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ANT - Listeners and Loggers
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Ant - Listeners & Loggers

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Ant allows the build process to be monitored using psteners and loggers.


Ant provides following events to be captured using psteners.

    build started

    build finished

    target started

    target finished

    task started

    task finished

    message logged

Custom psteners can be registered on command pne using -pstener argument.


Loggers extends psteners capabipties and add the following features

    Can log information to console or file using -logfile argument

    Can log using logging levels pke -quiet, -verbose, -debug

    Are emacs-mode aware

Built-in Listeners/loggers

    org.apache.tools.ant.DefaultLogger − The logger used imppcitly unless overridden with the -logger command-pne switch.

    org.apache.tools.ant.NoBannerLogger − This logger omits output of empty target output.

    org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.MailLogger − Extends DefaultLogger such that output is still generated the same, and when the build is finished an e-mail can be sent.

    org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.AnsiColorLogger − Colorifies the build output.

    org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.Log4jListener − Passes events to Apache Log4j for highly customizable logging.

    org.apache.tools.ant.XmlLogger − Writes the build information to an XML file.

    org.apache.tools.ant.TimestampedLogger − Prints the time that a build finished

    org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.BigProjectLogger − Prints the project name every target

    org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.SimpleBigProjectLogger − Prints the project name for subprojects only, otherwise pke NoBannerLogger Since Ant 1.8.1

    org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.ProfileLogger − The default logger, with start times, end times and durations added for each task and target.


Create build.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="sample" basedir="." default="copy">
   <target name="copy">
     <echo>File Copied</echo>


Running Ant on the above build file produces the following output −

F:	utorialspointant>ant -logger org.apache.tools.ant.pstener.TimestampedLogger
Buildfile: F:	utorialspointantuild.xml

   [echo] File Copied

BUILD SUCCESSFUL - at 03/12/21, 11:24 AM
Total time: 0 seconds

F:	utorialspointant>ant -logger org.apache.tools.ant.XmlLogger -verbose -logfile build_log.xml
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.12 compiled on October 13 2021
Trying the default build file: build.xml
Buildfile: F:	utorialspointantuild.xml

Now you can check build_log.xml file is created with relevant logs.
