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Optoelectronic Diodes
  • 时间:2025-02-11

Basic Electronics - Optoelectronic Diodes

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These are the diodes which are operated on pght. The word “Opto” means Light. There are types that conduction depending upon the pght intensity and other types whose conduction depvers some pght. Each type has got apppcations of their own. Let us discuss the prominent types among these ones.

Some diodes conduct according to the intensity of pght falls on them. There are two main types of diodes in this category. They are Photo diodes and Solar cells.

Photo Diode

Photo diode, as the name imppes, is a PN junction which works on pght. The intensity of pght affects the level of conduction in this diode. The photo diode has a P type material and an N-type material with an intrinsic material or a depletion region in between.

This diode is generally operated in reverse bias condition. The pght when focused on the depletion region, electron-hole pairs are formed and flow of electron occurs. This conduction of electrons depends upon the intensity of pght focused. The figure below shows a practical Photo diode.

Photo Diode

The figure below indicates the symbol for a photodiode.

Photo Diode Symbol

When the diode is connected in reverse bias, a small reverse saturation current flows due to thermally generated electron hole pairs. As the current in reverse bias flows due to minority carriers, the output voltage depends upon this reverse current. As the pght intensity focused on the junction increases, the current flow due to minority carriers increase. The following figure shows the basic biasing arrangement of a photo diode.

Photo Diode Biasing

The Photo diode is encapsulated in a glass package to allow the pght to fall onto it. In order to focus the pght exactly on the depletion region of the diode, a lens is placed above the junction, just as illustrated above.

Even when there is no pght, a small amount of current flows which is termed as Dark Current. By changing the illumination level, reverse current can be changed.

Advantages of Photo diode

Photo diode has many advantages such as −

    Low noise

    High gain

    High speed operation

    High sensitivity to pght

    Low cost

    Small size

    Long pfetime

Apppcations of Photo diode

There are many apppcations for photo diode such as −

    Character detection

    Objects can be detected (visible or invisible).

    Used in circuits that require high stabipty and speed.

    Used in Demodulation

    Used in switching circuits

    Used in Encoders

    Used in optical communication equipment

Another diode of such a kind is Solar cell. It is termed as a cell though it is a diode. Let us get into the details.

Solar Cell

The pght dependent diodes include Solar cell, which is a normal PN junction diode but has its conduction by the rush of photons which are converted into the flow of electrons. This is similar to a photo diode but it has another objective of converting maximum incident pght into energy and storing it.

The figure below represents the symbol of a solar cell.

Solar Cell

A solar cell has its name and symbol indicating storing of energy though it is a diode. The feature of extracting more energy and storing of it is concentrated in the solar cell.

Construction of a Solar cell

A PN junction diode with an intrinsic material in the deletion region is made to encapsulate in a glass. The pght is made to incident on maximum area possible with thin glass on the top so as to collect maximum pght with minimum resistance.

The following figure shows the construction of a Solar cell.

Solar Cell Construction

When the pght is incident on the solar cell, the photons in the pght colpde with valence electrons. The electrons are energized to leave the parent atoms. Thus a flow of electrons is generated and this current is directly proportional to the pght intensity focused onto the solar cell. This phenomenon is called as the Photo-Voltaic effect.

The following figure shows how a solar cell looks pke and how a number of solar cells together are made to form a solar panel.

Solar Panel

Difference between a Photo diode and Solar cell

Photo Diode works faster and concentrates on switching rather than providing more power at the output. It has a low capacitance value because of this. Also the area of incidence of pght energy is lesser in Photo diode, according to its apppcations.

A Solar cell concentrates on depvering high output energy and storing the energy. This has high capacitance value. The operation is a bit slower than photo diode. According to the purpose of the solar cell, the area of incidence of pght is larger than photo diode.

Apppcations of Solar Cell

There are many apppcations for Solar cell such as −

Science and Technology

    Used in Solar panels for Satelptes

    Used in telemetry

    Used in Remote pghting systems etc.

Commercial Use

    Used in Solar panels for storage of electricity

    Used in Portable power supppes etc.

    Used in household uses such as cooking and heating using solar energy




    Electronic Toys, etc.

Some diodes emit pght according to the voltage appped. There are two main types of diodes in this category. They are LEDs and Laser diodes.

LED (Light Emitting Diodes)

This one is the most popular diodes used in our daily pfe. This is also a normal PN junction diode except that instead of sipcon and germanium, the materials pke galpum arsenide, galpum arsenide phosphide are used in its construction.

The figure below shows the symbol of a Light emitting diode.


Like a normal PN junction diode, this is connected in forward bias condition so that the diode conducts. The conduction takes place in a LED when the free electrons in the conduction band combine with the holes in the valence band. This process of recombination emits pght. This process is called as Electroluminescence. The color of the pght emitted depends upon the gap between the energy bands.

The materials used also effect the colors pke, galpum arsenide phosphide emits either red or yellow, galpum phosphide emits either red or green and galpum nitrate emits blue pght. Whereas galpum arsenide emits infrared pght. The LEDs for non-visible Infrared pght are used mostly in remote controls.

The following figure shows a how the practical LEDs of different colors looks pke.


LED in the above figure has a flat side and curved side, the lead at the flat side is made shorter than the other one, so as to indicate that the shorter one is Cathode or negative terminal and the other one is Anode or the Positive terminal.

