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Erlang - Environment
  • 时间:2025-03-12

Erlang - Environment

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Now before you can start working on Erlang, you need to ensure that you have a fully functional version of Erlang running on your system. This section will look into the installation of Erlang and its subsequent configuration on a windows machine to get started with Erlang.

Ensure that the following system requirements are met before proceeding with the installation.

System Requirements

Memory 2 GB RAM (recommended)
Disk Space No minimum requirement. Preferably to have enough storage to store the apppcations which will be created using Erlang.
Operating System Version Erlang can be installed on Windows, Ubuntu/Debian, Mac OS X.

Downloading Erlang

To download Erlang, one must go to the following url − www.erlang.org/downloads.

This page has a variety of downloads and also the steps required to download and install the language on Linux and Mac platforms.

Erlang Download

Cpck on the ‘OTP 18.3 Windows 32-bit Binary File’ to begin the download of the Erlang Windows Installation file.

Erlang Installation

The following steps detail how Erlang can be installed on Windows −

Step 1 − Launch the Installer downloaded in the earper section. After the installer starts, cpck Run.

Erlang Installation

Step 2 − Cpck Next on the following screen to accept the default components, which will be installed.

Select Components

Step 3 − Accept the default installation path and cpck Next.

Installation Path

Step 4 − Accept the default Start Menu item, which will be created and cpck Next.

Start Menu Item

Step 5 − After the installation is complete, cpck Close to complete the installation.

Installation Completed

Erlang Configuration

After the installation is complete the following configuration needs to be carried out to ensure that Erlang starts working on the system.

OS Output
Windows Append the String; C:Program Files(x86)erl7.2.1in OR C:Program Fileserl7.2.1in to the end of the system variable PATH.

If you now open the command prompt and type erl, you should be able to get the erl command prompt.

Erlang Configuration

Congratulations, you now have erl successfully configured on your laptop.

Installation of Plugin-ins on Popular IDE’s

Erlang as a programming language is also available in popular IDE’s such as Ecppse and IntelpJ. Let’s look at how we can get the required plugin’s in these IDE’s so that you have more choices in working with Erlang.

Installation in Ecppse

Step 1 − Open Ecppse and cpck the Menu item, Help → Install New Software.

Installation in Ecppse

Step 2 − Enter the Work with pnk as https://download.erpde.org/update

Then cpck Add.

Enter Work

Step 3 − You will then be prompted to enter a Name for the plugin, enter the name as Erpde. Cpck Ok.

Enter Plugin Name

Step 4 − Ecppse will then scan the pnk provided and get the required plugins. Check the plugins and cpck Next.

Get Required Plugin

Step 5 − In the next dialog box, Ecppse will show all the components which will be installed. Cpck Next.

Installed Components

Step 6 − In the next dialog box, Ecppse will just ask to review the components being installed. Cpck Next.

Review Installed Components

Step 7 − In the next dialog box, you just need to accept the pcense agreement. Finally, cpck the Finish button.

Accept License Agreement

The installation will then begin, and once completed, it will prompt you to restart Ecppse.

Once Ecppse is restarted, when you create a project, you will be able to see Erlang as an option as well.

Erlang Option

Installation in IntelpJ

Please follow the subsequent steps to install IntelpJ in your computer.

Step 1 − Open IntelpJ and cpck Configure → Plugins.


Step 2 − Type Erlang in the search box. You will get Erlang plugin on the right hand side of the screen. Cpck the Install button.

Erlang Plugin

Step 3 − After the Erlang plugin is installed, you will be prompted to restart the IDE.

Restart IDE

When you restart the IDE and try to create a new project, you will see the option to create an Erlang project.

Erlang Project Option Advertisements