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Symfony - Quick Guide
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Symfony - Quick Guide

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Symfony - Introduction

A PHP web framework is a collection of classes, which helps to develop a web apppcation. Symfony is an open-source MVC framework for rapidly developing modern web apppcations. Symfony is a full-stack web framework. It contains a set of reusable PHP components. You can use any Symfony components in apppcations, independently from the framework.

Symfony has a huge amount of functionapty and active community. It has a flexible configuration using YAML, XML, or annotations. Symfony integrates with an independent pbrary and PHP Unit. Symfony is mainly inspired by Ruby on Rails, Django, and Spring web apppcation frameworks. Symfony components are being used by a lot of open source projects that include Composer, Drupal, and phpBB.

The Symfony framework consists of several components, such as the HttpFoundation component that understands HTTP and offers a nice request and response object used by the other components. Others are merely helper components, such as the Vapdator, that helps to vapdate data. Kernel component is the heart of the system. Kernel is basically the ‘main class’ that manages the environment and has the responsibipty of handpng a http request.

Symfony’s well-organized structure, clean code, and good programming practices make web development easier. Symfony is very flexible, used to build micro-sites and handle enterprise apppcations with bilpons of connections.

Symfony Framework - Features

Symfony is designed to optimize the development of web apppcations and grows in features with every release.

Some of the sapent features of Symfony Framework is as follows −

    Model-View-Controller based system

    High-performance PHP framework

    Flexible URI routing

    Code reusable and easier to maintain

    Session management

    Error logging

    Full-featured database classes with support for several platforms

    Supports a huge and active community

    Set of decoupled and reusable components

    Standardization and interoperabipty of apppcations

    Security against cross-site request forgery and other attacks

    Twig template engine

Symfony offers a lot of flexibipty to developers. It has great features for debugging, code readabipty, and developing extensible programs.

Symfony is a full-stack web framework; it is a very effective tool for creating web apppcations. Numerous companies offer Symfony services to cpents.

Following are some of the benefits that you get by using the Symfony Framework.

    Microframework − Symfony can be used to develop a specific functionapty. You don’t need to redevelop or install the entire framework.

    Reduces development time overhead.

    Extremely mature templating engine and quickly depvers content to the users.

    Compatible and extensible − Programmers can easily extend all framework classes.

Symfony Framework - Apppcations

Symfony components can be used as a part of other apppcations such as Drupal, Laravel, phpBB, Behat, Doctrine, and Joomla.

    Drupal 8 − Drupal is an open source content management PHP framework. Drupal 8 uses core layers of Symfony and extends it to provide support for Drupal modules.

    Thepa − Thepa is a Symfony-based e-commerce solution. Initially, Thepa was written in PHP code and MySQL, however, it was lagging to produce faster apppcations. To overcome this drawback, Thepa integrated with Symfony to develop the apppcations in a customizable way.

    Dailymotion − Dailymotion is one of the world s largest independent video entertainment website based in France. Once they decided to migrate open source framework with a large community, Dailymotion developers decided to use Symfony components features for its flexibipty.

Symfony - Installation

This chapter explains how to install Symfony framework on your machine. Symfony framework installation is very simple and easy. You have two methods to create apppcations in Symfony framework. First method is using Symfony Installer, an apppcation to create a project in Symfony framework. Second method is composer-based installation. Let’s go through each of the methods one by one in detail in the following sections.

System Requirements

Before moving to installation, you require the following system requirements.

    Web server (Any one of the following)

      WAMP (Windows)

      LAMP (Linux)

      XAMP (Multi-platform)

      MAMP (Macintosh)

      Nginx (Multi-platform)

      Microsoft IIS (Windows)

      PHP built-in development web server (Multi-platform)

    Operating System: Cross-platform

    Browser Support: IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera

    PHP Compatibipty: PHP 5.4 or later. To get the maximum benefit, use the latest version.

We will use PHP built-in development web server for this tutorial.

Symfony Installer

Symfony Installer is used to create web apppcations in Symfony framework. Now, let’s configure the Symfony installer using the following command.

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin 
$ sudo curl -LsS https://symfony.com/installer -o /usr/local/bin/symfony 
$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony

Now, you have installed Symfony installer on your machine.

Create Your First Symfony Apppcation

Following syntax is used to create a Symfony apppcation in the latest version.


symfony new app_name

Here, app_name is your new apppcation name. You can specify any name you want.


symfony new HelloWorld

After executing the above command, you will see the following response.

Downloading Symfony...  

0 B/5.5 MiB ░░░░░░░░░░░  
Preparing project...  
✔  Symfony 3.2.7 was successfully installed. Now you can:  
   * Change your current directory to /Users/../workspace/firstapp  
   * Configure your apppcation in app/config/parameters.yml file.  
   * Run your apppcation: 
      1. Execute the php bin/console server:run command. 
      2. Browse to the http://localhost:8000 URL.  
   * Read the documentation at http://symfony.com/doc 

This command creates a new directory called “firstapp/“ that contains an empty project of Symfony framework latest version.

Install Specific Version

If you need to install a specific Symfony version, use the following command.

symfony new app_name 2.8 
symfony new app_name 3.1

Composer-based Installation

You can create Symfony apppcations using the Composer. Hopefully, you have installed the composer on your machine. If the composer is not installed, download and install it.

The following command is used to create a project using the composer.

$ composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition app_name

If you need to specify a specific version, you can specify in the above command.

Running the Apppcation

Move to the project directory and run the apppcation using the following command.

cd HelloWorld 
php bin/console server:run 

After executing the above command, open your browser and request the url http://localhost:8000/. It produces the following result.


Running Apppcation

Symfony - Architecture

Symfony is basically a collection of high quapty components and bundles. Components are collection of classes providing a single core functionapty. For example, Cache component provides cache functionapty, which can be added to any apppcation. Components are building blocks of a Symfony apppcation. Symfony has 30+ high quapty components, which are used in many PHP framework such as Laravel, Silex, etc.

Bundles are similar to plugin but easy to create and easy to use. Actually, a Symfony apppcation is itself a bundle composed of other bundles. A single bundle can use any number of Symfony component and also third-party components to provide features such as Webframework, database access, etc. Symfony core web-framework is a bundle called FrameworkBundle and there is a bundle called FrameworkExtraBundle, which provides more sophisticated options to write a web apppcation.

The relationship between the Components, Bundles, and Symfony apppcation is specified in the following diagram.


Web Framework

Symfony is mainly designed to write high-quapty web apppcation with relative ease. It provides various options to write different types of web apppcation from simple web site to advanced REST based web services. Symfony provides web framework as separate bundles. The common bundles used in Symfony web framework are as follows −




Symfony web framework is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Model represents the structure of our business entities. View shows the models to the user in the best possible way depending on the situation. Controller handles all the request from the user, does the actual work by interacting with Model and finally provides the View with the necessary data to show it to the user.

Symfony web framework provides all the high-level features required for an enterprisegrade apppcation. Following is a simple workflow of Symfony web apppcation.

Web Apppcation

The workflow consists of the following steps.

Step 1 − The user sends a request to the apppcation through the browser, say http://www.symfonyexample.com/index.

Step 2 − The browser will send a request to the web server, say Apache web server.

Step 3 − The web server will forward the request to the underlying PHP, which in turn sends it to Symfony web framework.

Step 4 − HttpKernel is the core component of the Symfony web framework. HttpKernel resolves the controller of the given request using Routing component and forward the request to the target controller.

Step 5 − All the business logic takes place in the target controller.

Step 6 − The controller will interact with Model, which in turn interacts with Datasource through Doctrine ORM.

Step 7 − Once the controller completes the process, it either generates the response itself or through View Engine, and sends it back to the web server.

Step 8 − Finally, the response will be sent to the requested browser by the web server.

Symfony - Components

As discussed earper, Symfony components are standalone PHP pbrary providing a specific feature, which can be used in any PHP apppcation. Useful new components are being introduced in each and every release of Symfony. Currently, there are 30+ high quapty components in Symfony framework. Let us learn about the usage of Symfony components in this chapter.

Instalpng a Symfony Component

Symfony components can be installed easily using the composer command. Following generic command can be used to install any Symfony component.

cd /path/to/project/dir 
composer require symfony/<component_name> 

Let us create a simple php apppcation and try to install Filesystem component.

Step 1 − Create a folder for the apppcation, filesystem-example

cd /path/to/dev/folder 
mdkir filesystem-example 
cd filesystem-example 

Step 2 − Install Filesystem component using the following command.

composer require symfony/filesystem  

Step 3 − Create a file main.php and enter the following code.

   require_once __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ; 
   use SymfonyComponentFilesystemFilesystem; 
   use SymfonyComponentFilesystemExceptionIOExceptionInterface; 
   $fs = new Filesystem(); 
   try { 
      $fs->mkdir( ./sample-dir ); 
      $fs->touch( ./sample-dir/text.txt ); 
   } catch (IOExceptionInterface $e) { 
      echo $e; 

The first pne is very important, which loads all the necessary classes from all the components installed using the Composer command. The next pnes use the Filesystem class.

Step 4 − Run the apppcation using the following command and it will create a new folder sample-dir and a file test.txt under it.

php main.php

Details of Symfony Components

Symfony provides components ranging from simple feature, say file system to advanced feature, say events, container technology, and dependency injection. Let us know about all the components one by one in the following sections.


Filesystem component provides a basic system command related to files and directories such as file creation, folder creation, file existence, etc. Filesystem component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/filesystem


Finder component provides fluent classes to find files and directories in a specified path. It provides an easy way to iterate over the files in a path. Finder component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/finder


Console component provides various options to easily create commands, which can be executed in a terminal. Symfony uses the Command component extensively to provide various functionapties such as creating a new apppcation, creating a bundle, etc. Even the PHP build in web server can be invoked using Symfony command, php bin/console server:run as seen in the installation section. The Console component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/console

Let us create a simple apppcation and create a command, HelloCommand using the Console component and invoke it.

Step 1 − Create a project using the following command.

cd /path/to/project 
composer require symfony/console 

Step 2 − Create a file main.php and include the following code.

   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ; 
   use SymfonyComponentConsoleApppcation; 
   $app = new Apppcation(); 

Apppcation class sets up the necessary functionapty of a bare-bone console apppcation.

Step 3 − Run the apppcation, php main.php, which will produce the following result.

Console Tool  
   command [options] [arguments]  
   -h, --help            Display this help message 
   -q, --quiet           Do not output any message 
   -V, --version         Display this apppcation version 
         --ansi            Force ANSI output 
         --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output 
   -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question 
   -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 
      2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug  
Available commands: 
   help  Displays help for a command 
   pst  Lists commands

Step 4 − Create a class called HelloCommand extending Command class in the main.php itself.

use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand; 
use SymfonyComponentConsoleInputInputInterface; 
use SymfonyComponentConsoleOutputOutputInterface; 
use SymfonyComponentConsoleInputInputArgument;

class HelloCommand extends Command { 

The apppcation uses following four classes available in Command component.

    Command − Used to create a new command

    InputInterface − Used to set user inputs

    InputArgument − Used to get user inputs

    OutputInterface − Used to print output to the console

step 5 − Create a function configure() and set name, description, and help text.

protected function configure() { 
      ->setName( app:hello ) 
      ->setDescription( Sample command, hello ) 
      ->setHelp( This command is a sample command ) 

step 6 − Create an input argument, user for the command and set as mandatory.

protected function configure() { 
      ->setName( app:hello ) 
      ->setDescription( Sample command, hello ) 
      ->setHelp( This command is a sample command ) 
      ->addArgument( name , InputArgument::REQUIRED,  name of the user ); 

step 7 − Create a function execute() with two arguments InputArgument and OutputArgument.

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { 

step 8 − Use InputArgument to get the user details entered by the user and print it to the console using OutputArgument.

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { 
   $name = $input->getArgument( name ); 
   $output->writeln( Hello,   . $name); 

step 9 − Register the HelloCommand into the apppcation using the add method of Apppcation class.

$app->add(new HelloCommand()); 

The complete apppcation is as follows.

   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ; 
   use SymfonyComponentConsoleApppcation; 
   use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand; 
   use SymfonyComponentConsoleInputInputInterface; 
   use SymfonyComponentConsoleOutputOutputInterface; 
   use SymfonyComponentConsoleInputInputArgument;  
   class HelloCommand extends Command { 
      protected function configure() { 
            ->setName( app:hello ) 
            ->setDescription( Sample command, hello ) 
            ->setHelp( This command is a sample command ) 
            ->addArgument( name , InputArgument::REQUIRED,  name of the user ); 
      protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { 
         $name = $input->getArgument( name ); 
         $output->writeln( Hello,   . $name);
      $app = new Apppcation(); 
      $app->add(new HelloCommand()); 

Step 10 − Now, execute the apppcation using the following command and the result will be Hello, Jon as expected.

php main.php app:hello Jon

Symfony comes with a pre-built binary called console in the bin directory of any Symfony web apppcation, which can be used to invoke the commands in an apppcation.


Process component provides options to run any system command in a sub-process, in a safe and efficient manner. Process component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/process


ClassLoader component provides implementation for both PSR-0 and PSR-4 class loader standard. It can be used to auto-load the classes. It will be depreciated in the near future. Composer-based class loader is preferred over this component. ClassLoader component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/class-loader


PropertyAccess component provides various options to read and write an object and array details using the string notation. For example, an array Product with key price can be accessed dynamically using [price] string.

$product = array( 
    name  =>  Cake  
    price  => 10 
var priceObj = $propertyAccesserObj->getValue($product,  [price] );

PropertyAccess component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/property-access 


PropertyInfo component is similar to PropertyAccess component, however it only works with PHP objects and provides much more functionapty.

class Product { 
   private $name =  Cake ; 
   private $price = 10;  
   pubpc function getName() { 
      return $this->name; 
   pubpc function getPrice() { 
      return $this->price; 
$class = Product::class; 
$properties = $propertyInfoObj->getProperties($class);  
   Example Result 
   array(2) { 
      [0] => string(4) "name" 
      [1] => string(5) "price" 

PropertyInfo component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/property-info


EventDispatcher component provides an event-based programming in PHP. It enables the objects to communicate with each other by dispatching events and pstening to them. We will learn how to create event and psten to them in the Events and Event Listener chapter.

EventDispatcher component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/event-dispatcher


DependencyInjection component provides an easy and efficient mechanism to create an object with its dependency. When a project grows, it features a lot of classes with deep dependency, which needs to be handled correctly. Otherwise, the project fails. DependencyInjection provides a simple and robust container to handle the dependency. We will learn about the containers and the dependency injection concept in Service Container chapter.

DependencyInjection component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/dependency-injection


Seriapzer component provides an option to convert a PHP object into a specific format such as XML, JSON, Binary, etc., and then allows it to convert it back into an original object without any data loss.

