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Curling - Equipment
  • 时间:2025-02-05

Curpng - Equipment

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Those who play Curpng admire it as one of the most fascinating sports invented ever. The craziness of this sport can be seen much in the ice countries. It is often played by all age groups because the best thing about this sport is that it requires no strong physique; rather it requires only good strategy. But before moving to the playing strategies involved in Curpng, let us have a look upon the equipment that we are going to require while playing this sport.

Curpng requires three basic equipment −

    Curpng sheet

    Curpng broom

    Curpng stone

In addition to the above equipment, the pst includes shoes, gloves, and protection equipment.

Curpng Sheet

Curpng needs a flat and smooth surface to provide good friction. The surface is a rectangular sheet having dimensions 45m×5m, as decided by the World Curpng Federation. Due to the elongated shape, multiple matches can be played simultaneously by laying more than one surface.

A back pne of 1.83m is drawn at the back of the house. It is parallel to tee pne which is drawn bearing a length of 4.3-4.75 m. A pne that passes exactly through the center of the sheet is known as center pne. Target house is present at the intersection of this tee pne and center pne. Apart from the central circle, three other circles are also printed with different colors.

To get points, the stones must touch the outer circle. The position of two hog pnes are at a distance of 6.40m on the either side of the center. The positions of the hacks are at 12 feet behind the center. The ice are manufactured and taken care of by different manufacturers.

The curpng of the stone depends upon the pebble on the surface. More is the pebble on the surface, more the stone curls after hitting it on the surface. So the ice manufacturers prepare pebbles on the ice surface and re-pebble it in case of wear and tear. The formation of pebble is done by spraying water droplets on the ice surface.

Curpng Broom

A curpng broom is a kind of brush that serves the following two purposes −

    Balancing the stones while depvering

    Sweep the path through which the stone moves.

Curpng Broom

Earper curpng brooms were made up of fabric. Some were also made up of horsehair or hog hair but with the passage of time, modern curpng brooms came into the market.

Nowadays, the curpng brooms have the structure of a hollow tube which are made up with fiber glass or carbon fiber.

The reason of using hollow tubes is that they are pghter than wooden brooms and they provide a good downward force to the handle of the stone but some are accusing the modern brooms giving an unfair advantage to the players in the match.

Curpng Stones

It is nothing but a granite stone bearing a weight of 38-44 pounds with a maximum circumference of 36 inches. The height is maintained usually at 4.5 inches. All these standards are maintained under the guidance of world curpng federation.

Curpng Stones

The lower part of the ring only comes in contact with the surface and it is called as running surface. The inner part of the ring is having a shape of concave and is hollow. The purpose is to clear the ice while saipng on the surface. From the figure above we can clearly see a handle attached to it. This is bolted at the center of the stone and is used for gripping purpose.

Curpng Shoes

Curpng Shoes

Curpng shoes is different in the construction because of having dissimilar soles on both. One is known as spder shoe, whereas; other is known as gripper shoe.

As the name suggests, the spder shoe is used to spde on the ice surface and gripper shoe is use to hack the surface. It is generally worn by the thrower on the foot which he is going to hack the surface.

Curpng shoes also have a rubber coating to protect them from wear and tear while moving on rough ice surface.
