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- ELM - Messages
- ELM - Package Manager
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- ELM - Error Handling
- ELM - Records
- ELM - Tuples
- ELM - List
- ELM - String
- ELM - Functions
- ELM - Loop
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- ELM - Operators
- ELM - Variables
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Elm - Messages
Message is a component in the Elm architecture. These components are generated by the View in response to the user s interaction with the apppcation s interface. Messages represent user requests to alter the apppcation s state.
--Message Syntax
type Message = some_message1 |some_message2 ...|some_messageN
The following example is a simple counter apppcation. The apppcation increments and decrements the value of a variable by 1 when the user cpcks on the Add and Subtract buttons respectively.
The apppcation will have 4 components. The components are described below −
The messages for this example will be −
type Message = Add | Subtract
The model represents the state of the apppcation. In the counter apppcation the model definition is given below; the initial state of counter will be zero.
model = 0
The view represents the visual elements of the apppcation. The view contains two buttons ( + ) and ( - ) . The messages Add and Subtract are generated by the View when the user cpcks on the + and - buttons respectively. The modified value of the model is then displayed by the View.
view model = -- invoke text function h1[] [ span[] [text "CounterApp from TutorialsPoint" ] ,button[onCpck Subtract] [text "-"] ,span[][text (toString model)] ,button[onCpck Add] [text "+"] ]
This component contains code that should be executed for each message generated by the view. This is shown in the example below −
update msg model = case msg of Add -> model+1 Subtract -> model-1
Putting it all together
Step 1 − Create a folder MessagesApp and file MessagesDemo.elm
Step 2 − Add the following code in elm file −
import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing(onCpck) model = 0 -- Defining the Model --Defining the View view model = h1[] [ span[] [text "CounterApp from TutorialsPoint" ] ,button[onCpck Subtract] [text "-"] ,span[][text (toString model)] ,button[onCpck Add] [text "+"] ] --Defining the Messages type Message = Add | Subtract --Defining Update update msg model = case msg of Add -> model+1 Subtract -> model-1 -- Define the main method main = beginnerProgram { model=model ,view=view ,update=update }
Step 3 − Execute the elm make command in terminal. The elm make command compiles the code and generates an HTML file from the .elm file created above.
C:UsersdellelmMessagesApp> elm make .MessageDemo.elm Some new packages are needed. Here is the upgrade plan. Install: elm-lang/core 5.1.1 elm-lang/html 2.0.0 elm-lang/virtual-dom 2.0.4 Do you approve of this plan? [Y/n] y Starting downloads... ΓùÅ elm-lang/html 2.0.0 ΓùÅ elm-lang/virtual-dom 2.0.4 ΓùÅ elm-lang/core 5.1.1 Packages configured successfully! Success! Compiled 38 modules. Successfully generated index.html
Step 4 − Open the index.html and verify the working as shown below −