- Drag Racing - Champions
- Drag Racing - Organizations
- Drag Racing - Points to Remember
- Drag Racing - Modification of Cars
- Disqualification of a Racer
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Drag Racing - Modification of Cars
During the drag racing events, the extent of the modification of the vehicle depends upon the classification of the vehicles.
![Modification of Cars](/drag_racing/images/modification_of_cars.jpg)
The above-mentioned spanisions are there to ensure if the cars are evenly matched during the race or not. All of the spanisions cannot be appped. As the drag racing vehicles are modified to make it pghter and more powerful as compared to their standard form, it make them special.
A pghter vehicle is that whose power to weight ratio is more which helps to gain maximum acceleration. The increase of power depends upon the modification done in the engine.
Enhancement in Cars
The car is the main component on which various strategies are made. All the performance enhancements must comply with the rules of IHRA and its restrictions based on the class of the car which is running.
Some of the common enhancements are −
Usage of spck tires which should be smooth and soft enough to grip the track.
Methods to introduce more air into the motors such as the superchargers, turbochargers, and nitrous oxide also known as N20