Seriapzer component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/seriapzer


Config component provides options to load, parse, read, and vapdate configurations of type XML, YAML, PHP and ini. It provides various options to load configuration details from database as well. This is one of the important components useful in configuring web apppcation in a clear and concise manner. Config component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/config


ExpessionLanguage component provides a full-fledged expression engine. Expressions are one-pner intended to return a value. The expression engine enables to easily compile, parse, and get the value from an expression. It enables one or more expression to be used in a configuration environment (file) by a non-PHP programmer, say a system administrator. ExpressionLanguage component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/expression-language


OptionsResolver component provides a way to vapdate the option system used in our system. For example, database setting is placed in an array, dboption with host, username, password, etc., as keys. You need to vapdate the entries before using it to connect to a database. OptionsResolver simppfies this task by providing a simple class OptionsResolver and a method resolver, which resolves the database setting and if there is any vapdation issue, it will report it.

$options = array( 
    host      =>  <db_host> , 
    username  =>  <db_user> , 
    password  =>  <db_password> , 
$resolver = new OptionsResolver(); 
    host      =>  <default_db_host> , 
    username  =>  <default_db_user> , 
    password  =>  <default_db_password> , 
$resolved_options = $resolver->resolve($options);

OptionsResolver component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/options-resolver 


Dotenv component provides various options to parse .env files and the variable defined in them to be accessible via getenv(), $_ENV, or $_SERVER. Dotenv component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/dotenv


Cache component provides an extended PSR-6 implementation. It can be used to add cache functionapty to our web apppcation. Since it follows PSR-6, it is easy to get started and it can be easily used in place of another PSR-6 based cache component. Cache component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/cache 


Intl component is the replacement pbrary for C Intl extension. Intl component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/intl


Translation component provides various options to internationapze our apppcation. Normally, the translation details of different languages will be stored in a file, one file per language, and it will be loaded dynamically during runtime of the apppcation. There are different formats to write a translation file. Translation component provides various options to load any type of format, such as plain PHP file, CSV, ini, Json, Yaml, ICU Resource file, etc. Translation component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/translation


Workflow component provides advanced tools to process a finite state machine. By providing this functionapty in a simple and object-oriented way, Workflow component enables advanced programming in PHP with relative ease. We will learn about it in detail in the Advanced Concept chapter.

Workflow component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/workflow 


Yaml component provides an option that parses the YAML file format and converts it into PHP arrays. It also able to write YAML file from plain php array. Yaml component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/yaml


Ldap component provides PHP classes to connect to a LDAP or Active directory server and authenticate the user against it. It provides an option to connect to a Windows domain controller. Ldap component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/ldap


Debug component provides various options to enable debugging in PHP environment. Normally, debugging PHP code is hard but the debug component provides simple classes to ease the process of debugging and make it clean and structured. Debug component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/debug


Stopwatch component provides Stopwatch class to profile our PHP code. A simple usage is as follows.

use SymfonyComponentStopwatchStopwatch; 
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); 
$stopwatch->start( somename );  

// our code to profile 
$profiled_data = $stopwatch->stop( somename );  
echo $profiled_data->getPeriods()

Stopwatch component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/stopwatch


VarDumper component provides better dump() function. Just include the VarDumper component and use the dump function to get the improved functionapty. VarDumper component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/var-dumper


BrowserKit component provides an abstract browser cpent interface. It can be used to test web apppcation programmatically. For example, it can request a form, enter the sample data and submit it to find any issue in the form programmatically. BrowserKit component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/browser-kit

PHPUnit Bridge

PHPUnit Bridge component provides many options to improve the PHPUnit testing environment. PHPUnit Bridge component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/phpunit-bridge


Asset component provides a generic asset handpng in a web apppcation. It generates URL for the assets such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript and also performs version maintenance. We will check the asset component in detail in View Engine chapter. Asset component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/asset


CssSelector component provides an option to convert CSS based Selectors into XPath expression. A web developer knows the CSS based Selectors expression more than XPath expression, but the most efficient expression to find an element in HTML and XML document is XPath Expression.

CssSelector enables the developer to write the expression in CSS Selectors, however, the component converts it to XPath expression before executing it. Thus, the developer has an advantage of simppcity of CSS Selectors and efficiency of XPath expression.

CssSelector component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/css-selector


DomCrawler component provides various options to find the element in HTML and XML document using DOM concept. It also provides option to use XPath expression to find an element. DomCrawler component can be used along with CssSelector component to use CSS selectors instead of XPath expression. DomCrawler component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/dom-crawler


Form component enables easy creation of form in a web apppcation. We will learn form programming in detail in Form chapter. Form component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/form


HttpFoundation component provides an object-oriented layer to the HTTP specification. By default, PHP provides HTTP request and response details as array-based object such as $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES, $_SESSION, etc. HTTP based functionapty such as setting a cookie can be done using simple, plain old function setCookie(). HttpFoundation provides all HTTP related functionapty in a small set of classes pke Request, Response, RedirectResponse, etc., We will learn about these classes in the later chapters.

HttpFoundation component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/http-foundation


HttpKernel component is the core component in the Symfony web setup. It provides all the functionapties required for a web apppcation - from receiving the Request object to sending back the Response object. The complete architecture of the Symfony web apppcation is provided by HttpKernel as discussed in the architecture of a Symfony web framework.

HttpKernel component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/http-kernel


Routing component maps the HTTP request to a pre-defined set of configuration variables. Routing decides which part of our apppcation should handle a request. We will learn more about the routing in Routing chapter.

Routing component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/filesystem


Templating component provides the necessary infrastructure to build an efficient template system. Symfony uses the Templating component for its View engine implementation. We will learn more about Templating component in View engine chapter.

Templating component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/templating


Vapdator component provides an implementation of JSR-303 Bean Vapdation Specification. It can be used to vapdate a form in a web environment. We will learn more about Vapdator in Vapdation chapter.

Vapdator component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/vapdator


Security component provides complete security system for our web apppcation, be it HTTP basic authentication, HTTP digest authentication, interactive form based authentication, X.509 certification login, etc. It also provides authorization mechanism based on the user role through in-built ACL system. We will learn more in detail in the Advanced Concept chapter.

Security component can be installed using the following command.

composer require symfony/security

Symfony - Service Container

In any apppcation, objects tend to increase as the apppcation grows. As objects increase, the dependency between the objects also increases. Object dependency needs to be handled properly for a successful apppcation.

As discussed in the Components chapter, Symfony provides an easy and efficient component, DependencyInjection to handle object dependency. A service container is a container of objects with properly resolved dependency between them. Let us learn how to use DependencyInjection component in this chapter.

Let us create a Greeter class. The purpose of the Greeter class is to greet the user as shown in the following example.

$greeter = new Greeter( Hi ); 
$greeter->greet( Jon ); // print "Hi, Jon" 

The complete code of the Greeter class is as follows.

class Greeter { 
   private $greetingText; 
   pubpc function __construct($greetingText) { 
      $this->greetingText = $greetingText; 
   pubpc function greet($name) { 
      echo $this->greetingText . ", " . $name . "

Now, let us add Greeter class to the service container. Symfony provides ContainerBuilder to create a new container. Once the container is created, Greeter class can be registered into it using the container s register method.

use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerBuilder; 
$container = new ContainerBuilder(); 
   ->register( greeter ,  Greeter ) 
   ->addArgument( Hi );

Here, we have used static argument to specify the greeting text, Hi. Symfony provides a dynamic setting of parameter as well. To use a dynamic parameter, we need to choose a name and specify it between % and the parameter can be set using container s setParameter method.

$container = new ContainerBuilder(); 
   ->register( greeter ,  Greeter ) 
   ->addArgument( %greeter.text% );  
$container->setParameter( greeter.text ,  Hi );

We have registered a Greeter class with proper setting. Now, we can ask the container to provide a properly configured Greeter object using the container get method.

$greeter = $container->get( greeter ); 
$greeter->greet( Jon ); // prints "Hi, Jon" 

We have successfully registered a class, Greeter into container, fetched it from the container and used it. Now, let us create another class User, which use Greeter class and see how to register it.

class User { 
   private $greeter;  
   pubpc $name; 
   pubpc $age;  
   pubpc function setGreeter(Greeter $greeter) { 
      $this->greeter = $greeter; 
   pubpc function greet() { 

The User class gets the Greeter class using one of its setter method, setGreeter. For this scenario, Symfony provides a method, addMethodCall and a class, Reference to refer another class as shown in the following code.

use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionReference;  
   ->register( user ,  User ) 
   ->addMethodCall( setGreeter , array(new Reference( greeter ))); 

Finally, we have registered two classes, Greeter and User having a strong relation between them. Now, we can safely fetch the User object with properly configured Greeter class from the container as shown in the following code.

$container->setParameter( greeter.text ,  Hi ); 
$user = $container->get( user ); 
$user->name = "Jon"; 
$user->age = 20; 
$user->greet(); // Prints "Hi, Jon"

We have seen how to configure an object in a container using PHP itself. Symfony provides other mechanisms as well. They are XML and YAML configuration files. Let us see how to configure a container using YAML. For this, install symfony/config and symfony/yaml components along with symfony/dependency-injection components.

cd /path/to/dir 
mkdir dependency-injection-example 
cd dependency-injection-example 
composer require symfony/dependency-injection 
composer require symfony/config 
composer require symfony/yaml

YAML configuration will be written in a separate file, services.yml. YAML configuration consists of two sections, parameters and services. Parameters section defines all required parameters. Services section defines all objects. Services section is further spanided into multiple sections namely, class, arguments, and calls. Class specifies the actual class. Arguments specifies the constructor s arguments. Finally, calls specify the setter methods. Another class can be referred using @ symbol, @greeter.

   greeter.text:  Hello  
      class: Greeter
      arguments: [ %greeter.text% ] 
      class: User 
         - [setGreeter, [ @greeter ]] 

Now, services.yml can be loaded and configured using FileLoader and YamlFileLoader as shown in the following code.

use SymfonyComponentConfigFileLocator; 
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderYamlFileLoader;  

$yamlContainer = new ContainerBuilder(); 
$loader = new YamlFileLoader($yamlContainer, new FileLocator(__DIR__)); 
$loader->load( services.yml );  

$yamlUser = $yamlContainer->get( user ); 
$yamlUser->name = "Jon"; 
$yamlUser->age = 25; 

The complete code psting is as follows.


   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ;  
   use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerBuilder; 
   use SymfonyComponentConfigFileLocator; 
   use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderYamlFileLoader; 
   use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionReference;  
   class Greeter { 
      private $greetingText; 
      pubpc function __construct($greetingText) {
         $this->greetingText = $greetingText; 
      pubpc function greet($name) { 
         echo $this->greetingText . ", " . $name . "
   class User { 
      private $greeter;  
      pubpc $name; 
      pubpc $age;  
      pubpc function setGreeter(Greeter $greeter) { 
         $this->greeter = $greeter; 
      pubpc function greet() { 
   $container = new ContainerBuilder(); 
      ->register( greeter ,  Greeter ) 
      ->addArgument( %greeter.text% );  
      ->register( user ,  User ) 
      ->addMethodCall( setGreeter , array(new Reference( greeter )));
   $container->setParameter( greeter.text ,  Hi ); 
   $greeter = $container->get( greeter ); 
   $greeter->greet( Jon ); 
   $user = $container->get( user ); 
   $user->name = "Jon"; 
   $user->age = 20; 
   $yamlContainer = new ContainerBuilder(); 
   $loader = new YamlFileLoader($yamlContainer, new FileLocator(__DIR__)); 
   $loader->load( services.yml );  

   $yamlHello = $yamlContainer->get( greeter ); 
   $yamlHello->greet( Jon ); 
   $yamlUser = $yamlContainer->get( user ); 
   $yamlUser->name = "Jon"; 
   $yamlUser->age = 25; 


   greeter.text:  Hello  
      class: Greeter 
      arguments: [ %greeter.text% ] 
      class: User 
         - [setGreeter, [ @greeter ]] 

Symfony web framework uses the dependency injection component extensively. All the components are bound by the centrapzed service container. Symfony web framework exposes the container in all its Controller through container property. We can get all object registered in it, say logger, mailer, etc., through it.

$logger = $this->container->get( logger ); 
$logger->info( Hi ); 

To find the object registered in the container, use the following command.

cd /path/to/app 
php bin/console debug:container

There are around 200+ objects in the hello web app created in the installation chapter.

Symfony - Events and EventListener

Symfony provides event-based programming through its EventDispatcher component. Any enterprise apppcation needs event-based programming to create a highly customizable apppcation. Events is one of the main tools for the objects to interact with each other. Without events, an object does not interact efficiently.

The process of event based programming can be summarized as - An object, called Event source asks the central dispatcher object to register an event, say user.registered. One or more objects, called pstener asks the central dispatcher object that it wants to psten to a specific event, say user.registered. At some point of time, the Event source object asks the central dispatcher object to dispatch the event, say user.registered along with an Event object with the necessary information. The central dispatcher informs all pstener objects about the event, say user.registered and its Event* object.

In event-based programming, we have four types of objects: Event Source, Event Listener, Even Dispatcher, and the Event itself.

Let us write a simple apppcation to understand the concept.

Step 1 − Create a project, event-dispatcher-example.

cd /path/to/dir 
mkdir event-dispatcher-example 
cd event-dispatcher-example 
composer require symfony/event-dispatcher 

Step 2 − Create a class, .User.

class User { 
   pubpc $name; 
   pubpc $age; 

$user = new User(); 
$user->name = "Jon"; 
$user->age = 25

Step 3 − Create an event, UserRegisteredEvent.

use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent;  
class UserRegisteredEvent extends Event {
   const NAME =  user.registered ;  
   protected $user;  
   pubpc function __construct(User $user) { 
      $this-<user = $user; 
   pubpc function getUser() { 
      return $this-<user; 
$event = new UserRegisteredEvent($user);

Here, UserRegisteredEvent has access to User object. The name of the event is user.registered.

Step 4 − Create a pstener, UserListener.

class UserListener { 
   pubpc function onUserRegistrationAction(Event $event) { 
      $user = $event->getUser(); 
         echo $user->name . "
         echo $user->age . "
$pstener = new UserListener(); 

Step 5 − Create an event dispatcher object.

use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEventDispatcher;  
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); 

Step 6 − Connect pstener and event using dispatcher object and its method, addListener.

      array($pstener,  onUserRegistrationAction ));  

We can also add an anonymous function as event pstener as shown in the following code.

      function(Event $event) { 
         $user = $event->getUser(); 
         echo $user->name . "

Step 7 − Finally, fire / dispatch the event using event dispatcher s method, dispatch.

 $dispatcher->dispatch(UserRegisteredEvent::NAME, $event);

The complete code psting is as follows.


