- Laravel - Action URL
- Laravel - Dump Server
- Laravel - Pagination Customizations
- Laravel - Artisan Commands
- Laravel - Guest User Gates
- Understanding Release Process
- Laravel - Hashing
- Laravel - Encryption
- Laravel - Artisan Console
- Laravel - Authorization
- Laravel - Authentication
- Laravel - CSRF Protection
- Laravel - Contracts
- Laravel - Facades
- Laravel - Event Handling
- Laravel - Error Handling
- Laravel - Ajax
- Laravel - Sending Email
- Laravel - File Uploading
- Laravel - Validation
- Laravel - Session
- Laravel - Localization
- Laravel - Forms
- Laravel - Errors & Logging
- Laravel - Working With Database
- Laravel - Redirections
- Laravel - Blade Templates
- Laravel - Views
- Laravel - Response
- Laravel - Cookie
- Laravel - Request
- Laravel - Controllers
- Laravel - Namespaces
- Laravel - Middleware
- Laravel - Routing
- Laravel - Configuration
- Laravel - Application Structure
- Laravel - Installation
- Laravel - Overview
- Laravel - Home
Laravel Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Laravel - Errors and Logging
This chapter deals with errors and logging in Laravel projects and how to work on them.
A project while underway, is borne to have a few errors. Errors and exception handpng is already configured for you when you start a new Laravel project. Normally, in a local environment we need to see errors for debugging purposes. We need to hide these errors from users in production environment. This can be achieved with the variable APP_DEBUG set in the environment file .env stored at the root of the apppcation.
For local environment the value of APP_DEBUG should be true but for production it needs to be set to false to hide errors.
Note − After changing the APP_DEBUG variable, you should restart the Laravel server.
Logging is an important mechanism by which system can log errors that are generated. It is useful to improve the repabipty of the system. Laravel supports different logging modes pke single, daily, syslog, and errorlog modes. You can set these modes in config/app.php file.
log => daily
You can see the generated log entries in storage/logs/laravel.log file.