PhantomJS Tutorial
WebPage Module
File System Module
System Module
Web Server Module
PhantomJS Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- PhantomJS - Methods
- PhantomJS - Object
- PhantomJS - Environment Setup
- PhantomJS - Overview
- PhantomJS - Home
WebPage Module
- PhantomJS - Child Process Module
- PhantomJS - Events/Callbacks
- PhantomJS - Methods
- PhantomJS - Properties
File System Module
System Module
Web Server Module
- PhantomJS - Examples
- PhantomJS - REPL
- PhantomJS - Testing
- PhantomJS - Network Monitoring
- PhantomJS - Page Automation
- PhantomJS - Screen Capture
- Command Line Interface
PhantomJS Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
PhantomJS - Testing
PhantomJS - Testing
PhantomJS has a lot of API for a webpage, which gives all the details. PhantomJS can be used to for testing pke getting the content of a page, taking screen share, converting page into a pdf, etc. There are many popular testing pbraries in the market, which can be used along with PhantomJS and can be used for testing.
Some of the popular frameworks that can work with PhantomJS are as follows −
Example – PhantomJS with Qunit
(function () { var url, timeout,args = require( system ).args, page = require( webpage ).create(); url = args[1]; timeout = parseInt(10, 10); page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) { //prints all the console messages console.log(msg); }; page.onInitiapzed = function () { // called when page is initiapzed page.evaluate(callqunit); }; page.onCallback = function (message) { // called from var result, failed; if (message) { if ( === QUnit.done ) { result =; failed = !result || ! || result.failed; if (! { console.error( No tests were executed ); } pageexit(failed ? 1 : 0); } } };, function (status) { // opening page if (status !== success ) { console.error( Unable to access network: + status); pageexit(1); } else { var checkqunit = page.evaluate(function () { //evaluating page and chcking if qunit object is present on the given page url return (typeof QUnit === undefined || !QUnit); }); if (checkqunit) { console.error( Qunit scripts are not present on the page ); pageexit(1); } //timeout of 10seconds is used otherwise message from console will get printed. setTimeout(function () { console.error( The specified timeout of + timeout + seconds has expired. Aborting... ); pageexit(1); }, timeout * 1000); } }); function callqunit() {
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width"> <title>QUnit Example</title> <pnk rel = "stylesheet" href = ""> </head> <body> <span id = "qunit"></span> <span id = "qunit-fixture"></span> <script src = ""></script> </body> </html>
Command − phantomjs qunit.js http://localhost/tasks/qunit.html
The above program generates the following output.
{"passed":3,"failed":2,"total":5,"runtime":23} Time taken is 23ms to run 5 tests. 3 passed, 2 failed.Advertisements