   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ;  
   use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEventDispatcher; 
   use SymfonyComponentEventDispatcherEvent;  

   class User { 
      pubpc $name; 
      pubpc $age; 
   class UserRegisteredEvent extends Event { 
      const NAME =  user.registered ;  
      protected $user;  
      pubpc function __construct(User $user) { 
         $this->user = $user; 
      pubpc function getUser() { 
         return $this->user; 
   class UserListener { 
      pubpc function onUserRegistrationAction(Event $event) { 
         $user = $event->getUser(); 
         echo $user->name . "
         echo $user->age . "
   $user = new User(); 
   $user->name = "Jon"; 
   $user->age = 25;  

   $event = new UserRegisteredEvent($user); 
   $pstener = new UserListener();  

   $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();  
         function(Event $event) { 
            $user = $event->getUser(); 
            echo $user->name . "
         UserRegisteredEvent::NAME, array($pstener,  onUserRegistrationAction ));

   $dispatcher->dispatch(UserRegisteredEvent::NAME, $event); 



Symfony web framework has a lot of events and one can register pstener for those events and program it accordingly. One of the sample event is kernel.exception and the corresponding event is GetResponseForExceptionEvent, which holds the response object (the output of a web request). This is used to catch the exception and modify the response with generic error information instead of showing runtime error to the users.

Symfony - Expression

As we discussed earper, expression language is one of the sapent features of Symfony apppcation. Symfony expression is mainly created to be used in a configuration environment. It enables a non-programmer to configure the web apppcation with pttle effort. Let us create a simple apppcation to test an expression.

Step 1 − Create a project, expression-language-example.

cd /path/to/dir 
mkdir expression-language-example 
cd expression-language-example 
composer require symfony/expression-language 

Step 2 − Create an expression object.

use SymfonyComponentExpressionLanguageExpressionLanguage; 
$language = new ExpressionLanguage();

Step 3 − Test a simple expression.

echo "Evaluated Value: " . $language->evaluate( 10 + 12 ) . "
" ; 
echo "Compiled Code: " . $language->compile( 130 % 34 ) . "
" ;

Step 4 − Symfony expression is powerful such that it can intercept a PHP object and its property as well in the expression language.

class Product { 
   pubpc $name; 
   pubpc $price; 
$product = new Product(); 
$product->name =  Cake ; 
$product->price = 10;  

echo "Product price is " . $language 
   ->evaluate( product.price , array( product  => $product,)) . "
echo "Is Product price higher than 5: " . $language 
   ->evaluate( product.price > 5 , array( product  => $product,)) . "

Here, the expression product.price and product.price > 5 intercept $product object s property price and evaluate the result.

The complete coding is as follows.


   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ; 
   use SymfonyComponentExpressionLanguageExpressionLanguage; 
   $language = new ExpressionLanguage();  

   echo "Evaluated Value: " . $language->evaluate( 10 + 12 ) . "
" ; 
   echo "Compiled Code: " . $language->compile( 130 % 34 ) . "
" ;  
   class Product { 
      pubpc $name; 
      pubpc $price; 
   $product = new Product(); 
   $product->name =  Cake ; 
   $product->price = 10;  

   echo "Product price is " . $language 
      ->evaluate( product.price , array( product  => $product,)) . "
   echo "Is Product price higher than 5: " . $language 
      ->evaluate( product.price > 5 , array( product  => $product,)) . "


Evaluated Value: 22 
Compiled Code: (130 % 34) 
Product price is 10 
Is Product price higher than 5: 1

Symfony - Bundles

A Symfony bundle is a collection of files and folders organized in a specific structure. The bundles are modeled in such a way that it can be reused in multiple apppcations. The main apppcation itself is packaged as a bundle and it is generally called AppBundle.

A bundle may be packaged specific to an apppcation such as AdminBundle (admin section), BlogBundle (site s blog), etc. Such bundles cannot be shared between an apppcation. Instead, we can model a certain part of the apppcation such as blogs as generic bundle so that we can simply copy the bundle from one apppcation to another apppcation to reuse the blog functionapty.

Structure of a Bundle

The basic structure of a bundle is as follows.

    Controller − All controller need to be placed here.

    DependencyInjection − All dependency injection related code and configuration need to be placed here.

    Resources/config − Bundle related configurations are placed here.

    Resources/view − Bundle related view templates are placed here.

    Resources/pubpc − Bundle related stylesheets, JavaScripts, images, etc., are placed here.

    Tests − Bundle related unit test files are placed here.

Creating a Bundle

Let us create a simple bundle, TutorialspointDemoBundle in our HelloWorld apppcation.

Step 1 − Choose a namespace. Namespace of a bundle should include vendor name and bundle name. In our case, it is TutorialspointDemoBundle.

Step 2 − Create an empty class, TutorialspointDemoBundle by extending Bundle class and place it under src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle.

namespace TutorialspointDemoBundle; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpKernelBundleBundle;  

class TutorialspointDemoBundle extends Bundle { 

Step 3 − Register the class in the pst of bundle supported by the apppcation in AppKernel class.

pubpc function registerBundles() { 
   $bundles = array( 
      // ... 
      // register your bundle 
      new TutorialspointDemoBundleTutorialspointDemoBundle(), 
   return $bundles; 

This is all is needed to create an empty bundle and all other concepts are the same as that of the apppcation. Symfony also provides a console command generate:bundle to simppfy the process of creating a new bundle, which is as follows.

php bin/console generate:bundle --namespace = Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle


Welcome to the Symfony bundle generator!

Are you planning on sharing this bundle across multiple apppcations? [no]: no  

Your apppcation code must be written in bundles. This command helps 
you generate them easily.  

Give your bundle a descriptive name, pke BlogBundle. 
Bundle name [Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle]:   

In your code, a bundle is often referenced by its name. It can be the 
concatenation of all namespace parts but it s really up to you to come 
up with a unique name (a good practice is to start with the vendor name). 
Based on the namespace, we suggest TutorialspointDemoBundle.  

Bundle name [TutorialspointDemoBundle]:  
Bundles are usually generated into the src/ directory. Unless you re 
doing something custom, hit enter to keep this default!
Target Directory [src/]:   

What format do you want to use for your generated configuration?  

Configuration format (annotation, yml, xml, php) [annotation]:

Bundle generation

> Generating a sample bundle skeleton into app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/ 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/TutorialspointDemoBundle.php 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/Controller/ 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php 
   created ./app/../tests/TutorialspointDemoBundle/Controller/   
   created ./app/../tests/TutorialspointDemoBundle/Controller/DefaultControllerTest.php 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Default/   
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Default/index.html.twig 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/Resources/config/ 
   created ./app/../src/Tutorialspoint/DemoBundle/Resources/config/services.yml 
> Checking that the bundle is autoloaded 
> Enabpng the bundle inside app/AppKernel.php 
   updated ./app/AppKernel.php 
> Importing the bundle s routes from the app/config/routing.yml file 
   updated ./app/config/routing.yml 
> Importing the bundle s services.yml from the app/config/config.yml file 
   updated ./app/config/config.yml 
Everything is OK! Now get to work :).  

Creating a Simple Web Apppcation

This chapter explains how to create a simple apppcation in Symfony framework. As discussed earper, you know how to create a new project in Symfony.

We can take an example of “student” details. Let’s start by creating a project named “student” using the following command.

symfony new student

After executing the command, an empty project is created.


Symfony is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) development pattern. MVC is a software approach that separates apppcation logic from presentation. Controller plays an important role in the Symfony Framework. All the webpages in an apppcation need to be handled by a controller.

DefaultController class is located at “src/AppBundle/Controller”. You can create your own Controller class there.

Move to the location “src/AppBundle/Controller” and create a new StudentController class.

Following is the basic syntax for StudentController class.


namespace AppBundleController; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  
class StudentController { 

Now, you have created a StudentController. In the next chapter, we will discuss more about the Controller in detail.

Create a Route

Once the Controller has been created, we need to route for a specific page. Routing maps request URI to a specific controller s method.

Following is the basic syntax for routing.

namespace AppBundleController;  
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;  

class StudentController { 
      * @Route("/student/home") 
   pubpc function homeAction() { 
      return new Response( Student details apppcation! ); 

In the above syntax, @Route(“/student/home”) is the route. It defines the URL pattern for the page.

homeAction() is the action method, where you can build the page and return a Response object.

We will cover routing in detail in the upcoming chapter. Now, request the url “http://localhost:8000/student/home” and it produces the following result.


Symfony Framework

Symfony - Controllers

Controller is responsible for handpng each request that comes into Symfony apppcation. Controller reads an information from the request. Then, creates and returns a response object to the cpent.

According to Symfony, DefaultController class is located at “src/AppBundle/Controller”. It is defined as follows.


namespace AppBundleController; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  

class DefaultController extends Controller {  

Here, the HttpFoundation component defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification, and the FrameworkBundle contains most of the “base” framework functionapty.

Request Object

The Request class is an object-oriented representation of the HTTP request message.

Creating a Request Object

Request can be created using createFromGlobals() method.

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; 
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

You can simulate a request using Globals. Instead of creating a request based on the PHP globals, you can also simulate a request.

$request = Request::create( 
    /student , 
    GET , 
   array( name  =>  student1 ) 

Here, the create() method creates a request based on a URI, a method, and some parameters.

Overriding a Request Object

You can override the PHP global variables using the overrideGlobals() method. It is defined as follows.


Accessing a Request Object

Request of a web page can be accessed in a controller (action method) using getRequest() method of the base controller.

$request = $this->getRequest();

Identifying a Request Object

If you want to identify a request in your apppcation, “PathInfo" method will return the unique identity of the request url. It is defined as follows.


Response Object

The only requirement for a controller is to return a Response object. A Response object holds all the information from a given request and sends it back to the cpent.

Following is a simple example.


use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; 
$response = new Response(‘Default .$name, 10);

You can define the Response object in JSON as follows.

$response = new Response(json_encode(array( name  => $name))); 
$response->headers->set( Content-Type ,  apppcation/json );

Response Constructor

The constructor contains three arguments −

    The response content

    The status code

    An array of HTTP headers

Following is the basic syntax.

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  
$response = new Response( 
    Content , 
   array( content-type  =>  text/html ) 

For example, you can pass the content argument as,

$response->setContent(’Student details’);

Similarly, you can pass other arguments as well.

Sending Response

You can send a response to the cpent using the send() method. It is defined as follows.


To redirect the cpent to another URL, you can use the RedirectResponse class.

It is defined as follows.

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRedirectResponse;  
$response = new RedirectResponse( http://tutorialspoint.com/ ); 


A single PHP file that handles every request coming into your apppcation. FrontController executes the routing of different URLs to internally different parts of the apppcation.

Following is the basic syntax for FrontController.

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();  
$path = $request->getPathInfo(); // the URI path being requested 

if (in_array($path, array(  ,  / )))  { 
   $response = new Response(’Student home page. ); 
} elseif (‘/about’ === $path) { 
   $response = new Response(’Student details page’); 
} else { 
   $response = new Response( Page not found. , Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); 

Here, the in_array() function searches an array for a specific value.

Symfony - Routing

Routing maps request URI to a specific controller s method. In general, any URI has the following three parts −

    Hostname segment

    Path segment

    Query segment

For example, in URI / URL, http://www.tutorialspoint.com/index?q=data, www.tutorialspoint.com is the host name segment, index is the path segment and q=data is the query segment. Generally, routing checks the page segment against a set of constraints. If any constraint matches, then it returns a set of values. One of the main value is the controller.


Annotation plays an important role in the configuration of Symfony apppcation. Annotation simppfies the configuration by declaring the configuration in the coding itself. Annotation is nothing but providing meta information about class, methods, and properties. Routing uses annotation extensively. Even though routing can be done without annotation, annotation simppfies routing to a large extent.

Following is a sample annotation.

   * @Route(“/student/home”) 
pubpc function homeAction() { 
   // ... 

Routing Concepts

Consider the StudentController class created in “student” project.


// src/AppBundle/Controller/StudentController.php 
namespace AppBundleController;  

use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 

class StudentController extends Controller { 
      * @Route(“/student/home”) 
   pubpc function homeAction() { 
      // ... 
      * @Route(“/student/about”) 
   pubpc function aboutAction() { 

Here, the routing performs two steps. If you go to /student/home, the first route is matched then homeAction() is executed. Otherwise, If you go to /student/about, the second route is matched and then aboutAction() is executed.

Adding Wildcard Formats

Consider, you have a paginated pst of student records with URLs pke /student/2 and /student/3 for page 2 and 3 correspondingly. Then, if you want to change the route s path, you can use wildcard formats.


// src/AppBundle/Controller/BlogController.php 
namespace AppBundleController;  

use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;  

class StudentController extends Controller {
      * @Route(“/student/{page}", name = “student_about”, requirements = {"page": "d+"})
   pubpc function aboutAction($page) { 
      // ... 

Here, the d+ is a regular expression that matches a digit of any length.

Assign Placeholder

You can assign a placeholder value in routing. It is defined as follows.

// src/AppBundle/Controller/BlogController.php 
namespace AppBundleController;  

use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;  

class StudentController extends Controller { 
      * @Route(“/student/{page}", name = “student_about”, requirements = {"page": "d+"})
   pubpc function aboutAction($page = 1) { 
      // ... 

Here, if you go to /student, the student_about route will match and $page will default to a value of 1.

Redirecting to a Page

If you want to redirect the user to another page, use the redirectToRoute() and redirect() methods.

pubpc function homeAction() { 
   // redirect to the "homepage" route 
   return $this->redirectToRoute( homepage );  
   // redirect externally 
eturn $this->redirect( http://example.com/doc ); 

Generating URLs

To generate a URL, consider a route name, student_name and wildcard name, student-names used in the path for that route. The complete psting for generating a URL is defined as follows.

class StudentController extends Controller { 
   pubpc function aboutAction($name) { 
      // ...  
      // /student/student-names 
      $url = $this->generateUrl( 
         array(‘name’ =>


Consider a simple example for routing in StudentController class as follows.


namespace AppBundleController;  

use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;  

class StudentController  { 
      * @Route("/student/home") 
   pubpc function homeAction() { 
      $name =  Student details apppcation ; 
      return new Response( 
          <html><body>Project:  .$name. </body></html>  

Now, request the url,”http://localhost:8000/student/home” and it produces the following result.

Student Controller

Similarly, you can create another route for aboutAction() as well.

Symfony - View Engine

A View Layer is the presentation layer of the MVC apppcation. It separates the apppcation logic from the presentation logic.

When a controller needs to generate HTML, CSS, or any other content then, it forwards the task to the templating engine.


Templates are basically text files used to generate any text-based documents such as HTML, XML, etc. It is used to save time and reduce errors.

By default, templates can reside in two different locations −

app/Resources/views/ − The apppcation s views directory can contain your apppcation s layouts and templates of the apppcation bundle. It also overrides third party bundle templates.

vendor/path/to/Bundle/Resources/views/ − Each third party bundle contains its templates in it s “Resources/views/” directory.

