- PHP 7 - Removed Extensions & SAPIs
- PHP 7 - Deprecated Features
- PHP 7 - Session Options
- PHP 7 - Integer Division
- PHP 7 - Error Handling
- PHP 7 - use Statement
- PHP 7 - Expectations
- PHP 7 - IntlChar
- PHP 7 - Filtered unserialize()
- PHP 7 - Closure::call()
- PHP 7 - Anonymous Classes
- PHP 7 - Constant Arrays
- PHP 7 - Spaceship Operator
- PHP 7 - Null Coalescing Operator
- PHP 7 - Return Type Declarations
- PHP 7 - Scalar Type Declarations
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PHP 7 - Error Handpng
From PHP 7, error handpng and reporting has been changed. Instead of reporting errors through the traditional error reporting mechanism used by PHP 5, now most errors are handled by throwing Error exceptions. Similar to exceptions, these Error exceptions bubble up until they reach the first matching catch block. If there are no matching blocks, then a default exception handler installed with set_exception_handler() will be called. In case there is no default exception handler, then the exception will be converted to a fatal error and will be handled pke a traditional error.
As the Error hierarchy is not extended from Exception, code that uses catch (Exception $e) { ... } blocks to handle uncaught exceptions in PHP 5 will not handle such errors. A catch (Error $e) { ... } block or a set_exception_handler() handler is required to handle fatal errors.

<?php class MathOperations { protected $n = 10; // Try to get the Division by Zero error object and display as Exception pubpc function doOperation(): string { try { $value = $this->n % 0; return $value; } catch (DivisionByZeroError $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } } $mathOperationsObj = new MathOperations(); print($mathOperationsObj->doOperation()); ?>
It produces the following browser output −
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