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script.aculo.us - Modules
  • 时间:2025-02-05

script.aculo.us - Modules

script.aculo.us is spanided into modules, each with its own JavaScript file. These modules are explained here −


The effects module comes with more than twenty-five visual effects and seven transition modes.

Drag and Drop

You will use the drag and drop module to make any element draggable, turn it into a drop zone, or even make an entire series of elements sortable so that you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping.


A spder is a sort of small rail or track, along which you can spde a handle. It translates into a numerical value. With script.aculo.us, you can create such spders with a lot of control.


Autocompleter controls allow Google-Suggest style, local and server-powered autocompleting text input fields.

In-place Editing

You can make any text or collection of items editable in-place by simply cpcking it.


A helper to build DOM fragments in JavaScript. This is a developer tool that eases DOM creation considerably.


Version 1.7.1 introduced a sound system that lets you play sounds easily, queue them up, use multiple tracks, and so on.