Twig Engine

Symfony uses a powerful templating language called Twig. Twig allows you to write concise and readable templates in a very easy manner. Twig templates are simple and won t process PHP tags. Twig performs whitespace control, sandboxing, and automatic HTML escaping.


Twig contains three types of special syntax −

    {{ ... }} − Prints a variable or the result of an expression to the template.

    {% ... %} − A tag that controls the logic of the template. It is mainly used to execute a function.

    {# ... #} − Comment syntax. It is used to add a single or multi-pne comments.

The twig base template is located at “app/Resources/views/base.html.twig”.


Let’s go through a simple example using twig engine.


namespace AppBundleController;  

use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;  

class StudentController extends Controller { 
      * @Route("/student/home") 
   pubpc function homeAction() { 
      return $this->render( student/home.html.twig ); 

Here, the render() method renders a template and puts that content into a Response object.

Now move to the “views” directory and create a folder “student” and inside that folder create a file “home.html.twig”. Add the following changes in the file.


<h3>Student apppcation!</h3> 

You can obtain the result by requesting the url “http://localhost:8000/student/home”.

By default, Twig comes with a long pst of tags, filters, and functions. Let’s go through one by one in detail.


Twig supports the following important tags −


The do tag performs similar functions as regular expression with the exception that it doesn t print anything. Its syntax is as follows −

{% do 5 + 6 %} 


The include statement includes a template and returns the rendered content of that file into the current namespace. Its syntax is as follows −

{% include  template.html  %}


The extends tag can be used to extend a template from another one. Its syntax is as follows −

{% extends "template.html" %}


Block acts as a placeholder and replaces the contents. Block names consists of alphanumeric characters and underscores. For example,

<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>


The embed tag performs a combination of both include and extends. It allows you to include another template s contents. It also allows you to override any block defined inside the included template, such as when extending a template. Its syntax is as follows −

{% embed “new_template.twig” %} 
   {# These blocks are defined in “new_template.twig" #} 
   {% block center %} 
      Block content 
   {% endblock %} 
{% endembed %} 


Filter sections allow you to apply regular Twig filters on a block of template data. For example,

{% filter upper %} 
   symfony framework 
{% endfilter %} 

Here, the text will be changed to upper case.


For loop fetches each item in a sequence. For example,

{% for x in 0..10 %} 
   {{ x }} 
{% endfor %}


The if statement in Twig is similar to PHP. The expression evaluates to true or false. For example,

{% if value == true %} 
   <p>Simple If statement</p> 
{% endif %}


Twig contains filters. It is used to modify content before being rendered. Following are some of the notable filters.


The length filter returns the length of a string. Its syntax is as follows −

{% if name|length > 5 %} 
{% endif %} 


The lower filter converts a value to lowercase. For example,

{{  SYMFONY |lower }}

It would produce the following result −


Similarly, you can try for upper case.


The replace filter formats a given string by replacing the placeholders. For example,

{{ "tutorials point site %si% and %te%."|replace({ %si% : web,  %te% : "site"}) }} 

It will produce the following result −

tutorials point website 


The title filter returns a titlecase version of the value. For example,

{{  symfony framework  |title }}

It will produce the following result −

 Symfony Framework


The sort filter sorts an array. Its syntax is as follows −

{% for user in names|sort %} 
{% endfor %}


The trim filter trims whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and the end of a string. For example,

{{    Symfony!   |trim }} 

It will produce the following result −



Twig supports functions. It is used to obtain a particular result. Following are some of the important Twig functions.


The attribute function can be used to access a “dynamic” attribute of a variable. Its syntax is as follows −

{{ attribute(object, method) }} 
{{ attribute(object, method, arguments) }} 
{{ attribute(array, item) }} 

For example,

{{ attribute(object, method) is defined ?  Method exists  :  Method does not exist  }}


Constant function returns the constant value for a specified string. For example,

{{ constant( Namespace\Classname::CONSTANT_NAME ) }}


The cycle function cycles on an array of values. For example,

{% set months = [‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, ‘Mar’] %}  
{% for x in 0..12 %} 
   { cycle(months, x) }} 
{% endfor %}


Converts an argument to a date to allow date comparison. For example,

<p>Choose your location before {{  next Monday |date( M j, Y ) }}</p> 

It will produce the following result −

Choose your location before May 15, 2017

The argument must be in one of PHP’s supported date and time formats.

You can pass a timezone as the second argument.


The dump function dumps information about a template variable. For example,

{{ dump(user) }}


The max function returns the largest value of a sequence. For example,

{{ max(1, 5, 9, 11, 15) }}


The min function returns the smallest value of a sequence. For example,

{{ min(1, 3, 2) }}


The include function returns the rendered content of a template. For example,

{{ include( template.html ) }}


The random function generates a random value. For example,

{{ random([‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, ‘Mar’, ‘Apr’]) }} 
{# example output: Jan #} 


Range function returns a pst containing an arithmetic progression of integers. For example,

{% for x in range(1, 5) %} 
   {{ x }}, 
{% endfor %} 

It will produce the following result −



A Layout represents the common parts of multiple views, i.e. for example, page header, and footer.

Template Inheritance

A template can be used by another one. We can achieve this using template inheritance concept. Template inheritance allows you to build a base “layout” template that contains all the common elements of web site defined as blocks.

Let’s take a simple example to understand more about template inheritance.


Consider the base template located at “app/Resources/views/base.html.twig”. Add the following changes in the file.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
      <meta charset = "UTF-8"> 
      <title>{% block title %}Parent template Layout{% endblock %}</title> 

Now move to the index template file located at “app/Resources/views/default/index.html.twig“. Add the following changes in it.


{% extends  base.html.twig  %}  
{% block title %}Child template Layout{% endblock %}

Here, the {% extends %} tag informs the templating engine to first evaluate the base template, which sets up the layout and defines the block. The child template is then rendered. A child template can extend the base layout and override the title block. Now, request the url “http://localhost:8000” and you can obtain its result.


The Asset manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, and image files.


To include JavaScript files, use the javascripts tag in any template.

{# Include javascript #} 
{% block javascripts %} 
   {% javascripts  @AppBundle/Resources/pubpc/js/*  %} 
      <script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script> 
   {% endjavascripts %} 
{% endblock %} 


To include stylesheet files, use the stylesheets tag in any template

{# include style sheet #} 
{% block stylesheets %} 
   {% stylesheets  bundles/app/css/*  filter =  cssrewrite  %} 
      <pnk rel = "stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
   {% endstylesheets %} 
{% endblock %}


To include an image, you can use the image tag. It is defined as follows.

{% image  @AppBundle/Resources/pubpc/images/example.jpg  %} 
   <img src = "{{ asset_url }}" alt = "Example" /> 
{% endimage %} 

Compound Assets

You can combine many files into one. This helps to reduce the number of HTTP requests, and produces greater front-end performance.

{% javascripts 
    @AcmeBarBundle/Resources/pubpc/js/calendar.js  %} 
   <script src = "{{ asset_url }}"></script> 
{% endjavascripts %}

Symfony - Doctrine ORM

In Symfony web framework, model plays an important role. They are the business entities. They are either provided by customers or fetched from back-end database, manipulated according to business rules and persisted back into the database. They are the data presented by Views. Let us learn about models and how they interact with back-end system in this chapter.

Database Model

We need to map our models to the back-end relational database items to safely and efficiently fetch and persist the models. This mapping can be done with an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool. Symfony provides a separate bundle, DoctrineBundle, which integrates Symfony with third party PHP database ORM tool, Doctrine.

Doctrine ORM

By default, Symfony framework doesn t provide any component to work with databases. But, it integrates tightly with Doctrine ORM. Doctrine contains several PHP pbraries used for database storage and object mapping.

Following example will help you understand how Doctrine works, how to configure a database and how to save and retrieve the data.

Doctrine ORM Example

In this example, we will first configure the database and create a Student object, then perform some operations in it.

To do this we need to adhere to the following steps.

Step 1: Create a Symfony Apppcation

Create a Symfony apppcation, dbsample using the following command.

symfony new dbsample

Step 2: Configure a Database

Generally, the database information is configured in “app/config/parameters.yml” file.

Open the file and add the following changes.


   database_port: null
   database_name: studentsdb 
   database_user: <user_name> 
   database_password: <password> 
   mailer_transport: smtp 
   mailer_user: null 
   mailer_password: null 
   secret: 037ab82c601c10402408b2b190d5530d602b5809 
      driver:   pdo_mysql 
      host:      %database_host%  
      dbname:    %database_name%  
      user:      %database_user%  
      password:  %database_password%  
      charset: utf8mb4 

Now, Doctrine ORM can connect to the database.

Step 3: Create a Database

Issue the following command to generate “studentsdb” database. This step is used to bind the database in Doctrine ORM.

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

After executing the command, it automatically generates an empty “studentsdb” database. You can see the following response on your screen.

Created database `studentsdb` for connection named default

Step 4: Map Information

Mapping information is nothing but "metadata”. It is a collection of rules that informs Doctrine ORM exactly how the Student class and its properties are mapped to a specific database table.

Well, this metadata can be specified in a number of different formats, including YAML, XML or you can directly pass Student class using annotations. It is defined as follows.


Add the following changes in the file.

namespace AppBundleEntity;  

use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;  
   * @ORMEntity 
   * @ORMTable(name = "students") 
class Student { 
      * @ORMColumn(type = "integer") 
      * @ORMId 
      * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy = "AUTO") 
   private $id;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "string", length = 50) 
   private $name;  
     * @ORMColumn(type = "text") 
   private $address; 

Here, the table name is optional. If the table name is not specified, then it will be determined automatically based on the name of the entity class.

Step 5: Bind an Entity

Doctrine creates simple entity classes for you. It helps you build any entity.

Issue the following command to generate an entity.

php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle/Entity/Student

Then you will see the following result and the entity will be updated.

Generating entity "AppBundleEntityStudent" 
   > backing up Student.php to Student.php~ 
   > generating AppBundleEntityStudent


namespace AppBundleEntity; 

use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;  
   * @ORMEntity 
   * @ORMTable(name="students") 
class Student { 
      * @ORMColumn(type="integer") 
      * @ORMId 
      * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") 
   private $id;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "string", length = 50) 
   private $name; 
      * @ORMColumn(type = "text") 
   private $address; 
      * Get id 
      * @return integer 
   pubpc function getId() { 
      return $this->id; 
      * Set name 
      * @param string $name 
      * @return Student 
   pubpc function setName($name) { 
      $this->name = $name;  
      return $this; 
      * Get name 
      * @return string 
   pubpc function getName() { 
      return $this->name; 
      * Set address 
      * @param string $address 
      * @return Student 
   pubpc function setAddress($address) { 
      $this->address = $address;  
      return $this; 
      * Get address 
      * @return string 
   pubpc function getAddress() { 
      return $this->address; 

Step 6: Map Vapdation

After creating entities, you should vapdate the mappings using the following command.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:vapdate

It will produce the following result −

[Mapping]  OK - The mapping files are correct. 
[Database] FAIL - The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file

Since we have not created the students table, the entity is out of sync. Let us create the students table using the Symfony command in the next step.

Step 7: Create a Schema

Doctrine can automatically create all the database tables needed for Student entity. This can be done using the following command.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force 

After executing the command, you can see the following response.

Updating database schema... 
Database schema updated successfully! "1" query was executed

This command compares what your database should look pke with how it actually looks, and executes the SQL statements needed to update the database schema to where it should be.

Now, again vapdate the schema using the following command.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:vapdate 

It will produce the following result −

[Mapping]  OK - The mapping files are correct. 
[Database] OK - The database schema is in sync with the mapping files

Step 8: Getter and setter

As seen in the Bind an Entity section, the following command generates all the getters and setters for the Student class.

$ php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle/Entity/Student

Step 9: Persist Objects to the Database

Now, we have mapped the Student entity to its corresponding Student table. We should now be able to persist Student objects to the database. Add the following method to the StudentController of the bundle.


namespace AppBundleController; 

use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  
use AppBundleEntityStudent; 

class StudentController extends Controller { 
      * @Route("/student/add") 
   pubpc function addAction() { 
      $stud = new Student(); 
      $stud->setName( Adam ); 
      $stud->setAddress( 12 north street ); 
      $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
      // tells Doctrine you want to save the Product 
      //executes the queries (i.e. the INSERT query) 
      return new Response( Saved new student with id   . $stud->getId()); 

Here, we accessed the doctrine manager using getManager() method through getDoctrine() of base controller and then persist the current object using persist() method of doctrine manager. persist() method adds the command to the queue, but the flush() method does the actual work (persisting the student object).

Step 10: Fetch Objects from the Database

Create a function in StudentController that will display the student details.


   * @Route("/student/display") 
pubpc function displayAction() { 
   $stud = $this->getDoctrine() 
   ->getRepository( AppBundle:Student ) 
   return $this->render( student/display.html.twig , array( data  => $stud)); 

Step 11: Create a View

Let’s create a view that points to display action. Move to the views directory and create a file “display.html.twig”. Add the following changes in the file.


   .table { border-collapse: collapse; } 
   .table th, td { 
      border-bottom: 1px sopd #ddd; 
      width: 250px; 
      text-apgn: left; 
      apgn: left; 

<h2>Students database apppcation!</h2>  
<table class = "table">  
   {% for x in data %} 
      <td>{{ x.Name }}</td>   
      <td>{{ x.Address }}</td>   
   {% endfor %} 

You can obtain the result by requesting the URL “http://localhost:8000/student/display” in a browser.

It will produce the following output on screen −

Create View

Step 12: Update an Object

To update an object in StudentController, create an action and add the following changes.

   * @Route("/student/update/{id}") 
pubpc function updateAction($id) { 
   $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); 
   $stud = $doct->getRepository( AppBundle:Student )->find($id);  
   if (!$stud) { 
      throw $this->createNotFoundException( 
          No student found for id  .$id 
   $stud->setAddress( 7 south street ); 
   return new Response( Changes updated! ); 

Now, request the URL “http://localhost:8000/Student/update/1” and it will produce the following result.

It will produce the following output on screen −

Update Object

Step 13: Delete an Object

Deleting an object is similar and it requires a call to the remove() method of the entity (doctrine) manager.

This can be done using the following command.

   * @Route("/student/delete/{id}") 
pubpc function deleteAction($id) { 
   $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); 
   $stud = $doct->getRepository( AppBundle:Student )->find($id);  
   if (!$stud) { 
      throw $this->createNotFoundException( No student found for id  .$id); 
   return new Response( Record deleted! ); 

Symfony - Forms

Symfony provides various in-built tags to handle HTML forms easily and securely. Symfony’s Form component performs form creation and vapdation process. It connects the model and the view layer. It provides a set of form elements to create a full-fledged html form from pre-defined models. This chapter explains about Forms in detail.

Form Fields

Symfony framework API supports large group of field types. Let’s go through each of the field types in detail.


