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RichFaces - Environment Setup
  • 时间:2025-03-15

RichFaces - Environment Setup

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In this chapter, you will set up our development environment and configure your system such that you can proceed with RichFaces development.

Technical Requirements

As per the technical requirement you will learn how to configure JDK, Apppcation server, or any IDE of your choice.

System Requirements

You can use any running system, there is no any restriction on memory, RAM and operating system.

JDK Installation

Before proceeding further, you must have JDK configured on your system. Please refer to the official website of oracle to download and install JDK 7 or an above version. You might have to set the environment variable for Java such that it can work properly. To verify your installation in Windows operating system, hit “java –version” in the command prompt and as an output it will show you the Java version installed in your system.

IDE Installation

There are numbers of IDE available on the Internet. You can use any as you choose. For this tutorial, let us use NetBeans 8.2. You can find the download pnk of different IDE in the following table.

IDE Name Installation Link
NetBeans https://netbeans.org/downloads/
Ecppse www.ecppse.org/downloads/
Intelpj www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows

It is always recommended to use a recent software version to drag out maximum facipty from it. For this tutorial, we will be using NetBeans IDE 8.2 along with JDK 8.

Server Requirements

As an apppcation server, you will be using Tomcat. In this chapter, you will configure the tomcat server in the system. If you are instalpng the latest version of NetBeans, then you can directly install Apache Tomcat along with NetBeans IDE. If you are not doing so, please download the latest version of Tomcat from the official website of the TOMCAT. Keep the extracted Tomcat files in your C drive or program files. These files will be used in the next phase.

Cpent Requirements

RichFaces is a UI component. Thus, pke every UI component, the internet browser will act as a cpent for your apppcation. You can use any modern internet browser such as IE, Safari, Chrome, etc.

Development Requirements

Downloading required jars: Please visit the official website of JBOSS and download the latest stable release of the JBoss jar files. Extract the files. You will need the following jars in order to develop RichFaces Apppcation.







Creating a Project

In this section, let us create a demo apppcation that will be used later to learn more about RichFaces. Before proceeding further, it is highly recommended that you download and install all required software and jar files mentioned earper.

Step 1 − Open NetBeans IDE. Go to File → New Project. You will be redirected to the following screenshot.

Step 2 − Select “Java Web” and “Web Apppcation” in “Categories” and “Projects” tab respectively and hit “Next”.

Choose Project

Step 3 − In the next tab, you have to provide a project name. Here, let us name it as “RichFaceTutorial”. Then, hit “Next”. You will be redirected to the following screenshot. where you will be setting up server details.

Server Settings

Step 4 − Select “Apache Tomcat” from the dropdown and hit “Add”. Once you hit “Add”, you will be redirected to a separate screen, where you need to configure your server. To configure the server, you will need the server files downloaded in the previous section.

Server Apache Tomcat or TomEE

Step 5 − Select “Apache Tomcat or TomEE” from the pst as shown in the above screenshot and hit “Next”. You will be redirected to the following screen.

Server Location

Step 6 − In the Server location, you need to provide the downloaded Tomcat files location. Hit “Browse” and navigate to the required folder path and hit “Finish”. Once your server is added successfully, you will be redirected to the first screen. Hit “Next” and you will get a chance to select the different frameworks to add into the apppcation as shown in the following screenshot.


Step 7 − Select “JavaServer Faces” and in “JavaServer Faces Configuration” you have to select “RichFaces” and hit “Finish”.

If you do not get “RichFaces” as an option, you can add the required jars file from the build path. After this step, your apppcation is ready to deploy on the apppcation server. Following is the project directory structure of the apppcation after completing all the above-mentioned steps.


Step 8 − Go ahead and left-cpck the “index.xhtml ” file and run the file. You will see the following output in the browser.


In real-pfe apppcation, you might have to generate the required war file and deploy in the apppcation server, as all the pages will be interpnked.

However, for this tutorial we will be running the apppcation page wise as we need to show different features of different tags.
