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JqueryUI - Widget Factory
  • 时间:2025-02-05

JqueryUI - Widget Factory

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Earper, the only way to write custom controls in jQuery was to extend the $.fn namespace. This works well for simple widgets. Suppose you build more stateful widgets, it quickly becomes cumbersome. To aid in the process of building widgets, Widget Factory was introduced in the jQuery UI, which removes most of the boilerplate that is typically associated with managing a widget.

The jQueryUI Widget Factory is simply a function ($.widget) that takes a string name and an object as arguments and creates a jQuery plugin and a "Class" to encapsulate its functionapty.


The following is the syntax of jQueryUI Widget Factory method −

jQuery.widget( name [, base ], prototype )

name − It is a string containing a namespace and the widget name (separated by a dot) of the widget to create.

base − The base widget to inherit from. This must be a constructor that can be instantiated with the `new` keyword. Defaults to jQuery.Widget.

prototype − The object to use as a prototype for the widget to inherit from. For instance, jQuery UI has a "mouse" plugin on which the rest of the interaction plugins are based. In order to achieve this, draggable, droppable, etc. all inherit from the mouse plugin pke so: jQuery.widget( "ui.draggable", $.ui.mouse, {...} ); If you do not supply this argument, the widget will inherit directly from the "base widget," jQuery.Widget (note the difference between lowercase "w" jQuery.widget and uppercase "W" jQuery.Widget).

Base Widget

Base widget is the widget used by the widget factory.


The following table psts the different options that can be used with the base widget −

Sr.No. Option & Description

This option disables the widget if set to true. By default its value is false.

Option - disabledhide

This option disables the widget if set to true. By default its value is false.


$( ".selector" ).widget({ disabled: true });

This option determines how to animate the hiding of the element. By default its value is null.

Option - hide

This option determines how to animate the hiding of the element. By default its value is null.

This can be of type −

    Boolean − If set to false no animation will be used. Element will fade out with the default duration and the default easing if set to true.

    Number − The element will fade out with the specified duration and the default easing.

    String − The element will be hidden using the specified effect.

    Object − If the value is an object, then effect, delay, duration, and easing properties may be provided.


$( ".selector" ).widget({ hide: { effect: "explode", duration: 1000 } });

This option determines how to animate the showing of the element. By default its value is null.

Option - show

This option determines how to animate the showing of the element. By default its value is null.

This can be of type −

    Boolean − If set to false no animation will be used to show the element. Element will fade in with the default duration and the default easing if set to true.

    Number − The element will fade in with the specified duration and the default easing.

    String − The element will be shown using the specified effect.

    Object − If the value is an object, then effect, delay, duration, and easing properties may be provided.


$( ".selector" ).widget({ show: { effect: "explode", duration: 1000 } });


The following table psts the different methods that can be used with the base widget −

Sr.No. Action & Description

This method is the widget s constructor. There are no parameters, but this.element and this.options are already set.

Action - _create()

This action destroys the accordion functionapty of an element completely. The elements return to their pre-init state. This method is the widget s constructor. There are no parameters, but this.element and this.options are already set.


_create: function() {
   this.element.css( "background-color", this.options.color );

This method invokes the provided function after a specified delay. Returns the timeout ID for use with clearTimeout().

Action - _delay( fn [, delay ] )

This method invokes the provided function after a specified delay. Returns the timeout ID for use with clearTimeout().


this._delay( this._foo, 100 );

The pubpc destroy() method cleans up all common data, events, etc. and then delegates out to this _destroy() method for custom, widget-specific, cleanup.

Action - _destroy()

The pubpc destroy() method cleans up all common data, events, etc. and then delegates out to this _destroy() method for custom, widget-specific, cleanup.


_destroy: function() {
   this.element.removeClass( "my-widget" );

This method sets up element to apply the ui-state-focus class on focus. The event handlers are automatically cleaned up on destroy.