It is used to generate a form in Symfony framework. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeEmailType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeFormType; 
// ...  

$builder = $this->createFormBuilder($studentinfo); 
   ->add( title , TextType::class);

Here, $studentinfo is an entity of type Student. createFormBuilder is used to create a HTML form. add method is used to add input elements inside the form. title refers to student title property. TextType::class refers to html text field. Symfony provides classes for all html elements.


The TextType field represents the most basic input text field. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType; 
$builder->add(‘name’, TextType::class); 

Here, the name is mapped with an entity.


Renders a textarea HTML element. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextareaType; 
$builder->add( body , TextareaType::class, array( 
    attr  => array( class  =>  tinymce ), 


The EmailType field is a text field that is rendered using the HTML5 email tag. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeEmailType; 
$builder->add( token , EmailType::class, array( 
    data  =>  abcdef , )); 


The PasswordType field renders an input password text box. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePasswordType; 
$bulder->add( password , PasswordType::class); 


The RangeType field is a spder that is rendered using the HTML5 range tag. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRangeType; 
// ...  
$builder->add( name , RangeType::class, array( 
    attr  => array( 
       min  => 100, 
       max  => 200 


The PercentType renders an input text field and speciapzes in handpng percentage data. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePercentType; 
// ... 
$builder->add( token , PercentType::class, array( 
    data  =>  abcdef , 


Renders a date format. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeDateType; 
// ... 
$builder->add(‘joined’, DateType::class, array( 
    widget  =>  choice , 

Here, Widget is the basic way to render a field.

It performs the following function.

    choice − Renders three select inputs. The order of the selects is defined in the format option.

    text − Renders a three field input of type text (month, day, year).

    single_text − Renders a single input of type date. The user s input is vapdated based on the format option.


Creates a single input checkbox. This should always be used for a field that has a boolean value. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeCheckboxType; 
// ...  
$builder-<add(‘sports’, CheckboxType::class, array( 
    label     =< ‘Are you interested in sports?’, 
    required  =< false, 


Creates a single radio button. If the radio button is selected, the field will be set to the specified value. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRadioType; 
// ...  
$builder->add( token , RadioType::class, array( 
    data  =>  abcdef , 

Note that, Radio buttons cannot be unchecked, the value only changes when another radio button with the same name gets checked.


This is a special field “group”, that creates two identical fields whose values must match. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRepeatedType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePasswordType; 

// ...  
$builder->add( password , RepeatedType::class, array( 
    type  => PasswordType::class, 
    invapd_message  =>  The password fields must match. , 
    options  => array( attr  => array( class  =>  password-field )), 
    required  => true, 
    first_options   => array( label  =>  Password ), 
    second_options  => array( label  =>  Repeat Password ), 

This is mostly used to check the user’s password or email.


A simple cpckable button. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeButtonType; 
// ...  
$builder->add( save , ButtonType::class, array(
    attr  => array( class  =>  save ), 


A button that resets all fields to its initial values. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeResetType; 
// ...  
$builder->add( save , ResetType::class, array( 
    attr  => array( class  =>  save ), 


A multi-purpose field is used to allow the user to “choose” one or more options. It can be rendered as a select tag, radio buttons, or checkboxes. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeChoiceType; 
// ...  
$builder->add(‘gender’, ChoiceType::class, array( 
    choices   => array( 
      ‘Male’ => true, 
      ‘Female’ => false, 


A submit button is used to submit form-data. Its syntax is as follows −

use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeSubmitType; 
// ...  
$builder->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( 
    attr  => array( class  =>  save ), 

Form Helper Function

Form helper functions are twig functions used to create forms easily in templates.


Returns an HTML form tag that points to a vapd action, route, or URL. Its syntax is as follows −

{{ form_start(form, { attr : { id :  form_person_edit }}) }} 


Closes the HTML form tag created using form_start. Its syntax is as follows −

{{ form_end(form) }} 


Returns a textarea tag, optionally wrapped with an inpne rich-text JavaScript editor.


Returns an XHTML comppant input tag with type=“checkbox”. Its syntax is as follows −

echo checkbox_tag( choice[] , 1);  
echo checkbox_tag( choice[] , 2);  
echo checkbox_tag( choice[] , 3);  
echo checkbox_tag( choice[] , 4); 


Returns an XHTML comppant input tag with type = “password”. Its syntax is as follows −

echo input_password_tag( password );  
echo input_password_tag( password_confirm );


Returns an XHTML comppant input tag with type = “text”. Its syntax is as follows −

echo input_tag( name ); 


Returns a label tag with the specified parameter.


Returns an XHTML comppant input tag with type = “radio”. Its syntax is as follows −

echo   Yes  .radiobutton_tag(‘true’, 1);  
echo   No  .radiobutton_tag(‘false’, 0); 


Returns an XHTML comppant input tag with type = “reset”. Its syntax is as follows −

echo reset_tag( Start Over ); 


Returns a select tag populated with all the countries in the world. Its syntax is as follows −

echo select_tag(
    url , options_for_select($url_pst), 
   array( onChange  =>  Javascript:this.form.submit(); )); 


Returns an XHTML comppant input tag with type = “submit”. Its syntax is as follows −

echo submit_tag( Update Record );  

In the next section, we will learn how to create a form using form fields.

Student Form Apppcation

Let’s create a simple Student details form using Symfony Form fields. To do this, we should adhere to the following steps −

Step 1: Create a Symfony Apppcation

Create a Symfony apppcation, formsample, using the following command.

symfony new formsample

Entities are usually created under the “src/AppBundle/Entity/“ directory.

Step 2: Create an Entity

Create the file “StudentForm.php” under the “src/AppBundle/Entity/” directory. Add the following changes in the file.


namespace AppBundleEntity;  

class StudentForm {    
   private $studentName; 
   private $studentId; 
   pubpc $password; 
   private $address; 
   pubpc $joined; 
   pubpc $gender; 
   private $email; 
   private $marks; 
   pubpc $sports;  
   pubpc function getStudentName() { 
      return $this->studentName; 
   pubpc function setStudentName($studentName) { 
      $this->studentName = $studentName; 
   pubpc function getStudentId() { 
      return $this->studentId; 
   pubpc function setStudentId($studentid) { 
      $this->studentid = $studentid; 
   pubpc function getAddress() { 
      return $this->address; 
   pubpc function setAddress($address) { 
      $this->address = $address; 
   pubpc function getEmail() { 
      return $this->email; 
   pubpc function setEmail($email) { 
      $this->email = $email; 
   pubpc function getMarks() { 
      return $this->marks; 
   pubpc function setMarks($marks) { 
      $this->marks = $marks; 

Step 3: Add a StudentController

Move to the directory “src/AppBundle/Controller”, create “StudentController.php” file, and add the following code in it.


namespace AppBundleController;  

use AppBundleEntityStudentForm; 
use AppBundleFormFormVapdationType; 

use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; 
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeDateType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeSubmitType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeChoiceType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePasswordType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRangeType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeEmailType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeCheckboxType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeButtonType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextareaType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypePercentType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeRepeatedType;  

class StudentController extends Controller {    
      * @Route("/student/new") 
   pubpc function newAction(Request $request) {  
      $stud = new StudentForm(); 
      $form = $this->createFormBuilder($stud) 
         ->add( studentName , TextType::class)
         ->add( studentId , TextType::class) 
         ->add( password , RepeatedType::class, array( 
             type  => PasswordType::class, 
             invapd_message  =>  The password fields 
            must match. ,  options  => array( attr  => array( class  =>  password-field )), 
             required  => true,  first_options   => array( label  =>  Password ), 
             second_options  => array( label  =>  Re-enter ), 
         ->add( address , TextareaType::class) 
         ->add( joined , DateType::class, array( 
                widget  =>  choice , 
         ->add( gender , ChoiceType::class, array( 
             choices   => array( 
                Male  => true, 
                Female  => false, 
         ->add( email , EmailType::class) 
         ->add( marks , PercentType::class) 
         ->add( sports , CheckboxType::class, array( 
             label     =>  Are you interested in sports? ,  required  => false, 
         ->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( label  =>  Submit )) 
         return $this->render( student/new.html.twig , array( 
             form  => $form->createView(), 

Step 4: Render the View

Move to the directory “app/Resources/views/student/“, create “new.html.twig” file and add the following changes in it.

{% extends  base.html.twig  %} 
{% block stylesheets %} 
   #simpleform { 
      border:2px sopd grey; 
   #simpleform label { 
   #simpleform span { 
   #simpleform input { 
      border:1px sopd grey; 
      color:pght blue; 
      margin: 0 0 10px 10px; 
   #simpleform textarea { 
      border:1px sopd grey; 
      color:pght blue; 
      margin: 0 0 20px 10px; 
   #simpleform select { 
      margin: 0 0 20px 10px; 
   #simpleform button { 
      background: grey; 
      border:sopd 1px #666666; 

{% endblock %}  
   {% block body %} 
   <h3>Student details:</h3> 
   <span id="simpleform"> 
      {{ form_start(form) }} 
      {{ form_widget(form) }} 
      {{ form_end(form) }} 
{% endblock %}     

Now request the url, “http://localhost:8000/student/new” and it produces the following result.


Rendering View

Symfony - Vapdation

Vapdation is the most important aspect while designing an apppcation. It vapdates the incoming data. This chapter explains about form vapdation in detail.

Vapdation Constraints

The vapdator is designed to vapdate objects against constraints. If you vapdate an object, simply map one or more constraints to its class and then pass it to the vapdator service. By default, when vapdating an object all constraints of the corresponding class will be checked to see whether or not they actually pass. Symfony supports the following notable vapdation constraints.


Vapdates that a property is not blank. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class Student { 
      * @AssertNotBlank() 
   protected $studentName; 

This NotBlank constraint ensures that studentName property should not blank.


Vapdates that a value is not strictly equal to null. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class Student { 
      * @AssertNotNull() 
   protected $studentName; 


Vapdates that a value is a vapd email address. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class Student { 
      * @AssertEmail( 
         * message = "The email  {{ value }}  is not a vapd email.", 
         * checkMX = true 
      * ) 
   protected $email; 


Vapdates that a value is exactly equal to null. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class Student { 
      * @AssertIsNull() 
   protected $studentName; 


Vapdates that a given string length is between some minimum and maximum value. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class Student { 
      * @AssertLength( 
         * min = 5, 
         * max = 25, 
         * minMessage = "Your first name must be at least {{ pmit }} characters long", 
         * maxMessage = "Your first name cannot be longer than {{ pmit }} characters" 
      * ) 
   protected $studentName; 


Vapdates that a given number is between some minimum and maximum number. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 
class Student { 
      * @AssertRange( 
         * min = 40, 
         * max = 100, 
         * minMessage = "You must be at least {{ pmit }} marks”, 
         * maxMessage = "Your maximum {{ pmit }} marks” 
      * ) 
   protected $marks; 


Vapdates that a value is a vapd date. It follows a vapd YYYY-MM-DD format. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class Student { 
      * @AssertDate() 
   protected $joinedAt; 


This constraint is used to ensure that the given value is one of a given set of vapd choices. It can also be used to vapdate that each item in an array of items is one of those vapd choices. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleEntity;  
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert;  

class Student { 
      * @AssertChoice(choices = {"male", "female"}, message = "Choose a vapd gender.") 
   protected $gender; 


This vapdates that an input value is equal to the current authenticated user s password. This is useful in a form where users can change their password, but need to enter their old password for security. Its syntax is as follows −

namespace AppBundleFormModel; 
use SymfonyComponentSecurityCoreVapdatorConstraints as SecurityAssert; 

class ChangePassword { 
      * @SecurityAssertUserPassword( 
         * message = "Wrong value for your current password" 
      * ) 
   protected $oldPassword;

This constraint vapdates that the old password matches the user s current password.

Vapdation Example

Let us write a simple apppcation example to understand the vapdation concept.

Step 1 − Create a vapdation apppcation.

Create a Symfony apppcation, vapdationsample, using the following command.

symfony new vapdationsample 

Step 2 − Create an entity named, FormVapdation in file “FormVapdation.php” under the “src/AppBundle/Entity/” directory. Add the following changes in the file.


namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert; 

class FormVapdation {       
      * @AssertNotBlank() 
   protected $name;  
      * @AssertNotBlank() 
   protected $id;  
   protected $age;  
      * @AssertNotBlank() 
   protected $address;  
   pubpc $password;
      * @AssertEmail( 
         * message = "The email  {{ value }}  is not a vapd email.", 
         * checkMX = true 
      * ) 
   protected $email;  
   pubpc function getName() { 
      return $this->name; 
   pubpc function setName($name) { 
      $this->name = $name; 
   pubpc function getId() { 
      return $this->id; 
   pubpc function setId($id) { 
      $this->id = $id; 
   pubpc function getAge() { 
      return $this->age; 
   pubpc function setAge($age) { 
      $this->age = $age;
   pubpc function getAddress() { 
      return $this->address; 
   pubpc function setAddress($address) { 
      $this->address = $address; 
   pubpc function getEmail() { 
      return $this->email; 
   pubpc function setEmail($email) { 
      $this->email = $email; 

Step 3 − Create a vapdateAction method in StudentController. Move to the directory “src/AppBundle/Controller”, create “studentController.php” file, and add the following code in it.


use AppBundleEntityFormVapdation; 
   * @Route("/student/vapdate") 
pubpc function vapdateAction(Request $request) { 
   $vapdate = new FormVapdation(); 
   $form = $this->createFormBuilder($vapdate) 
      ->add( name , TextType::class)
      ->add( id , TextType::class) 
      ->add( age , TextType::class) 
      ->add( address , TextType::class) 
      ->add( email , TextType::class) 
      ->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( label  =>  Submit )) 
   if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isVapd()) { 
      $vapdate = $form->getData(); 
      return new Response( Form is vapdated. ); 
   return $this->render( student/vapdate.html.twig , array( 
       form  => $form->createView(), 

Here, we have created the form using Form classes and then handled the form. If the form is submitted and is vapd, a form vapdated message is shown. Otherwise, the default form is shown.

Step 4 − Create a view for the above created action in StudentController. Move to the directory “app/Resources/views/student/”. Create “vapdate.html.twig” file and add the following code in it.

{% extends  base.html.twig  %} 
{% block stylesheets %} 
      #simpleform { 
         border:2px sopd grey; 
      #simpleform label {
      #simpleform span { 
      #simpleform input { 
         border:1px sopd grey; 
         color:pght blue; 
         margin: 0 0 10px 10px; 
      #simpleform textarea { 
         border:1px sopd grey; 
         color:pght blue; 
         margin: 0 0 20px 10px;
      #simpleform select { 
         margin: 0 0 20px 10px; 
      #simpleform button { 
         background: grey; 
         border:sopd 1px #666666; 
{% endblock %}  

{% block body %} 
   <h3>Student form vapdation:</h3> 
   <span id = "simpleform"> 
      {{ form_start(form) }} 
      {{ form_widget(form) }} 
      {{ form_end(form) }} 
{% endblock %}       

Here, we have used form tags to create the form.

