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Phalcon - Views
  • 时间:2025-02-19

Phalcon - Views

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Views are information being presented to the end user. A view can be considered as a web page with the appropriate response to be displayed. The response is received through the controller which interacts with the model.

Specifically in Phalcon, the view consists of Volt code, PHP and HTML. A set of special depmiters is available to enter in Volt mode. {% ... %} is used to execute statements such as for-loops or assign values, and {{ ... }} prints the result of an expression to the template.

Views in Phalcon are basically classified into two types −




Following is the screenshot of the output we had created for the project demo1 in the previous chapter.


This output is achieved with the help of file views/index/index.volt.

Features of Volt Files

    It is a template written in C language and is considerably fast as compared to other languages.

    It includes a set of highly integrated components, which are very beneficial in Phalcon.

    It can also be used as a stand-alone component.

    Volt is compiled to pure PHP code.

Following is the code for index.volt which loads by default for any project.

<!--<span class = "page-header"> 

<p>This is my first web apppcation in Phalcon </p> 
<!--<p>You re now flying with Phalcon. Great things are about to happen!</p>

<p>This page is located at <code>views/index/index.volt</code></p>--> 

Hierarchical Rendering

Views in Phalcon support hierarchical rendering and PhalconMvcView is used as default rendering component. This component uses PHP as template engine in comparison with volt files which uses C as a template language.

These views should have .phtml extension. The default directory of views for the given project consists of the following three files −

    Action view − This view is called to execute a particular action. It is called when “show” action is executed.

    Controller layout − This view is present inside the layouts folder. For example, C:xampphtdocsdemoappviewslayouts. It invokes the method calls associated with the appropriate controller. The code implemented in layout will be implemented as and when required.

    Main layout − This layout view will invoke the main action and it will be shown for every controller or action within the web apppcation.

Difference between .volt and .phtml Files

.volt .phtml
.volt extension is used when the template engine set up in the apppcation is written in C .phtml is used when the template engine is PHP itself
It can be used as a stand-alone component It cannot be used as a stand-alone component
Volt views are compiled to PHP code phtml files itself includes PHP code so there is no need of compilation in Phalcon framework


Variables are assigned and changed in the template using set .

Declaring an array

{% set fruits = [ Apple ,  Banana ,  Orange ] %} 

Declaring a string

{% set name = ”John Kennedy” %} 


Comments may also be added to a template using the {# ... #} depmiters. All text inside them is just ignored in the final output.

{# note: this is a comment 
   {% set price = 100; %} 


{% set fruits = [ Apple ,  Banana ,  Orange ] %} 


   {% for fruit in fruits %} 
   <p>{{ fruit|e }}</p> 
   {% endfor %} 

{% set robots = [ Voltron ,  Astro Boy ,  Terminator ,  C3PO ] %}  

   {% for robot in robots %} 
   <p>{{ robot }}</p> 
   {% endfor %} 


The code will produce the following output screen −

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