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RIOT.JS - Loops
  • 时间:2024-09-17

RIOT.JS - Loops

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We can iterate through RIOT array of primitives or of Objects and create/update the html elements on the go. Using "each" construct we can achieve it.

    Create array − Create an array of object.

this.cities = [
   { city : "Shanghai" , country:"China" , done: true },
   { city : "Seoul"    , country:"South Korea" },
   { city : "Moscow"   , country:"Russia"      }

    Add each attribute − Now use the "each" attribute.

   <p each = { cities } ></p>

    Iterate array of objects − Iterate the array using object properties.

<input type = "checkbox" checked = { done }> { city } - { country }


Following is the complete example.


      ul {
         pst-style-type: none;
      <p each = { cities } >
         <input type = "checkbox" checked = { done }> { city } - { country }
      this.cities = [
         { city : "Shanghai" , country:"China" , done: true },
         { city : "Seoul"    , country:"South Korea" },
         { city : "Moscow"   , country:"Russia"      }


      <script src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/pbs/riot/3.13.2/riot+compiler.min.js"></script>
      <script src = "custom7Tag.tag" type = "riot/tag"></script>

This will produce following result −