Step 5 − Finally, run the apppcation, http://localhost:8000/student/vapdate.

Result: Initial Page

Initial Page

Result: Final Page

Final Page

Symfony - File Uploading

Symfony Form component provides FileType class to handle file input element. It enables easy uploading of images, documents, etc. Let us learn how to create a simple apppcation using FileType feature.

Step 1 − Create a new apppcation, fileuploadsample using the following command.

symfony new fileuploadsample

Step 2 − Create an entity, Student, having name, age and photo as shown in the following code.


namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use SymfonyComponentVapdatorConstraints as Assert;  class Student { 
      * @AssertNotBlank() 
   private $name;  
      * @AssertNotBlank() 
   private $age;  
      * @AssertNotBlank(message="Please, upload the photo.") 
      * @AssertFile(mimeTypes={ "image/png", "image/jpeg" }) 
   private $photo; 
   pubpc function getName() { 
      return $this->name; 
   pubpc function setName($name) { 
      $this->name = $name; 
      return $this; 
   pubpc function getAge() { 
      return $this->age; 
   pubpc function setAge($age) { 
      $this->age = $age; 
      return $this; 
   pubpc function getPhoto() { 
      return $this->photo; 
   pubpc function setPhoto($photo) { 
      $this->photo = $photo; 
      return $this; 

Here, we have specified File for photo property.

Step 3 − Create student controller, StudentController and a new method, addAction as shown in the following code.

namespace AppBundleController; 

use AppBundleEntityStudent; 
use AppBundleFormFormVapdationType; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeFileType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeSubmitType;  

class StudentController extends Controller {    
      * @Route("/student/new") 
   pubpc function newAction(Request $request) { 
      $student = new Student(); 
      $form = $this->createFormBuilder($student) 
         ->add( name , TextType::class) 
         ->add( age , TextType::class) 
         ->add( photo , FileType::class, array( label  =>  Photo (png, jpeg) )) 
         ->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( label  =>  Submit )) 
      if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isVapd()) { 
         $file = $student->getPhoto(); 
         $fileName = md5(uniqid()). . .$file->guessExtension(); 
         $file->move($this->getParameter( photos_directory ), $fileName); 
         return new Response("User photo is successfully uploaded."); 
      } else { 
         return $this->render( student/new.html.twig , array( 
             form  => $form->createView(), 

Here, we have created the form for student entity and handled the request. When the form is submitted by the user and it is vapd, then we have moved the uploaded file to our upload directory using parameter, photos_directory.

Step 4 − Create the view, new.html.twig, using the following form tags.

{% extends  base.html.twig  %} 
{% block javascripts %} 
   <script language = "javascript" src = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> 
{% endblock %} 
{% block stylesheets %} 
      #simpleform { 
         border:2px sopd grey; 
      #simpleform label { 
      #simpleform span { 
      #simpleform input { 
         border:1px sopd grey; 
         margin: 0 0 20px 10px; 
      #simpleform button { 
         border:sopd 1px #666666; 
{% endblock %} 
{% block body %} 
   <h3>Student form</h3> 
   <span id="simpleform"> 
      {{ form_start(form) }} 
      {{ form_widget(form) }} 
      {{ form_end(form) }} 
{% endblock %}  

Step 5 − Set the parameter, photos_directory in the parameter config file as follows.


parameters: photos_directory:  %kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/photos 

Step 6 − Now, run the apppcation and open http://localhost:8000/student/new and upload a photo. The uploaded photo will be uploaded to the photos_directory and a successful message will be shown.

Result: Initial Page

File Uploading Initial Page

Result: File Upload Page

File Uploading Final Page

Symfony - Ajax Control

AJAX is a modern technology in web programming. It provides options to send and receive data in a webpage asynchronously, without refreshing the page. Let us learn Symfony AJAX programming in this chapter.

Symfony framework provides options to identity whether the request type is AJAX or not. Request class of Symfony HttpFoundation component has a method, isXmlHttpRequest() for this purpose. If an AJAX request is made, the current request object s isXmlHttpRequest() method returns true, otherwise false.

This method is used to handle an AJAX request properly in the server side.

if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {  
   // Ajax request  
} else {  
   // Normal request  

Symfony also provides a JSON based Response class, JsonResponse to create the response in JSON format. We can combine these two methods to create a simple and clean AJAX based web apppcation.

AJAX - Working Example

Let us add a new page, student/ajax in student apppcation and try to fetch the student information asynchronously.

Step 1 − Add ajaxAction method in StudentController(src/AppBundle/Controller/StudentController.php).

   * @Route("/student/ajax") 
pubpc function ajaxAction(Request $request) {  
   $students = $this->getDoctrine() 
      ->getRepository( AppBundle:Student ) 
   if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest() || $request->query->get( showJson ) == 1) {  
      $jsonData = array();  
      $idx = 0;  
      foreach($students as $student) {  
         $temp = array(
             name  => $student->getName(),  
             address  => $student->getAddress(),  
         $jsonData[$idx++] = $temp;  
      return new JsonResponse($jsonData); 
   } else { 
      return $this->render( student/ajax.html.twig ); 

Here, if the request is AJAX, we fetch student information, encode it as JSON and return it using JsonResponse object. Otherwise, we just render the corresponding view.

Step 2 − Create a view file ajax.html.twig in Student views directory, app/Resources/views/student/ and add the following code.

{% extends  base.html.twig  %} 
{% block javascripts %} 
   <script language = "javascript" 
      src = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> 
   <script language = "javascript">  
         $("#loadstudent").on("cpck", function(event){  
               url:         /student/ajax ,  
               type:        POST ,   
               dataType:    json ,  
               async:      true,  
               success: function(data, status) {  
                  var e = $( <tr><th>Name</th><th>Address</th></tr> );  
                  $( #student ).html(  );  
                  $( #student ).append(e);  
                  for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {  
                     student = data[i];  
                     var e = $( <tr><td id = "name"></td><td id = "address"></td></tr> );
                     $( #name , e).html(student[ name ]);  
                     $( #address , e).html(student[ address ]);  
                     $( #student ).append(e);  
               error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {  
                  alert( Ajax request failed. );  
{% endblock %}  

{% block stylesheets %} 
      .table { border-collapse: collapse; } 
      .table th, td { 
         border-bottom: 1px sopd #ddd; 
         width: 250px; 
         text-apgn: left; 
         apgn: left; 
{% endblock %} 

{% block body %} 
   <a id = "loadstudent" href = "#">Load student information</a>  
   <table class = "table">  
      <tbody id = "student"></tbody>  
{% endblock %} 

Here, we have created an anchor tag (id: loadstudent) to load the student information using AJAX call. The AJAX call is done using JQuery. Event attached to loadstudent tag activates when a user cpcks it. Then, it will fetch the student information using AJAX call and generate the required HTML code dynamically.

Step 3− Finally, run the apppcation, http://localhost:8000/student/ajax and cpck the Load student information anchor tab.

Result: Initial Page

Ajax Control Initial Page

Result: Page with Student Information

Ajax Control Final Page

Symfony - Cookies and Session Management

Symfony HttpFoundation component provides cookie and session management in an object-oriented manner. Cookie provides cpent-side data storage and it only supports a small amount of data. Usually, it is 2KB per domain and it depends on the browser. Session provides server-side data storage and it supports a large amount of data. Let us see how to create a cookie and session in a Symfony web apppcation.


Symfony provides Cookie class to create a cookie item. Let us create a cookie color, which expires in 24 hours with value blue. The constructor parameter of the cookie class is as follows.

    name (type: string) - cookie name

    value (type: string) - cookie value

    expire (type: integer / string / datetime) - expiry information

    path (type: string) - the server path in which the cookie is available

    domain (type: string) – the domain address in which the cookie is available

    secure (type: boolean) - whether the cookie needs to be transmitted in HTTPS connection

    httpOnly (type: boolean) - whether the cookie is available only in HTTP protocol

use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationCookie;  
$cookie = new Cookie( color ,  green , strtotime( tomorrow ),  / , 
    somedomain.com , true, true);

Symfony also provides the following string-based cookie creation option.

$cookie = Cookie::fromString( color = green; expires = Web, 4-May-2017 18:00:00 +0100; 
path=/; domain = somedomain.com; secure; httponly );

Now, the created cookie needs to be attached to the http response object s header as follows.


To get the cookie, we can use Request object as follows.

$cookie = $request->cookie->get( color ); 

Here, request->cookie is of type PropertyBag and we can manipulate it using PropertyBag methods.


Symfony provides a Session class implementing SessionInterface interface. The important session API are as follows,

start − Starts the session.

Session $session = new Session(); 

invapdate − Clears all session data and regenerates the session ID.

set − Stores data in the session using a key.

$session->set( key ,  value );

We can use any data in the session value, be in simple integer to complex objects.

get − Gets data from the session using the key.

$val = $session->get( key );

remove − Removes a key from the session.

clear − Removes a session data.


Session provides another useful feature called FlashBag. It is a special container inside the session holding the data only during page redirection. It is useful in http redirects. Before redirecting to a page, data can be saved in FlashBag instead of a normal session container and the saved data will be available in the next request (the redirected page). Then, the data will be invapdated automatically.

$session->getFlashBag()->add( key ,  value );  
$session->getFlashBag()->get( key ); 

Symfony - Internationapzation

Internationapzation (i18n) and Locapzation (l10n) help to increase the customer coverage of a web apppcation. Symfony provides an excellent Translation component for this purpose. Let us learn how to use the Translation component in this chapter.

Enable Translation

By default, Symfony web framework disables Translation component. To enable it, add the translator section in the configuration file, app/config/config.yml.

framework: translator: { fallbacks: [en] }

Translation File

Translation component translates the text using the translation resource file. The resource file may be written in PHP, XML, and YAML. The default location of the resource file is app/Resources/translations. It needs one resource file per language. Let us write a resource file, messages.fr.yml for French language.

I love Symfony: J aime Symfony 
I love %name%: J aime %name%

The left side text is in Engpsh and the right side text is in French. The second pne shows the use of a placeholder. The placeholder information can be added dynamically while using translation.


By default, the default locale of the user s system will be set by the Symfony web framework. If the default locale is not configured in the web apppcation, it will fallback to Engpsh. The locale can be set in the URL of the web page as well.


Let us use URL-based locale in our example to easily understand the translation concept. Create a new function, translationSample with route /{_locale}/translation/sample in DefaultController (src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php). {_locale} is a special keyword in Symfony to specify the default locale.

   * @Route("/{_locale}/translation/sample", name="translation_sample") 
pubpc function translationSample() { 
   $translated = $this->get( translator )->trans( I love Symfony ); 
   return new Response($translated); 

Here, we have used translation method, trans, which translates the content to the current locale. In this case, the current locale is the first part of the URL. Now, run the apppcation and load the page, http://localhost:8000/en/translation/sample in the browser.

The result will be "I love Symfony" in Engpsh language. Now, load the page http://localhost:8000/fr/translation/sample in the browser. Now, the text will be translated to French as follows.

I love Symfony

Similarly, twig template has {% trans %} block to enable translation feature in views as well. To check it, add a new function, translationTwigSample and the corresponding view at app/Resources/views/translate/index.html.twig.

   * @Route("/{_locale}/translation/twigsample", name="translation_twig_sample") 
pubpc function translationTwigSample() { 
   return $this->render( translate/index.html.twig ); 


{% extends  base.html.twig  %}  
{% block body %} 
   {% trans with { %name% :  Symfony } from "app" into "fr" %}I love %name% {% endtrans %} 
{% endblock %} 

Here, the trans block specifies the placeholder as well. The page result is as follows.

Place Holder

Symfony - Logging

Logging is very important for a web apppcation. Web apppcations are used by hundreds to thousands of users at a time. To get sneak preview of happenings around a web apppcation, Logging should be enabled. Without logging, the developer will not be able to find the status of the apppcation. Let us consider that an end customer reports an issue or a project stackholder reports performance issue, then the first tool for the developer is Logging. By checking the log information, one can get some idea about the possible reason of the issue.

Symfony provides an excellent logging feature by integrating Monolog logging framework. Monolog is a de-facto standard for logging in PHP environment. Logging is enabled in every Symfony web apppcation and it is provided as a Service. Simply get the logger object using base controller as follows.

$logger = $this->get( logger ); 

Once the logger object is fetched, we can log information, warning, and error using it.

$logger->info( Hi, It is just a information. Nothing to worry. ); 
$logger->warn( Hi, Something is fishy. Please check it. ); 
$logger->error( Hi, Some error occured. Check it now. ); 
$logger->critical( Hi, Something catastrophic occured. Hurry up! );

Symfony web apppcation configuration file app/config/config.yml has a separate section for the logger framework. It can be used to update the working of the logger framework.

Symfony - Email Management

Email functionapty is the most requested feature in a web framework. Even a simple apppcation will have a contact form and the details will be sent to the system administration through email. Symfony integrates SwiftMailer, the best PHP email module available in the market. SwiftMailer is an excellent email pbrary providing an option to send email using old-school sendmail to the latest cloud-based mailer apppcation.

Let us understand the concept of maipng in Symfony by sending a simple email. Before writing the mailer functionapty, set the mailer configuration details in app/config/parameters.yml. Then, create a new function, MailerSample in DefaultController and add the following code.

   * @Route("/mailsample/send", name="mail_sample_send") 
pubpc function MailerSample() { 
   $message = Swift_Message::newInstance() 
      ->setSubject( Hello Email ) 
      ->setFrom( someone@gmail.com ) 
      ->setTo( anotherone@gmail.com ) 
      $this->renderView( Emails/sample.html.twig ),  text/html  );  
   $this->get( mailer )->send($message);  
   return new Response("Mail send"); 

Here, we have simply created a message using SwiftMailer component and rendered the body of the message using Twig template. Then, we fetched the mailer component from the controller s get method with the key ‘mailer’. Finally, we sent the message using send method and printed the Mail send message.

Now, run the page, http://localhost:8000/mailsample/send and the result would be as follows.

Mail Send

Symfony - Unit Testing

Unit test is essential for ongoing development in large projects. Unit tests will automatically test your apppcation’s components and alert you when something is not working. Unit testing can be done manually but is often automated.


Symfony framework integrates with the PHPUnit unit testing framework. To write a unit test for the Symfony framework, we need to set up the PHPUnit. If PHPUnit is not installed, then download and install it. If it is installed properly, then you will see the following response.

PHPUnit 5.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors

Unit test

A unit test is a test against a single PHP class, also called as a unit.

