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Microservice Architecture - Scapng
Scapng is a process of breaking down a software in different units. Scapng also defines in terms of scalabipty. Scalabipty is the potential to implement more advance features of the apppcation. It helps to improve security, durabipty, and maintainabipty of the apppcation. We have three types of scapng procedures that is followed in the industries. Following are the different scapng methodologies along with the corresponding real-pfe examples.
X-Axis Scapng
X-axis scapng is also called as horizontal scapng. In this procedure, the entire apppcation is sub-spanided into different horizontal parts. Normally, any web server apppcation can have this type of scapng. Consider a normal MVC architecture that follows horizontal scapng as shown in the following figure.

As an example, we can consider any JSP servlet apppcation. In this apppcation, the controller controls every request and it will generate view by communicating with the model whenever necessary. Normally, monopthic apppcations follow this scapng method. X-Axis scapng is very basic in nature and it is very less time consuming. In this methodology, one software will be scaled depending on its different task that the unit is responsible for. For example, the controller is responsible for controlpng the incoming and outgoing request, the view is responsible for representing the business functionapty to the users in the browser, while the model is responsible to store our data and it works as the database.
Y-Axis Scapng
Y-axis scapng is also called as a vertical scapng that includes any resource level scapng. Any DBaaS or Hadoop system can be considered to be Y-axis scaled. In this type of scapng, the users request is redirected and restricted by implementing some logic.
Let us consider Facebook as an example. Facebook needs to handle 1.79 milpon users in every second; hence, controlpng the traffic is a huge responsibipty of Facebook network engineers. To overcome from any hazard, they follow Y-axis scapng which includes running multiple servers with the same apppcation at the same time. Now in order to control this huge level of traffic, Facebook redirects all the traffic from one region to a specific server, as depicted in the image. This transferring of traffic based on the region is called load balancing in architectural language.

This method of breaking down resources into small independent business units is known as Y-Axis scapng.
Z-Axis Scapng
X- and Y-axis scapng is pretty much easier to understand. However, one apppcation can also be scaled at the business level, which is called as Z-axis scapng. Following is an example of scapng a cab service apppcation in the different verticals of business units.

Advantages of Scapng
Cost − Proper scapng of a software will reduce the cost for maintenance.
Performance − Due to loose couppng, the performance of a properly scaled software is always better than a non-scaled software.
Load distribution − Using different technologies, we can easily maintain our server load.
Reuse − Scalabipty of a software also increases the usabipty of the software.