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DB2 - Roles
A role is a database object that groups multiple privileges that can be assigned to users, groups, PUBLIC or other roles by using GRANT statement.
Restrictions on roles
A role cannot own database objects.
Permissions and roles granted to groups are not considered when you create the following database objects.
Package Containing static SQL
Materiapzed Query Tables (MQT)
SQL Routines
Creating and granting membership in roles
Syntax: [To create a new role]
db2 create role <role_name>
Example: [To create a new role named ‘sales’ to add some table to be managed by some user or group]
db2 create role sales
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Granting role from DBADM to a particular table
Syntax: [To grant permission of a role to a table]
db2 grant select on table <table_name> to role <role_name>
Example: [To add permission to manage a table ‘shope.books’ to role ‘sales’]
db2 grant select on table shope.books to role sales
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Security administrator grants role to the required users. (Before you use this command, you need to create the users.)
Syntax: [To add users to a role]
db2 grant role <role_name> to user <username>
Example: [To add a user ‘mastanvap’ to a role ‘sales’]
db2 grant sales to user mastanvap
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Role hierarchies
For creating a hierarchies for roles, each role is granted permissions/ membership with another role.
Syntax: [before this syntax create a new role with name of “production”]
db2 grant role <roll_name> to role <role_name>
Example: [To provide permission of a role ‘sales’ to another role ‘production’]
db2 grant sales to role productionAdvertisements