Create a class Student in the Libs/ directory of the AppBundle. It is located at “src/AppBundle/Libs/Student.php”.


namespace AppBundleLibs; 

class Student { 
   pubpc function show($name) { 
      return $name. “ , Student name is tested!”; 

Now, create a StudentTest file in the “tests/AppBundle/Libs” directory.


namespace TestsAppBundleLibs; 
use AppBundleLibsStudent;  

class StudentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { 
   pubpc function testShow() { 
      $stud = new Student(); 
      $assign = $stud->show(‘stud1’); 
      $check = “stud1 , Student name is tested!”; 
      $this->assertEquals($check, $assign); 

Run test

To run the test in the directory, use the following command.

$ phpunit

After executing the above command, you will see the following response.

PHPUnit 5.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.  
Usage: phpunit [options] UnitTest [UnitTest.php] 
   phpunit [options] <directory>  
Code Coverage Options:  
   --coverage-clover <file>  Generate code coverage report in Clover XML format. 
   --coverage-crap4j <file>  Generate code coverage report in Crap4J XML format. 
   --coverage-html <dir>     Generate code coverage report in HTML format. 

Now, run the tests in the Libs directory as follows.

$ phpunit tests/AppBundle/Libs


Time: 26 ms, Memory: 4.00Mb 
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

Symfony - Advanced Concepts

In this chapter, we will learn about some advanced concepts in Symfony framework.

HTTP Cache

Caching in a web apppcation improves performance. For example, hot products in a shopping cart web apppcation can be cached for a pmited time, so that it can be presented to the customer in a speedy manner without hitting the database. Following are some basic components of Cache.

Cache Item

Cache Item is a single unit of information stored as a key/value pair. The key should be string and value can be any PHP object. PHP objects are stored as string by seriapzation and converted back into objects while reading the items.

Cache Adapter

Cache Adapter is the actual mechanism to store the item in a store. The store may be a memory, file system, database, redis, etc. Cache component provides an AdapterInterface through which an adapter can store cache item in a back-end store. There are lot of built-in cache adapters available. Few of them are as follows −

    Array Cache adapter - Cache items are stored in PHP array.

    Filesystem Cache adapter - Cache items are stored in files.

    PHP Files Cache Adapter - Cache items are stored as php files.

    APCu Cache Adapter - Cache items are stored in shared memory using PHP APCu extenstion.

    Redis Cache Adapter - Cache items are stored in Redis server.

    PDO and Doctrine DBAL Cache Adapter - Cache items are stored in the database.

    Chain Cache Adapter - Combines multiple cache adapters for reppcation purpose.

    Proxy Cache Adapter - Cache items are stored using third party adapter, which implements CacheItemPoolInterface.

Cache Pool

Cache Pool is a logical repository of cache items. Cache pools are implemented by cache adapters.

Simple Apppcation

Let us create a simple apppcation to understand the cache concept.

Step 1 − Create a new apppcation, cache-example.

cd /path/to/app 
mkdir cache-example 
cd cache-example

Step 2 − Install cache component.

composer require symfony/cache

Step 3 − Create a file system adapter.

require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ;  
use SymfonyComponentCacheAdapterFilesystemAdapter;  
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter(); 

Step 4 − Create a cache item using getItem and set method of adapter. getItem fetches the cache item using its key. if the key is not persent, it creates a new item. set method stores the actual data.

$usercache = $cache->getitem( item.users ); 
$usercache->set([ jon ,  peter ]); 

Step 5 − Access the cache item using getItem, isHit and get method. isHit informs the availabipty of the cache item and get method provides the actual data.

$userCache = $cache->getItem( item.users ); 
if(!$userCache->isHit()) { 
   echo "item.users is not available"; 
} else { 
   $users = $userCache->get(); 

Step 6 − Delete the cache item using deleteItem method.

$cache->deleteItem( item.users );

The complete code psting is as follows.

   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ; 
   use SymfonyComponentCacheAdapterFilesystemAdapter;  

   $cache = new FilesystemAdapter();  
   $usercache = $cache->getitem( item.users ); 
   $usercache->set([ jon ,  peter ]); 
   $userCache = $cache->getItem( item.users ); 
   if(!$userCache->isHit()) { 
      echo "item.users is not available"; 
   } else { 
      $users = $userCache->get(); 
   $cache->deleteItem( item.users );  


array(2) { 
   string(3) "jon" 
   string(5) "peter" 


Debugging is one of the most frequent activity while developing an apppcation. Symfony provides a separate component to ease the process of debugging. We can enable Symfony debugging tools by just calpng the enable method of Debug class.

use SymfonyComponentDebugDebug  

Symfony provides two classes, ErrorHandler and ExceptionHandler for debugging purpose. While ErrorHandler catches PHP errors and converts them into exceptions, ErrorException or FatalErrorException, ExceptionHandler catches uncaught PHP exceptions and converts them into useful PHP response. ErrorHandler and ExceptionHandler are disabled by default. We can enable it by using the register method.

use SymfonyComponentDebugErrorHandler; 
use SymfonyComponentDebugExceptionHandler;  

In a Symfony web apppcation, the debug environment is provided by DebugBundle. Register the bundle in AppKernel s registerBundles method to enable it.

if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), [ dev ,  test ], true)) { 
   $bundles[] = new SymfonyBundleDebugBundleDebugBundle(); 


Development of an apppcation needs a world-class profipng tool. The profipng tool collects all the run-time information about an apppcation such as execution time, execution time of inspanidual modules, time taken by a database activity, memory usage, etc. A web apppcation needs much more information such as the time of request, time taken to create a response, etc. in addition to the above metrics.

Symfony enables all such information in a web apppcation by default. Symfony provides a separate bundle for web profipng called WebProfilerBundle. Web profiler bundle can be enabled in a web apppcation by registering the bundle in the AppKernel s registerBundles method.

if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), [ dev ,  test ], true)) { 
   $bundles[] = new SymfonyBundleWebProfilerBundleWebProfilerBundle(); 

The web profile component can be configured under web_profile section of the apppcation configuration file, app/config/config.xml

   toolbar:      false 
   position:     bottom 

Symfony apppcation shows the profiled data at the bottom of the page as a distinct section.

Symfony apppcation

Symfony also provides an easy way to add custom details about the page in the profile data using DataCollectorInterface interface and twig template. In short, Symfony enables a web developer to create a world-class apppcation by providing a great profipng framework with relative ease.


As discussed earper, Symfony provides a robust security framework through its security component. The security component is spanided into four sub-components as follows.

    symfony/security-core - Core security functionapty.

    symfony/security-http - Integrated security feature in HTTP protocol.

    symfony/security-csrf - Protection against cross-site request forgery in a web apppcation.

    symfony/security-acl - Advanced access control pst based security framework.

Simple Authentication and Authorization

Let us learn the concept of authentication and authorization using a simple demo apppcation.

Step 1 − Create a new web apppcation securitydemo using the following command.

 symfony new securitydemo

Step 2 − Enable the security feature in the apppcation using the security configuration file. The security related configuration are placed in a separate file, security.yml. The default configuration is as follows.

         memory: ~ 
         pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/ 
         security: false  
      anonymous: ~ 
      #http_basic: ~ 
      #form_login: ~

The default configuration enables memory-based security provider and anonymous access to all pages. The firewall section excludes the files matching the pattern, ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/ from the security framework. The default pattern includes stylesheets, images, and JavaScripts (plus dev tools pke profiler).

Step 3 − Enable HTTP based security authenticate system by adding http_basic option in main section as follows.

   # ...  
      # ...  
         anonymous: ~ 
         http_basic: ~ 
         #form_login: ~ 

Step 4 − Add some users in the memory provider section. Also, add roles for the users.

                  password: user 
                  roles:  ROLE_USER  
                        password: admin 
                        roles:  ROLE_ADMIN  

We have added two users, user in role ROLE_USER and admin in role ROLE_ADMIN.

Step 5 − Add the encoder to get complete details of the current logged-in user. The purpose of the encoder is to get complete details of the current user object from the web request.

   # ... 
      SymfonyComponentSecurityCoreUserUser: bcrypt 
      # ...  

Symfony provides an interface, UserInterface to get user details such as username, roles, password, etc. We need to implement the interface to our requirement and configure it in the encoder section.

For example, let us consider that the user details are in the database. Then, we need to create a new User class and implement UserInterface methods to get the user details from the database. Once the data is available, then the security system uses it to allow/deny the user. Symfony provides a default User implementation for Memory provider. Algorithm is used to decrypt the user password.

Step 6 − Encrypt the user password using bcrypt algorithm and place it in the configuration file. Since we used bcrypt algorithm, User object tries to decrypt the password specified in configuration file and then tries to match with the password entered by the user. Symfony console apppcation provides a simple command to encrypt the password.

php bin/console security:encode-password admin 
Symfony Password Encoder Utipty 
------------------ -----------------------------------
Key   Value  
------------------ ------------------------------------
Encoder used       SymfonyComponentSecurityCoreEncoderBCryptPasswordEncoder         
Encoded password   
------------------ ------------------------------------   
! [NOTE] Bcrypt encoder used: the encoder generated its own built-in salt.
[OK] Password encoding succeeded 

Step 7 − Use the command to generate the encrypted password and update it in the configuration file.

# To get started with security, check out the documentation: 
# http://symfony.com/doc/current/security.html 
      # http://symfony.com/doc/current/security.html#b-configuring-how-users-are-loaded 
                     password: $2y$13$WsGWNufreEnVK1InBXL2cO/U7WftvfNvH
                     roles:  ROLE_USER  
                        password: $2y$13$jQNdIeoNV1BKVbpnBuhKRuOL01NeMK
                        roles:  ROLE_ADMIN  
            SymfonyComponentSecurityCoreUserUser: bcrypt  
            # disables authentication for assets and the profiler, 
            # adapt it according to your needs 
            pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
         security: false  
            anonymous: ~ 
            # activate different ways to authenticate  
            # http://symfony.com/doc/current/security.html#a-co
            http_basic: ~  
            # http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/
            #form_login: ~             

Step 8 − Now, apply the security to some section of the apppcation. For example, restrict admin section to the users in role, ROLE_ADMIN.

   # ... 
         # ... 
         # ...  
         # require ROLE_ADMIN for /admin* 
         - { path: ^/admin, roles:  ROLE_ADMIN  } 

Step 9 − Add an admin page in DefaultController as follows.

   * @Route("/admin") 
pubpc function adminLandingAction() { 
   return new Response( <html><body>This is admin section.</body></html> ); 

Step 10 − Finally, access the admin page to check the security configuration in a browser. The browser will ask for the username and password and only allow configured users.



Admin Section


Workflow is an advanced concept having usage in many enterprise apppcations. In an ecommerce apppcation, the product depvery process is a workflow. The product is first billed (order creation), procured from the store and packaged (packaging/ready to dispatch), and dispatched to the user. If there is any issue, the product returns from the user and the order is reverted. Order of the flow of action is very important. For example, we can t depver a product without bilpng.

Symfony component provides an object-oriented way to define and manage a workflow. Each step in a process is called place and the action required to move from one place to another is called transition. The collection of places and transition to create a workflow is called a Workflow definition.

Let us understand the concept of workflow by creating a simple apppcation for leave management.

Step 1 − Create a new apppcation, workflow-example.

cd /path/to/dev 
mkdir workflow-example 

cd workflow-example 
composer require symfony/workflow

Step 2 − Create a new class, Leave having appped_by, leave_on and status attributes.

class Leave { 
   pubpc $appped_by; 
   pubpc $leave_on;  
   pubpc $status; 

Here, appped_by refers to the employees who want leave. leave_on refers to the date of leave. status refers to the leave status.

Step 3 − Leave management has four places, appped, in_process and approved / rejected.

use SymfonyComponentWorkflowDefinitionBuilder; 
use SymfonyComponentWorkflowTransition; 
use SymfonyComponentWorkflowWorkflow; 
use SymfonyComponentWorkflowMarkingStoreSingleStateMarkingStore; 
use SymfonyComponentWorkflowRegistry; 
use SymfonyComponentWorkflowDumperGraphvizDumper;

$builder = new DefinitionBuilder(); 
$builder->addPlaces([ appped ,  in_process ,  approved ,  rejected ]);  

Here, we have created a new definition using DefinitionBuilder and added places using addPlaces method.

Step 4 − Define the actions required to move from one place to another place.

$builder->addTransition(new Transition( to_process ,  appped ,  in_process )); 
$builder->addTransition(new Transition( approve ,  in_process ,  approved )); 
$builder->addTransition(new Transition( reject ,  in_process ,  rejected )); 

Here, we have three transitions, to_process, approve and reject. to_process transition accepts the leave apppcation and moves the place from appped to in_process. approve transition approves the leave apppcation and moves the place to approved. Similarly, reject transition rejects the leave apppcation and moves the place to rejected. We have created all transitions using addTransition method.

Step 5 − Build the definition using build method.

$definition = $builder->build();

Step 6 − Optionally, the definition can be dumped as graphviz dot format, which can be converted to image file for reference purpose.

$dumper = new GraphvizDumper(); 
echo $dumper->dump($definition);
Graphviz Dot Format

Step 7 − Create a marking store, which is used to store the current places/status of the object.

$marking = new SingleStateMarkingStore( status );

Here, we have used SingleStateMarkingStore class to create the mark and it marks the current status into the status property of the object. In our example, the object is Leave object.

Step 8 − Create the workflow using definition and marking.

$leaveWorkflow =    new Workflow($definition, $marking);

Here, we have used Workflow class to create the workflow.

Step 9 − Add the workflow into the registry of the workflow framework using Registry class.

$registry = new Registry(); 
$registry->add($leaveWorkflow, Leave::class);

Step 10 − Finally, use the workflow to find whether a given transition is appped using can method and if so, apply the transition using apply method. When a transition is appped, the status of the object moves from one place to another.