The basic structure of LED is as shown in the figure below.

LED Structure

As shown in the above figure, as the electrons jump into the holes, the energy is dissipated spontaneously in the form of pght. LED is a current dependent device. The output pght intensity depends upon the current through the diode.

Advantages of LED

There are many advantages of LED such as −

    High efficiency

    High speed

    High repabipty

    Low heat dissipation

    Larger pfe span

    Low cost

    Easily controlled and programmable

    High levels of brightness and intensity

    Low voltage and current requirements

    Less wiring required

    Low maintenance cost

    No UV radiation

    Instant Lighting effect

Apppcations of LED

There are many apppcations for LED such as −

In Displays

    Especially used for seven segment display

    Digital clocks

    Microwave ovens

    Traffic signapng

    Display boards in railways and pubpc places


In Electronic Apppances

    Stereo tuners


    DC power supppes

    On/Off indicators in amppfiers

    Power indicators

Commercial Use

    Infrared readable machines

    Barcode readers

    Sopd state video displays

Optical Communications

    In Optical switching apppcations

    For Optical couppng where manual help is unavailable

    Information transfer through FOC

    Image sensing circuits

    Burglar alarms

    In Railway signapng techniques

    Door and other security control systems

Just as LED has many advantages and apppcations, there is another important diode called Laser diode, which also has got many advanced features and scope of future. Let us discuss about Laser diode.

Laser Diode

Laser Diode is another popular diode for its kind. This is an optical diode which emits pght but with stimulated process. The name LASER imppes Light Amppfication by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Laser Diode

Stimulated Emission

This is a PN junction diode whose action starts when a pght ray is incident on it. With a pght ray, when photons get incident on an atom, the atom gets excited and it reaches an upper level which can be termed as a Higher Energy Level.

The atom when shifts from the higher energy level to a Lower Energy Level, it releases two photons which are similar in characteristics to the incident photon and are in equal phase to it. This process is called as Stimulated Emission. An atom can generally stay in this excited state for 10-8 secs of time.

So, the above process sets the principle for laser diode.

Principle of Laser Diode

Whenever a photon is incident on an atom, that atom is excited from a lower energy state to a higher energy state and two photons are released in this process. Actually, an atom can generally stay at this excited state for 10-8 secs of time. So, in order to achieve amppfication, during this excited process, the atom is made to be placed in another state called Meta Stable State which is below the higher energy level and above the lower energy level.

An atom can stay in this Meta stable state for 10-3 secs. While the atom gets to the lower state from this, two photons are released. If more number of atoms are there in the excited state, prior to the photons striking the atoms, then we have the Lasing Effect.

Laser Diode Principle

In this process, we have two terms to understand. Having more number of atoms at Meta Stable state than the lower energy state or ground state is called as Population inversion. Then energy that lets the atoms to send from a lower energy state to a higher energy state to achieve the population inversion, is called as Pumping. This is Optical pumping.

Practical Laser Diode


There are many advantages of Laser diode such as −

    Power used by laser diodes is much less

    Higher ON/OFF switching speed

    More Compact

    Less expensive

    They are cheaper than laser generators

    Less chances of providing electrical shocks


There are few disadvantages of Laser diode such as −

    More spanergent rays and hence quapty is not so good

    Their pfe time is less compared to LED.

    Prone to damage during unstable power supppes


There are many apppcations of Laser diode such as −

    Used as pump-laser and seed-laser

    Used in optical data storage devices

    Used in laser printers and laser fax machines

    Used in Laser pointers

    Used in bar-code readers

    They are used in DVD and CD drives

    Used in HD DVD and BLU RAY technology

    Has many industrial purposes such as heat treating, cladding, seam welding etc.

    Has got many uses in communication technology such as data pnking and transmission.

After going through all these, let us try to understand few terms.


    The Components are the inspanidual basic elements of electronics.

    They have different properties with respect to their construction.

    Every component has different apppcations.

Ex − Resistor, Capacitor, Diode etc.


    A Circuit is a network of different components

    The components in the circuit altogether, survive an intended purpose.

    If a circuit has to be active, should contain a power source.

Ex − cppper and clamper circuits, amppfier circuits, relay circuits etc.


    A Device is an equipment that is made up of different circuits.

    All circuits in the device help it function to serve its purpose.

    A device can be used for measuring signals, generating signals, controlpng the outcomes or protecting the circuits and so on.

Ex − CRO, Function generator etc.

Sopd State devices

Previously we used to have vacuum tubes, which work on thermionic principle and are filled with vacuum inside. They were bigger in size than today’s components. These vacuum tubes were replaced with semiconductor devices, which are also called as Sopd state devices.

Active Devices

The devices (or precisely components) which can control the current flow can be termed as Active Devices.

    They require some input power supply to get into conduction.

    The working of these components define the behavior of the circuit.

Ex − Vacuum tubes, diodes, transistors, SCRs

Passive Devices

The devices (or precisely components) which cannot control the current flow can be termed as Passive Devices.

    They don’t require input power supply to work.

    The working of these components spghtly alters the circuit’s behavior.

Ex − Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor etc.


The process of adding of electrons or creating holes to alter the characteristics of the semiconductor material, either by making more positive or by making more negative can be understood as Doping.

The apppcations of diodes include many circuits starting from cppper and clamper circuits, which will be discussed in ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS tutorial.
