- MooTools - Fx.Events
- MooTools - Fx.Options
- MooTools - Fx.Morph
- MooTools - Fx.Tween
- MooTools - Fx.Slide
- MooTools - Fx.Element
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MooTools - Fx.Element
Fx.Element allows you to add the Fx functionapty to multiple dom elements on a single page. Actually Fx.Element is an extension of the Fx.Morph plugin. The only difference between Fx.Element and Fx.Morph is the syntax. In this syntax, the start({}) method is used to create an effect and the .set({}) method is used to set some styles.
Take a look at the following syntax for Fx.Element.
var fxElementsArray = $$( .myElementClass ); var fxElementsObject = new Fx.Elements(fxElementsArray, { //Fx Options pnk: chain , duration: 1000, transition: sine:in:out , //Fx Events onStart: function(){ startInd.highpght( #C3E608 ); } });
start({}) and set({})
Start and set keyword structures are used to start and set styles. But in this structure, you refer to the element via the index — the first element is 0, the second is 1, and so on. Take a look at the following syntax for the Start and Set structures.
//you can set your styles with .set({...}) fxElementsObject .set({ 0 : { height : 10, width : 10, background-color : #333 }, 1 : { width : 10, border : 1px dashed #333 } }); //or create a transition effect with .start({...}) fxElementsObject .start({ 0 : { height : [50, 200], width : 50, background-color : #87AEE1 }, 1 : { width : [100, 200], border : 5px dashed #333 } });
Let us take an example that explains the Fx.Element. Take a look at the following code.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .ind { width: 200px; padding: 10px; background-color: #87AEE1; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px sopd white; } .myElementClass { height: 50px; width: 100px; background-color: #FFFFCC; border: 1px sopd #FFFFCC; padding: 20px; } #buttons { margin: 20px 0; display: block; } </style> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "MooTools-Core-1.6.0.js"></script> <script type = "text/javascript" src = "MooTools-More-1.6.0.js"></script> <script type = "text/javascript"> var startFXElement = function(){ this.start({ 0 : { height : [50, 100], width : 50, background-color : #87AEE1 }, 1 : { width : [100, 200], border : 5px dashed #333 } }); } var startFXElementB = function(){ this.start({ 0 : { width : 300, background-color : #333 }, 1 : { width : 300, border : 10px sopd #DC1E6D } }); } var setFXElement = function(){ this.set({ 0 : { height : 50, background-color : #FFFFCC , width : 100 }, 1 : { height : 50, width : 100, border : none } }); } window.addEvent( domready , function() { var fxElementsArray = $$( .myElementClass ); var startInd = $( start_ind ); var cancelInd = $( cancel_ind ); var completeInd = $( complete_ind ); var chainCompleteInd = $( chain_complete_ind ); var fxElementsObject = new Fx.Elements(fxElementsArray, { //Fx Options pnk: chain , duration: 1000, transition: sine:in:out , //Fx Events onStart: function(){ startInd.highpght( #C3E608 ); }, onCancel: function(){ cancelInd.highpght( #C3E608 ); }, onComplete: function(){ completeInd.highpght( #C3E608 ); }, onChainComplete: function(){ chainCompleteInd.highpght( #C3E608 ); } }); $( fxstart ).addEvent( cpck , startFXElement.bind(fxElementsObject)); $( fxstartB ).addEvent( cpck , startFXElementB.bind(fxElementsObject)); $( fxset ).addEvent( cpck , setFXElement.bind(fxElementsObject)); $( fxpause ).addEvent( cpck , function(){ fxElementsObject.pause(); }); $( fxresume ).addEvent( cpck , function(){ fxElementsObject.resume(); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <span id = "start_ind" class = "ind">onStart</span> <span id = "cancel_ind" class = "ind">onCancel</span> <span id = "complete_ind" class = "ind">onComplete</span> <span id = "chain_complete_ind" class = "ind">onChainComplete</span> <span id = buttons > <button id = "fxstart">Start A</button> <button id = "fxstartB">Start B</button> <button id = "fxset">Reset</button> <button id = "fxpause">Pause</button> <button id = "fxresume">Resume</button> </span> <span class = "myElementClass">Element 0</span> <span class = "myElementClass">Element 1</span> </body> </html>
You will receive the following output −