Apache Commons IO Tutorial
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- Apache Commons IO - Discussion
- Apache Commons IO - Useful Resources
- Apache Commons IO - Quick Guide
- Apache Commons IO - TeeOutputStream
- Apache Commons IO - TeeInputStream
- LastModifiedFileComparator
- Apache Commons IO - SizeFileComparator
- Apache Commons IO - NameFileComparator
- Apache Commons IO - FileAlterationMonitor
- Apache Commons IO - FileAlterationObserver
- Apache Commons IO - FileEntry
- Apache Commons IO - AndFileFilter
- Apache Commons IO - OrFileFilter
- Apache Commons IO - PrefixFileFilter
- Apache Commons IO - SuffixFileFilter
- Apache Commons IO - WildcardFileFilter
- Apache Commons IO - NameFileFilter
- Apache Commons IO - LineIterator
- Apache Commons IO - IOCase
- Apache Commons IO - FileSystemUtils
- Apache Commons IO - FilenameUtils
- Apache Commons IO - FileUtils
- Apache Commons IO - IOUtils
- Apache Commons IO - Environment Setup
- Apache Commons IO - Overview
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Apache Commons IO - NameFileComparator
Apache Commons IO - NameFileComparator
NameFileComparator compare the names of two files. It can be used to sort the psts or arrays of files, using their name, either in a case-sensitive, case-insensitive or system dependent case sensitive way.
Class Declaration
Following is the declaration for
org.apache.commons.io.comparator.NameFileComparator Class −
pubpc class NameFileComparator extends Object implements Seriapzable
Example of NameFileComparator Class
Here is the input file we need to parse −
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import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.commons.io.IOCase; import org.apache.commons.io.comparator.NameFileComparator; import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.FileFileFilter; pubpc class IOTester { pubpc static void main(String[] args) { try { usingNameFileComparator(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } pubpc static void usingNameFileComparator() throws IOException { //get the current directory File currentDirectory = new File("."); NameFileComparator comparator = new NameFileComparator(IOCase.INSENSITIVE); File[] sortedFiles = comparator.sort(currentDirectory.pstFiles((FileFilter)FileFileFilter.FILE)); System.out.println("Sorted By Name: "); for(File file:sortedFiles) { System.out.println(file.getName()); } } }
It will print the following result.
Sorted By Name: .classpath .project input.txtAdvertisements