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Introduction to Converting a Decimal to a Percentage
  • 时间:2024-10-18

Introduction to Converting a Decimal to a Percentage

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As per the definition of a percentage, the percentage of a number x, x% = $frac{x}{100}$

To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100 and then add a percent sign.

Rules to convert a decimal to a percentage

    First, we write the decimal.

    For example, 0.43

    Then shift the decimal point two places to the right.

    For example, 43.0

    Then we add the percentage sign.

    For example, 43.0% So, 0.43 = 43.0% = 43%


By definition of a per cent, for any decimal number x, x = 100x%

For example: 0.57 = 100(0.57)% = 57.00% = 57%

Convert the following decimal to percent



Step 1:

To convert a decimal to a percentage we multiply it by 100. It is same as shifting the decimal 2 places to the right and adding a percent sign.

Step 2:

So, 0.78 × 100 = 78.00% = 78%

Convert the following decimal to percent



Step 1:

To convert a decimal to a percentage we multiply it by 100. It is same as shifting the decimal 2 places to the right and adding a percent sign.

Step 2:

So, 0.09 = 09.0% = 9%

Convert the following decimal to percent



Step 1:

To convert a decimal to a percentage we multiply it by 100. It is same as shifting the decimal 2 places to the right and adding a percent sign.

Step 2:

So, 6.21 = 621.0% = 621%
