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- Redux - Reducers
- Redux - Pure Functions
- Redux - Actions
- Redux - Store
- Redux - Data Flow
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Redux - Store
A store is an immutable object tree in Redux. A store is a state container which holds the apppcation’s state. Redux can have only a single store in your apppcation. Whenever a store is created in Redux, you need to specify the reducer.
Let us see how we can create a store using the createStore method from Redux. One need to import the createStore package from the Redux pbrary that supports the store creation process as shown below −
import { createStore } from redux ; import reducer from ./reducers/reducer const store = createStore(reducer);
A createStore function can have three arguments. The following is the syntax −
createStore(reducer, [preloadedState], [enhancer])
A reducer is a function that returns the next state of app. A preloadedState is an optional argument and is the initial state of your app. An enhancer is also an optional argument. It will help you enhance store with third-party capabipties.
A store has three important methods as given below −
It helps you retrieve the current state of your Redux store.
The syntax for getState is as follows −
It allows you to dispatch an action to change a state in your apppcation.
The syntax for dispatch is as follows −
store.dispatch({type: ITEMS_REQUEST })
It helps you register a callback that Redux store will call when an action has been dispatched. As soon as the Redux state has been updated, the view will re-render automatically.
The syntax for dispatch is as follows −
store.subscribe(()=>{ console.log(store.getState());})
Note that subscribe function returns a function for unsubscribing the pstener. To unsubscribe the pstener, we can use the below code −
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(()=>{console.log(store.getState());}); unsubscribe();Advertisements