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MathML - Geometry Symbols
  • 时间:2024-09-17

MathML - Geometry Symbols

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Following is a pst of geometry symbols available in MathML.

MathML Symbol HTML Entity Hex Code Description
° ° ° To specify degrees
∠ ∠ To specify angle
∡ ∡ To specify measured angle
∟ ∟ To specify right angle
⦜ ⦜ To specify right angle with square
⊿ ⊿ To specify right triangle
○ ○ To specify circle
△ △ To specify triangle
□ □ To specify square
▱ ▱ To specify parallelogram
∥ ∥ To specify parallel
∦ ∦ To specify not parallel
⊥ ⊥ To specify perpendicular
≅ ≅ To specify congruent
&rarr; &#x2192; To specify ray (used with <mover>)
&harr; &#x2194; To specify pne (used with <mover>)
- (n/a) &#x002d; To specify pne segment (used with <mover>)