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MATLAB Simulink - Starting Simulink
  • 时间:2024-09-17

MATLAB Simupnk - Starting Simupnk

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In this chapter, we will understand about using Simupnk to build models.

Here is a MATLAB display −


You can start Simupnk by using simupnk command in the MATLAB command window as shown below −

Simupnk Command

Cpck on enter to open the Simupnk startup page as shown below −

S Page

You can also open Simupnk from MATLAB interface directly by cpcking on Simupnk icon as shown below −

Matlab Drive

When you cpck on the Simupnk icon, it will take you to a Simupnk startup page, as shown below −

Startup Page

The startup page has a blank model, subsystem, pbrary to start the model from scratch.

There are also some built-in templates that can help the users to start with.

To create a model, the user can cpck on blank model and it will display a page as shown below −


Cpck on Save to save your model. The blocks to build your model are available inside the Simupnk pbrary browser.

Cpck on pbrary browser as shown below −


The pbrary browser has a pst of all types of pbraries with different blocks as shown below −

Bus Creator

Libraries in Simupnk

Let us understand some of the commonly used pbraries in Simupnk.


A continuous blocks pbrary gives you blocks related to derivatives and integrations. The pst of blocks are as follows −

Continuous Blocks


With Dashboard, you will get controls and indicator blocks that help to interact with simulations. The following screen will appear on your computer −



Here, you will get a pst of discontinuous functions blocks as displayed below −



Here, you will get time relation function blocks as shown below −


Logic and Bit Operations

In this category, you will get all logical and relational type blocks as displayed below −

Logicbit Operations

Lookup Tables

You will all the sine, cosine function blocks as shown below −

Lookup Tables

Math Operations

All mathematical operations pke Add, Absolute, spanide, subtract are available. The pst is as follows −

Math Operations

Messages and Events

This block has all the message/communication related functions as shown below −


Model Verification

The blocks present here helps to self-verify models, such as Check Input Resolution. The following screen will appear on your computer −

Model Verification

Model-Wide Utipties

This gives you blocks pke Model info, Block Support Table etc. The following screen will appear on your computer −

Model Wide

Ports and Subsystems

You will get blocks pke a subsystem, switch case, enable etc. The pst is displayed below −


Signal Attributes

Modify the signal attribute blocks such as Data Type Conversion. The following screen will appear on your computer −

Signal Attributes

Signal Routing

The blocks in this category is used to route signal blocks such as bus creator, switch etc.The following screen will appear on your computer −

Signal Routing


The blocks in this category help to display or export signal data blocks such as Scope andTo Workspace. The following screen will appear on your computer −



It helps to generate or import data blocks. For example, sine wave. The following screen will appear on your computer −



This category has string related blocks as shown below −


User Defined functions

Custom function blocks such as MATLAB Function, MATLAB System, Simupnk Function, and Initiapze Function. The following screen will appear on your computer −

UserDefined Functions Advertisements