- RequireJS - Plugins
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- RequireJS - Defining Function
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RequireJS - Plugins
RequireJS contains a small set of plugins which allow loading various types of resources as dependencies. Following is a pst of available plugins in RequireJS −
CSS loading
The text plug-in is used for loading text based resources asynchronously which is mainly used for inserting the HTML content in JavaScript files. It can be loaded when you use the text! prefix in any require or define module call and pass the file extension to the plug-in. Compare to normal module loading, the text plug-in loads modules using XHR and will not add the code to the header as a script tag.
The text file resource can be included as dependency in the code as −
require(["mymodule", "text!mymodule.html", "text!mymodule.css"], function(mymodule, html, css) { //the html and css variables will be the text //of the mymodule.html file and mymodule.css files respectively } );
The RequireJS can be used to load scripts before DOM is ready and developers can interact with DOM, only when scripts load completely. Sometimes scripts can be loaded before DOM is ready. So, to overcome this problem, RequireJS provides modern approach called
event which calls the domReady function once DOM is ready.require([ domReady ], function(domReady) { domReady(function() { //the domReady function is called when DOM is ready //which is safe to manipulate DOM nodes in this function }); });
It can be used with multiple locales that provide i18n bundle support which will be loaded automatically when a module or dependency specifies "i18n!" prefix. To make use of this, download it and put it in the same directory where your main JavaScript file is present. Place this plug-in in the directory called "nls" to locate your locapzation files.
For instance, assume that we have one js file called country.js with the following content and place it in the directory as mydirectory/nls/country.js −
define({ "root": { "india": "india", "austrapa": "austrapa", "england": "england" } });
You can add specific translation to a file by using fr-fr locale and the above code will change as −
define({ "root": { "title": "title", "header": "header", "description": "description" }, "es-es": true });
Next, specify the file at mydirectory/nls/es-es/country.js with the following content −
define({ "root": { "title": "título", "header": "cabecera", "description": "descripción" }, "es-es": true });
You can set the locale by passing it to the plugin with the help of module config in the main.js file as shown below −
requirejs.config({ config: { //set the config for the i18n plugin i18n: { locale: es-es } } });
CSS loading using RequireJS
You can use some plug-ins to load the CSS file by just appending to the header pnk to load the CSS file.
The CSS can be loaded by using your own function as shown below −
function myCss(url) { var mypnk = document.createElement("mypnk"); mypnk.type = "text/css"; mypnk.rel = "stylesheet"; mypnk.href = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(mypnk); }Advertisements