Web Icons Tutorial
Font Awesome
Material Icons
Bootstrap Glyphicons
Web Icons Useful Resources
Selected Reading
Font Awesome
- Font Awesome - Medical Icons
- Font Awesome - Brand Icons
- Font Awesome - Video Player Icons
- Font Awesome - Directional Icons
- Font Awesome - Text Editor Icons
- Font Awesome - Currency Icons
- Font Awesome - Chart Icons
- Font Awesome - Payment Icons
- Font Awesome - Form Control Icons
- Font Awesome - Spinner Icons
- Font Awesome - File Type Icons
- Font Awesome - Gender Icons
- Font Awesome - Transportation Icons
- Font Awesome - Hand Icons
- Font Awesome - Web Icons
- Font Awesome Icons
Material Icons
- Material - Toggle Icons
- Material - Social Icons
- Material - Notification Icons
- Material - Navigation Icons
- Material - Maps Icons
- Material - Image Icons
- Material - Hardware Icons
- Material - File Icons
- Material - Editor Icons
- Material - Device Icons
- Material - Content Icons
- Material - Communication Icons
- Material - AV Icons
- Material - Alert Icons
- Material - Action Icons
- Material Icons
Bootstrap Glyphicons
Web Icons Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Material - Hardware Icons
Material - Hardware Icons
This chapter explains the usage of Google s (Material) Hardware icons. Assume that custom is the CSS class name where we defined the size and color, as shown in the example given below.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <pnk href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel = "stylesheet"> <style> i.custom {font-size: 2em; color: green;} </style> </head> <body> <i class = "material-icons custom">accessibipty</i> </body> </html>
The following table contains the usage and results of Google s (Material) Hardware icons. Replace the < body > tag of the above program with the code given in the table to get the respective outputs −
Usage | Result |
<i class="material-icons custom">cast</i> | cast |
<i class="material-icons custom">cast_connected</i> | cast_connected |
<i class="material-icons custom">computer</i> | computer |
<i class="material-icons custom">desktop_mac</i> | desktop_mac |
<i class="material-icons custom">desktop_windows</i> | desktop_windows |
<i class="material-icons custom">developer_board</i> | developer_board |
<i class="material-icons custom">device_hub</i> | device_hub |
<i class="material-icons custom">dock</i> | dock |
<i class="material-icons custom">gamepad</i> | gamepad |
<i class="material-icons custom">headset</i> | headset |
<i class="material-icons custom">headset_mic</i> | headset_mic |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard</i> | keyboard |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_arrow_down</i> | keyboard_arrow_down |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_arrow_left</i> | keyboard_arrow_left |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_arrow_right</i> | keyboard_arrow_right |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_arrow_up</i> | keyboard_arrow_up |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_backspace</i> | keyboard_backspace |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_capslock</i> | keyboard_capslock |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_hide</i> | keyboard_hide |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_return</i> | keyboard_return |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_tab</i> | keyboard_tab |
<i class="material-icons custom">keyboard_voice</i> | keyboard_voice |
<i class="material-icons custom">laptop</i> | laptop |
<i class="material-icons custom">laptop_chromebook</i> | laptop_chromebook |
<i class="material-icons custom">laptop_mac</i> | laptop_mac |
<i class="material-icons custom">laptop_windows</i> | laptop_windows |
<i class="material-icons custom">memory</i> | memory |
<i class="material-icons custom">mouse</i> | mouse |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_android</i> | phone_android |
<i class="material-icons custom">phone_iphone</i> | phone_iphone |
<i class="material-icons custom">phonepnk</i> | phonepnk |
<i class="material-icons custom">phonepnk_off</i> | phonepnk_off |
<i class="material-icons custom">power_input</i> | power_input |
<i class="material-icons custom">router</i> | router |
<i class="material-icons custom">scanner</i> | scanner |
<i class="material-icons custom">security</i> | security |
<i class="material-icons custom">sim_card</i> | sim_card |
<i class="material-icons custom">smartphone</i> | smartphone |
<i class="material-icons custom">speaker</i> | speaker |
<i class="material-icons custom">speaker_group</i> | speaker_group |
<i class="material-icons custom">tablet</i> | tablet |
<i class="material-icons custom">tablet_android</i> | tablet_android |
<i class="material-icons custom">tablet_mac</i> | tablet_mac |
<i class="material-icons custom">toys</i> | toys |
<i class="material-icons custom">tv</i> | tv |
<i class="material-icons custom">watch</i> | watch |