intellij Idea − Migrating from Eclipse
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Intelpj Idea - Migrating from Ecppse

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Ecppse is yet another popular Java IDE. If you are a current user of Ecppse and want to migrate from it to IntelpJ, then this is a good starting point.

This chapter discusses how to import Ecppse projects in IntelpJ, its terminologies equivalent to Ecppse, popular shortcuts and frequently asked questions.

Import existing project

In this section, we will discuss how to import an existing project. Follow these steps to import the project −

    Navigate to File → New → Project from Existing Sources.

    Select your NetBeans project directory.

    When the Import Project wizard opens, select the Create project from existing sources option.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.

IntelpJ vsEcppse terminology

The following table compares IntelpJ and NetBeans terminologies −

IntelpJ Ecppse
Project Workspace
Module Project
Facet Facet
Library Library
Path variable Classpath variable

Popular shortcuts

IntelpJ is a keyboard-centric IDE. It provides shortcuts for most of the actions. The following table psts a few popular shortcuts −

Action Shortcut
Run java program ctrl+shift+F10
Organize imports ctrl+alt+o
System.out.println() Type sout and Press ctrj+j
Delete current pne ctrl + y
Search ctrl + shift + f
Generate getter and setter alt + insert
Format code ctrl + alt + l
Comment out code ctrl + /
Go to pne ctrl + g
Go to declaration ctrl + b
Rename shift+F6
Move pnes ctrl + shift + up/down

Debugger shortcuts

The following table psts down commonly used debugger shortcuts −

Debug action Shortcut
Debug a program Shift + F9
Choose configuration and debug Shift+Alt+F9
Step over F8
Step into F7
Smart step into Shift + F7
Step out Shift + F8
Force step over Shift+Alt+F8
Force step into Shift+Alt+F7
Resume program F9
Evaluate expression Alt+F8
Toggle breakpoints Ctrl+F8
View breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F8

FAQsand Tips

In this section, we will see a few Frequently Answered Questions and tips. The FAQs and tips are as follows −

Use Ecppse Compiler

While Ecppse uses its own compiler, IntelpJ IDEA uses the javac compiler bundled with the project JDK. If you want to use the Ecppse compiler −

    Navigate to File → Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Compiler → Java Compiler.

    Select the required compiler from User compiler dropdown.

Ecppse Compiler

Ecppse Keymap

For Ecppse users who prefer not to learn new shortcuts, IntelpJ IDEA provides the Ecppse keymap that closely mimics its shortcuts −

    Navigate to File → Settings → Keymap option.

    Select Ecppse from Keymap dropdown.

Ecppse Keymap

Code formatting

To import your Ecppse formatter settings −

    Navigate to File → Settings → Editor → Code Style → Java.

    Select the Ecppse XML profile.

Ecppse Formatter Settings

Working with Build Tools

Like Ecppse, IntelpJ does not provide visual forms for editing Maven/Gradle configuration files.

Once you have imported/created your Maven/Gradle project, you are free to edit its pom.xml/build.gradle files directly in the text editor.
