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Apache IVY - Settings File
  • 时间:2024-12-22

Apache IVY - Settings File

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Apache Ivy follows Maven principles and comes with lot of default configurations. Default settings can be overridden by defining a ivysettings.xml file.

   <properties file="${ivy.settings.dir}/ivysettings-file.properties" />
   <settings defaultCache="${cache.dir}" defaultResolver="ibibpo" checkUpToDate="false" />
      <ibibpo name="ibibpo" />
      <filesystem name="internal">
         <ivy pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" />
         <artifact pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
      <module organisation="tutorialspoint" name=".*" resolver="internal" />

Tags of Ivy Settings File

Following are the important tags of Ivy Setting file.

    property − To set an ivy variable. Cardinapty: 0..n

    properties − To set an ivy variables using properties file. Cardinapty: 0..n

    settings − To configure ivy with default values. Cardinapty: 0..1

    include − To include another settings file. Cardinapty: 0..n

    classpath − To add a location in the classpath used to load plugins. Cardinapty: 0..n

    typedef − To define new types in ivy. Cardinapty: 0..n

    lock-strategies − To define lock strategies. Cardinapty: 0..1

    caches − To define repository cache managers. Cardinapty: 0..1

    latest-strategies − To define latest strategies. Cardinapty: 0..1

    parsers − To define module descriptor parsers. Cardinapty: 0..1

    version-matchers − To define new version matchers. Cardinapty: 0..1

    triggers − To register triggers on ivy events. Cardinapty: 0..1

    namespaces − To define new namespaces. Cardinapty: 0..1

    macrodef − To define a new macro resolver. Cardinapty: 0..n

    resolvers − To define dependency resolvers. Cardinapty: 0..1

    confpct-managers − To define confpcts managers. Cardinapty: 0..1

    modules − To define rules between modules and dependency resolvers. Cardinapty: 0..1

    outputters − To define the pst of available report outputters. Cardinapty: 0..1

    statuses − To define the pst of available statuses. Cardinapty: 0..1