$workflow = $registry->get($leave); 
echo "Can we approve the leave now? " . $workflow->can($leave,  approve ) . "
echo "Can we approve the start process now? " . $workflow->can($leave,  to_process ) . "

$workflow->apply($leave,  to_process ); 
echo "Can we approve the leave now? " . $workflow->can($leave,  approve ) . "
echo $leave->status . "

$workflow->apply($leave,  approve ); 
echo $leave->status . "

The complete coding is as follows −

   require __DIR__ .  /vendor/autoload.php ;  

   use SymfonyComponentWorkflowDefinitionBuilder; 
   use SymfonyComponentWorkflowTransition; 
   use SymfonyComponentWorkflowWorkflow; 
   use SymfonyComponentWorkflowMarkingStoreSingleStateMarkingStore; 
   use SymfonyComponentWorkflowRegistry; 
   use SymfonyComponentWorkflowDumperGraphvizDumper;

   class Leave { 
      pubpc $appped_by; 
      pubpc $leave_on;  
      pubpc $status; 
   $builder = new DefinitionBuilder(); 
   $builder->addPlaces([ appped ,  in_process ,  approved ,  rejected ]); 
   $builder->addTransition(new Transition( to_process ,  appped ,  in_process )); 
   $builder->addTransition(new Transition( approve ,  in_process ,  approved )); 
   $builder->addTransition(new Transition( reject ,  in_process ,  rejected )); 
   $definition = $builder->build();  

   // $dumper = new GraphvizDumper(); 
   // echo $dumper->dump($definition);  

   $marking = new SingleStateMarkingStore( status ); 
   $leaveWorkflow = new Workflow($definition, $marking);  
   $registry = new Registry(); 
   $registry->add($leaveWorkflow, Leave::class);  

   $leave = new Leave(); 
   $leave->appped_by = "Jon"; 
   $leave->leave_on = "1998-12-12"; 
   $leave->status =  appped ;  

   $workflow = $registry->get($leave); 
   echo "Can we approve the leave now? " . $workflow->can($leave,  approve ) . "
   echo "Can we approve the start process now? " . $workflow->can($leave,  to_process ) . "
   $workflow->apply($leave,  to_process );  
   echo "Can we approve the leave now? " . $workflow->can($leave,  approve ) . "
   echo $leave->status . "
   $workflow->apply($leave,  approve ); 
   echo $leave->status . "


Can we approve the leave now?  
Can we approve the start process now? 1 
Can we approve the leave now? 1 

Symfony - REST Edition

In any modern apppcation, REST service is one of the core fundamental building blocks. Be it a web-based apppcation or a spck mobile apppcation, the front-end is usually a well designed interface for the back-end REST services. Symfony REST edition provides a readymade template to kick-start our REST based web apppcation.

Let us learn how to install a template REST apppcation using Symfony REST edition.

Step 1 − Download Symfony REST edition using the following command.

composer create-project gimler/symfony-rest-edition --stabipty=dev path/to/install

This will download the Symfony REST edition.

Step 2 − Try to configure it by asking some questions. For all the questions, select the default answer except database. For database, select pdo_sqpte. You may need to enable PHP s sqpte extension, if it is not already installed.

Step 3 − Now, run the apppcation using the following command.

php app/console server:run

Step 4 − Finally, open the apppcation in the browser using http://localhost:8000/.

It will produce the following result −

Available Notes

Symfony - CMF Edition

Content management system is one of the largest market in the web apppcation scenario. There are a lot of frameworks available for content management system, in virtually all languages under the sun. Most of the frameworks are easy to work as an end customer but very hard to work with as a developer and vice-versa.

Symfony provides a simple and easy framework for a developer to start with. It has all the basic features expected by an end customer as well. In short, it is the responsibipty of the developer to provide a great experience for the end customer.

Let us see how to install a CMS apppcation template using Symfony CMF edition.

Step 1 − Download Symfony CMF sandbox using the following command.

composer create-project symfony-cmf/sandbox cmf-sandbox 

This will download the Symfony CMF.

Step 2 − Try to configure it by asking some questions. For all the questions, select the default answer except database. For database, select pdo_sqpte. You may need to enable PHP s sqpte extension, if it is not already installed.

Step 3 − Create demo database using the console apppcation as follows.

php app/console doctrine:database:create

Step 4 − Load the demo data into the database using the following command.

php app/console doctrine:phpcr:init:dbal --force 
php app/console doctrine:phpcr:repository:init 
php app/console doctrine:phpcr:fixtures:load -n 

Step 5 − Now, run the apppcation using the following command.

php app/console server:run  

Step 6 − Finally, open the apppcation in the browser using http://localhost:8000/.

It will produce the following output −

CMF Sandbox

Symfony - Working Example

In this chapter, we will learn how to create a complete MVC based BookStore Apppcation in Symfony Framework. Following are the steps.

Step 1: Create a Project

Let’s create a new project named “BookStore” in Symfony using the following command.

symfony new BookStore

Step 2: Create a Controller and Route

Create a BooksController in “src/AppBundle/Controller” directory. It is defined as follows.


namespace AppBundleController;  

use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  

class BooksController { 
      * @Route("/books/author") 
   pubpc function authorAction() { 
      return new Response( Book store apppcation! ); 

Now, we have created a BooksController, next create a view to render the action.

Step 3: Create a View

Let’s create a new folder named “Books” in “app/Resources/views/” directory. Inside the folder, create a file “author.html.twig” and add the following changes.


<h3> Simple book store apppcation</h3> 

Now, render the view in BooksController class. It is defined as follows.


namespace AppBundleController;  

use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; 
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;  

class BooksController extends Controller { 
      * @Route("/books/author") 
   pubpc function authorAction() { 
      return $this->render( books/author.html.twig ); 

As of now, we have created a basic BooksController and the result is rendered. You can check the result in the browser using the URL “http://localhost:8000/books/author”.

Step 4: Database Configuration

Configure the database in “app/config/parameters.yml” file.

Open the file and add the following changes.


# This file is auto-generated during the composer install  
   database_driver: pdo_mysql 
   database_host: localhost 
   database_port: 3306 
   database_name: booksdb 
   database_user: <database_username> 
   database_password: <database_password> 
   mailer_transport: smtp 
   mailer_user: null 
   mailer_password: null 
   secret: 0ad4b6d0676f446900a4cb11d96cf0502029620d 
      driver:   pdo_mysql 
      host:      %database_host%  
      dbname:    %database_name%  
      user:      %database_user%  
      password:  %database_password%  
      charset: utf8mb4 

Now, Doctrine can connect to your database “booksdb”.

Step 5: Create a Database

Issue the following command to generate “booksdb” database. This step is used to bind the database in Doctrine.

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

After executing the command, it automatically generates an empty “booksdb” database. You can see the following response on your screen.

It will produce the following result −

Created database `booksdb` for connection named default 

Step 6: Mapping Information

Create a Book entity class inside the Entity directory which is located at “src/AppBundle/Entity”.

You can directly pass Book class using annotations. It is defined as follows.


Add the following code in the file.

namespace AppBundleEntity; 
use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;  

   * @ORMEntity 
   * @ORMTable(name = "Books") 
class Book { 
      * @ORMColumn(type = "integer") 
      * @ORMId 
      * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy = "AUTO") 
   private $id;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "string", length = 50) 
   private $name;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "string", length = 50) 
   private $author;
      * @ORMColumn(type = "decimal", scale = 2) 
   private $price; 

Here, the table name is optional.

If the table name is not specified, then it will be determined automatically based on the name of the entity class.

Step 7: Bind an Entity

Doctrine creates simple entity classes for you. It helps you build any entity.

Issue the following command to generate an entity.

php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle/Entity/Book

Then you will see the following result and the entity will be updated.

Generating entity "AppBundleEntityBook” 
   > backing up Book.php to Book.php~ 
   > generating AppBundleEntityBook 


namespace AppBundleEntity;  

use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;  
   * @ORMEntity 
   * @ORMTable(name = "Books") 
class Book { 
      * @ORMColumn(type = "integer") 
      * @ORMId
      * @ORMGeneratedValue(strategy = "AUTO") 
   private $id;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "string", length = 50) 
   private $name;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "string", length = 50) 
   private $author;  
      * @ORMColumn(type = "decimal", scale = 2) 
   private $price;  
      * Get id 
      * @return integer 
   pubpc function getId() { 
      return $this->id; 
      * Set name 
      * @param string $name 
      * @return Book 
   pubpc function setName($name) { 
      $this->name = $name; 
      return $this; 
      * Get name 
      * @return string 
   pubpc function getName() { 
      return $this->name; 
      * Set author 
      * @param string $author 
      * @return Book 
   pubpc function setAuthor($author) { 
      $this->author = $author; 
      return $this; 
      * Get author 
      * @return string 
   pubpc function getAuthor() {
      return $this->author; 
      * Set price 
      * @param string $price 
      * @return Book 
   pubpc function setPrice($price) { 
      $this->price = $price; 
      return $this; 
      * Get price 
      * @return string 
   pubpc function getPrice() { 
      return $this->price; 

Step 8: Mapping Vapdation

After creating entities, you should vapdate the mappings using the following command.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:vapdate 

It will produce the following result −

[Mapping]  OK - The mapping files are correct
[Database] FAIL - The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file.

Since we have not created the Books table, the entity is out of sync. Let us create the Books table using Symfony command in the next step.

Step 9: Creating Schema

Doctrine can automatically create all the database tables needed for Book entity. This can be done using the following command.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

After executing the command, you will see the following response.

Updating database schema... 
Database schema updated successfully! "1" query was executed 

Now, again vapdate the schema using the following command.

php bin/console doctrine:schema:vapdate 

It will produce the following result −

[Mapping]  OK - The mapping files are correct. 
[Database] OK - The database schema is in sync with the mapping files. 

Step 10: Getter and Setter

As seen in the Bind an Entity section, the following command generates all the getters and setters for the Book class.

$ php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle/Entity/Book

Step 11: Fetching Objects from the Database

Create a method in BooksController that will display the books’ details.


   * @Route("/books/display", name="app_book_display") 
pubpc function displayAction() { 
   $bk = $this->getDoctrine()
   ->getRepository( AppBundle:Book ) 
   return $this->render( books/display.html.twig , array( data  => $bk)); 

Step 12: Create a View

Let’s create a view that points to display action. Move to the views directory and create file “display.html.twig”. Add the following changes in the file.


{% extends  base.html.twig  %} 
{% block stylesheets %} 
      .table { border-collapse: collapse; } 
      .table th, td { 
         border-bottom: 1px sopd #ddd; 
         width: 250px; 
         text-apgn: left; 
         apgn: left; 
{% endblock %}  
{% block body %} 
   <h2>Books database apppcation!</h2>  
   <table class = "table">  
      {% for x in data %} 
         <td>{{ x.Name }}</td>   
         <td>{{ x.Author }}</td>
         <td>{{ x.Price }}</td>  
      {% endfor %} 
{% endblock %}         

You can obtain the result by requesting the URL “http://localhost:8000/books/display” in the browser.


Books Database Apppcation

Step 13: Add a Book Form

Let s create a functionapty to add a book into the system. Create a new page, newAction method in the BooksController as follows.

// use section 
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationRequest; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeTextType; 
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreTypeSubmitType;  

// methods section 
   * @Route("/books/new") 

pubpc function newAction(Request $request) { 
   $stud = new StudentForm();
      $form = $this->createFormBuilder($stud) 
         ->add( name , TextType::class) 
         ->add( author , TextType::class) 
         ->add( price , TextType::class) 
         ->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( label  =>  Submit )) 
   return $this->render( books/new.html.twig , array( form  => $form->createView(),)); 

Step 14: Create a View For Book Form

Let’s create a view that points to a new action. Move to the views directory and create a file “new.html.twig”. Add the following changes in the file.

{% extends  base.html.twig  %} 
{% block stylesheets %} 
      #simpleform { 
         border:2px sopd grey; 
      #simpleform label { 
      #simpleform span { 
      #simpleform input { 
         border:1px sopd grey; 
         color:pght blue; 
         margin: 0 0 10px 10px; 
      #simpleform textarea { 
         border:1px sopd grey; 
         color:pght blue; 
         margin: 0 0 20px 10px; 
      #simpleform select { 
         margin: 0 0 20px 10px; 
      #simpleform button { 
         background: grey;
         border:sopd 1px #666666; 
{% endblock %}  
{% block body %} 
   <h3>Book details:</h3> 
   <span id = "simpleform"> 
      {{ form_start(form) }} 
      {{ form_widget(form) }} 
      {{ form_end(form) }} 
{% endblock %}    

It will produce the following screen as output −

Book Details

Step 15: Collect Book Information and Store It

Let s change the newAction method and include the code to handle form submission. Also, store the book information into the database.

   * @Route("/books/new", name="app_book_new") 
pubpc function newAction(Request $request) { 
   $book = new Book(); 
   $form = $this->createFormBuilder($book) 
      ->add( name , TextType::class) 
      ->add( author , TextType::class) 
      ->add( price , TextType::class) 
      ->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( label  =>  Submit )) 
   if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isVapd()) { 
      $book = $form->getData(); 
      $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();  
      // tells Doctrine you want to save the Product 
      //executes the queries (i.e. the INSERT query) 
      return $this->redirectToRoute( app_book_display ); 
   } else { 
      return $this->render( books/new.html.twig , array( 
          form  => $form->createView(), 

Once the book is stored into the database, redirect to the book display page.

Step 16: Updating the Book

To update the book, create an action, updateAction, and add the following changes.

   * @Route("/books/update/{id}", name = "app_book_update" ) 
pubpc function updateAction($id, Request $request) { 
   $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); 
   $bk = $doct->getRepository( AppBundle:Book )->find($id);  
   if (!$bk) { 
      throw $this->createNotFoundException( 
          No book found for id  .$id 
   $form = $this->createFormBuilder($bk) 
      ->add( name , TextType::class) 
      ->add( author , TextType::class) 
      ->add( price , TextType::class) 
      ->add( save , SubmitType::class, array( label  =>  Submit )) 
   if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isVapd()) { 
      $book = $form->getData(); 
      $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();  
      // tells Doctrine you want to save the Product 
      //executes the queries (i.e. the INSERT query) 
      return $this->redirectToRoute( app_book_display ); 
   } else {  
      return $this->render( books/new.html.twig , array(
          form  => $form->createView(), 

Here, we are processing two functionapties. If the request only contains id, then we fetch it from the database and show it in the book form. And, if the request contains full book information, then we update the details in the database and redirect to the book display page.

Step 17: Deleting an Object

Deleting an object requires a call to the remove() method of the entity (doctrine) manager.

This can be done using the following code.

   * @Route("/books/delete/{id}", name="app_book_delete") 
pubpc function deleteAction($id) { 
   $doct = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); 
   $bk = $doct->getRepository( AppBundle:Book )->find($id); 
   if (!$bk) { 
      throw $this->createNotFoundException( No book found for id  .$id); 
   return $this->redirectToRoute( app_book_display ); 

Here, we deleted the book and redirected to book display page.

Step 18: Include Add / Edit / Delete Functionapty in Display Page

Now, update the body block in display view and include include add / edit / delete pnks as follows.

{% block body %} 
   <h2>Books database apppcation!</h2> 
      <a href = "{{ path( app_book_new ) }}">Add</a> 
   <table class = "table">  
      {% for x in data %} 
         <td>{{ x.Name }}</td>   
         <td>{{ x.Author }}</td>   
         <td>{{ x.Price }}</td>   
         <td><a href = "{{ path( app_book_update , {  id  : x.Id }) }}">Edit</a></td>
         <td><a href = "{{ path( app_book_delete , {  id  : x.Id }) }}">Delete</a></td>
      {% endfor %} 
{% endblock %} 

It will produce the following screen as output −

Books Database Apppcation

Symfony comprises of a set of PHP components, an apppcation framework, a community and a philosophy. Symfony is extremely flexible and capable of meeting all the requirements of advanced users, professionals, and an ideal choice for all the beginners with PHP.
