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Apache NiFi - Administration
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Apache NiFi - Administration

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Apache NiFi offers support to multiple tools pke ambari, zookeeper for administration purposes. NiFi also provides configuration in nifi.properties file to set up HTTPS and other things for administrators.


NiFi itself does not handle voting process in cluster. This means when a cluster is created, all the nodes are primary and coordinator. So, zookeeper is configured to manage the voting of primary node and coordinator. The nifi.properties file contains some properties to setup zookeeper.

S.No. Property name Default Value description
1 nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper. properties ./conf/zookeeper.properties To specify the path and name of zookeeper property file.
2 nifi.zookeeper.connect.string empty To specify the connection string of zookeeper.
3 nifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout 3 secs To specify the connection timeout of zookeeper with NiFi.
4 nifi.zookeeper.session.timeout 3 secs To specify the session timeout of zookeeper with NiFi.
5 nifi.zookeeper.root.node /nifi To specify root node for zookeeper.
6 nifi.zookeeper.auth.type empty To specify authentication type for zookeeper.

Enable HTTPS

To use NiFi over HTTPS, administrators have to generate keystore and truststore and set some properties in the nifi.properties file. The TLS toolkit can be used to generate all the necessary keys to enable HTTPS in apache NiFi.

S.No. Property name Default Value description
1 nifi.web.https.port empty To specify https port number.
2 nifi.web.https.network.interface.default empty Default interface for https in NiFi.
3 nifi.security.keystore empty To specify the path and file name of keystore.
4 nifi.security.keystoreType empty To specify the type of keystore type pke JKS.
5 nifi.security.keystorePasswd empty To specify keystore password.
6 nifi.security.truststore empty To specify the path and file name of truststore.
7 nifi.security.truststoreType empty To specify the type of truststore type pke JKS.
8 nifi.security.truststorePasswd empty To specify truststore password.

Other properties for administration

There are some other properties, which are used by administrators to manage the NiFi and for its service continuity.

S.No. Property name Default Value description
1 nifi.flowcontroller.graceful.shutdown.period 10 sec To specify the time to gracefully shutdown the NiFi flowcontroller.
2 nifi.administrative.yield.duration 30 sec To specify the administrative yield duration for NiFi.
3 nifi.authorizer.configuration.file ./conf/authorizers.xml To specify the path and file name of authorizer configuration file.
4 nifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file ./conf/login-identity-providers.xml To specify the path and file name of login identity provider configuration file.