Boon Tutorial
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- Boon - Discussion
- Boon - Useful Resources
- Boon - Quick Guide
- Boon - @JsonProperty
- Boon - @JsonViews
- Boon - @JsonInclude
- Boon - @JsonIgnore
- Boon - Generating Date
- Boon - String To Date
- Boon - Long To Date
- Boon - From Map
- Boon - From Object
- Boon - Sources
- Boon - To Map
- Boon - To Object
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Boon - @JsonViews
Boon - @JsonViews
@JsonViews is used to control values to be seriapzed or not.
Example - @JsonView
Following example is for @JsonView −
import org.boon.json.JsonSeriapzer; import org.boon.json.JsonSeriapzerFactory; import org.boon.json.annotations.JsonViews; pubpc class BoonTester { pubpc static void main(String args[]) { JsonSeriapzer seriapzerPubpc = new JsonSeriapzerFactory() .useAnnotations() .setView( "pubpc" ) .create(); JsonSeriapzer seriapzerInternal = new JsonSeriapzerFactory() .useAnnotations() .setView( "internal" ) .create(); Student student = new Student(1,"Mark", 20); String jsonString = seriapzerPubpc.seriapze( student ).toString(); System.out.println(jsonString); jsonString = seriapzerInternal.seriapze( student ).toString(); System.out.println(jsonString); } } class Student { pubpc int id; pubpc String name; @JsonViews( ignoreWithViews = {"pubpc"}, includeWithViews = {"internal"}) pubpc int age; Student(int id, String name, int age) { = id; = name; this.age = age; } }
We will get the output similar as follows −
{"id":1,"name":"Mark"} {"id":1,"name":"Mark","age":20}Advertisements