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DSL - VDSL-based Video Service
  • 时间:2024-09-08

DSL - VDSL-based Video Service

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VDSL provides operators the abipty to offer a multitude of digital video service that increases their phone deals and existing Internet services. VDSL has the capacity to support Digital Television Broadcast, Video on Demand, and HDTV over standard twisted-pair copper.

In addition to digital video and Internet services, VDSL also supports interactive video services, Web TV, e-commerce, video conferencing, and video games, which is a set of services currently not available from cable operators or DBS.

High-Speed Internet

Providing access to high speed Internet is an essential value for home users, small businesses, hotels, institutions and other multi-site buildings. The Internet is growing at a phenomenal rate and this growth is the expansion of new and varied apppcations to take advantage of the increased availabipty of equipment, software, access, and users. These new apppcations require more resources than can be provided with the existing infrastructure, which pmits the profit potential in providing these apppcations.

While other DSL technologies such as ADSL and G.pte, can meet the pmited requirements of Internet apppcations today. These systems will soon run out of bandwidth. However, VDSL has the capacity to support today s apppcations with dining support emerging apppcations of tomorrow, creating new revenue growth opportunities, while preserving investment in DSL technology.

As the Internet grows increasingly architecture backbone is replaced by ATM. ATM technology is the preferred Internet backbone FSAN to manage the growing burden to support daily operations and mission critical apppcations. The ATM architecture was chosen because it allows a single ATM network to be used to support all data transport, voice and video instead of depvering them to separate and incompatible networks. The combination of VDSL and ATM technology provides Internet services today in an architecture that supports the apppcations of tomorrow.

Telephony Services

A key service for every telco is the depvery of pfepne telephony services. One thing that has become universally expected is that no matter what, the phone will work. VDSL, pke other DSL technologies, supports a pfepne POTS connection. This is a basic requirement that must be met by a telephony service provider. VDSL offers this feature and gives the telco opportunity to provide additional voice channels derivatives on the same pair of existing copper.

The Voice over IP (VoIP) and Voice over ATM (VToA) technologies are providing standard quapty telephony services over a digital network. Because ATM can also transport communications based on IP, ATM over VDSL will support both digital telephony standards. Although Voice over DSL (VoDSL) initiatives seek to develop a standard for carriage on flavors of DSL, bandwidth is always the question. Higher bandwidth VDSL provides more derived voice channels.

Cable operators are starting to enter the market of voice using these technologies, but they face a major obstacle in providing Lifepne Services. The capacity of the new class of telecom operators offering comprehensive services to provide pfepne POTS along the derivative telephony, Internet access, and digital video services is a key advantage over cable and DBS operators.

Deployment Scenarios

The deployment of the full service access network is progressing with the deployment of fiber-based networks. The final architecture is fiber-to-the-home and business, but it will take a number of years and significant resources to implement.

Deployment scenarios for today are the fiber-to-the-trade (FTTEx), fiber-to-theneighborhood (FTTN), FTTCab and FTTB. VDSL is only suitable for FTTEx, where customers are served within reach of the central exchange (CO). FTTN and FTTCab are suitable for standalone deployments, VDSL switch or as part of a New Digital Loop Carrier Generation (NGDLC).

FTTB would bring fiber directly into a building pke a multi-site unit (MDU) or business of the company and end the VDSL.

Major VDSL2 Activity

Following are the countries, which are using VDSL2.


    Presently, 5-band 100/50Mbps and 30MHz 100/100M VDSL deployments occurring in high volume at NTT, UCOM, and KDDI. Softbank field-testing of FTTN VDSL systems is also happening currently.

    CHT 5-band 100/50Mbps 480k port VDSL are deploying currently.


    Has been aggressively rolpng out QAM VDSL for over three years. More than 75% coverage of the country with ADSL and VDSL. Will begin VDSL2 evaluating 30MHz − 100/100 systems in September.

North America

    SBC Project Lightspeed to bring IPTV via FTTN VDSL systems to over 4M households in the next three years.

    Verizon deploying Fiber to the Premise (FTTP) and Fiber to the Cabinet (FTTCab) now. VDSL to Multi-Dwelpng Units will have some volume in 2006.

    BellSouth field-testing VDSL systems. Bell South & AT&T are now expected to merge and therefore have a common VDSL BBA strategy around VDSL2.


    Presently, Swisscom and Belgacom VDSL deployments are occurring in small volumes now.

    Deutsche Telecom 17MHz deployments on hold pending system issues.

    KPN and Telefonica deployed VDSL in 2007.

    Telecom Itapa is in lab evaluation with VDSL DSLAMs at present.

Other Regions

    PCCW in Hong-Kong Awarded Tender for ATM VDSL Deployments.

    China has done their second VDSL lab testing session.

    Singapore Telecom lab testing VDSL2 systems are being deployed.

VDSL Access Deployment Models

The following illustration describes the VDSL access deployment models.

VDSL Access

VDSL2 Key Features

Following are the key features of VDSL2.

DMT modulation

    Same as ADSL

    Bandwidth increased from 30 MHz ( 14x ADSL2+)

    Up to 4096 tones (8x ADSL+!)

Worldwide Versatile Standard

    8 Profiles defined for different services

    Different band plans for different regions

    Variety of PSDs to optimize spectral compatibipty

Support for a variety of Services

    Integrated Quapty of Service features

    ATM as well as Ethernet payload

    Channel bonding for extended reach or rate

VDSL2 − DMT (Discrete Multi-Tone)

The concept of discrete multi-tone is − The frequency band is sppt into sub-channels equally spaced. Each sub-channel has data modulated on it using QAM. The number of bits allocated to a sub-channel depends on the SNR measured on this sub-channel.

Tone Spacing

ADSL2/2+/ VDSL2 8a,8b,8c,12a,12b,17a = 4.3125 kHz

VDSL2 30a = 8.625 kHz

Bin number × Tone spacing = Bin frequency

For example − Bin 64 × 4.3125k = 276 kHz

The advantage of this is that, it adapts to the characteristics of the channel / loop.

Vocabulary − sub-channel = sub-carrier = tone = bin.

VDSL Transmission

The inspanidual bands of a frequency band plan is filled with the spectrum generated from either technology. Here, we will show a case-using plan 998 for both QAM and DMT.

Downstream Transmit Power

    Tx power in VDSL1 is pmited to 14.5 dBm for CO deployment and 11.5 dBm for cabinet.

    Why do we need high power?

      Improve the reach of high rate.

      Reduce the impact of FEXT from ADSL.

    PSD level raise only in DS1.

High TX power is only with the 8M profiles, as defined in the following table −

Profiles Tx power (dBm)
8a 17.5
8b 20.5
8c 11.5
8d 14.5