- Spread Spectrum Modulation
- Error Control Coding
- Channel Coding Theorem
- Source Coding Theorem
- Information Theory
- M-ary Encoding
- Differential Phase Shift Keying
- Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
- Phase Shift Keying
- Frequency Shift Keying
- Amplitude Shift Keying
- Digital Modulation Techniques
- Pulse Shaping
- Data Encoding Techniques
- Line Codes
- Techniques
- Delta Modulation
- Differential PCM
- Quantization
- Sampling
- Pulse Code Modulation
- Analog to Digital
- Digital Communication - Home
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Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes

Digital Communication Tutorial
Digital communication is the process of devices communicating information digitally. This tutorial helps the readers to get a good idea on how the signals are digitized and why digitization is needed. By the completion of this tutorial, the reader will be able to understand the conceptual details involved in digital communication.
This tutorial is prepared for beginners who are interested in the basics of digital communications and who aspire to acquire knowledge regarding digital communication systems.
A basic idea regarding the initial concepts of communication is enough to go through this tutorial. It will definitely help if you use our tutorial Signals and Systems as a reference. A basic knowledge of the terms involved in Electronics and Communications would be an added advantage.