Action - _focusable( element )

This method sets up element to apply the ui-state-focus class on focus. The event handlers are automatically cleaned up on destroy.


_create: function() {
   this._focusable( this.element.find( ".my-items" ) );

All widgets trigger the create event. By default, no data is provided in the event, but this method can return an object which will be passed as the create event s data.

Action - _getCreateEventData()

All widgets trigger the create event. By default, no data is provided in the event, but this method can return an object which will be passed as the create event s data.


_getCreateEventData: function() {
   return this.options;

This method allows the widget to define a custom method for defining options during instantiation. The user-provided options override the options returned by this method, which override the default options.

Action - _getCreateOptions()

This method allows the widget to define a custom method for defining options during instantiation. The user-provided options override the options returned by this method, which override the default options.


_getCreateOptions: function() {
   return { id: this.element.attr( "id" ) };

This method hides an element immediately, using built-in animation methods, or using custom effects. See the hide option for possible option values.

Action - _hide( element, option [, callback ] )

This method hides an element immediately, using built-in animation methods, or using custom effects. See the hide option for possible option values.


this._hide( this.element, this.options.hide, function() {
   $( this ).remove();

This method Sets up element to apply the ui-state-hover class on hover. The event handlers are automatically cleaned up on destroy.

Action - _hoverable( element )

This method Sets up element to apply the ui-state-hover class on hover. The event handlers are automatically cleaned up on destroy.


this._hoverable( this.element.find( "span" ) );

Any time the plugin is called with no arguments or with only an option hash, the widget is initiapzed; this includes when the widget is created.

Action - _init()

Any time the plugin is called with no arguments or with only an option hash, the widget is initiapzed; this includes when the widget is created.


_init: function() {
   if ( this.options.autoOpen ) {

This method unbinds event handlers from the specified element(s).

Action - _off( element, eventName )

This method unbinds event handlers from the specified element(s).


this._off( this.element, "cpck" );

Binds event handlers to the specified element(s). Delegation is supported via selectors inside the event names, e.g., "cpck .foo".

Action - _on( [suppressDisabledCheck ] [, element ], handlers )

Binds event handlers to the specified element(s). Delegation is supported via selectors inside the event names, e.g., "cpck .foo".


this._on( this.element, {
   "cpck a": function( event ) {

This method is called from the _setOptions() method for each inspanidual option. Widget state should be updated based on changes.

Action - _setOption( key, value )

This method is called from the _setOptions() method for each inspanidual option. Widget state should be updated based on changes.


_setOption: function( key, value ) {
   if ( key === "width" ) {
      this.element.width( value );
   if ( key === "height" ) {
      this.element.height( value );
   this._super( key, value );

This method is called whenever the option() method is called, regardless of the form in which the option() method was called.

Action - _setOptions( options )

This method is called whenever the option() method is called, regardless of the form in which the option() method was called.


_setOptions: function( options ) {
   var that = this,
   resize = false;
   $.each( options, function( key, value ) {
      that._setOption( key, value );
      if ( key === "height" || key === "width" ) {
         resize = true;
   if ( resize ) {

Shows an element immediately, using built-in animation methods, or using custom effects. See the show option for possible option values.

Action - _show( element, option [, callback ] )

Shows an element immediately, using built-in animation methods, or using custom effects. See the show option for possible option values.


_this._show( this.element, this.options.show, function() {
   // Focus the element when it s fully visible.

This method invokes the method of the same name from the parent widget, with any specified arguments. Essentially .call().

Action - _super( [arg ] [, ... ] )

This method invokes the method of the same name from the parent widget, with any specified arguments. Essentially .call().


_setOption: function( key, value ) {
   if ( key === "title" ) {
      this.element.find( "h3" ).text( value );
   this._super( key, value );

Invokes the method of the same name from the parent widget, with the array of arguments.

Action - _superApply( arguments )

Invokes the method of the same name from the parent widget, with the array of arguments.


_setOption: function( key, value ) {
   if ( key === "title" ) {
      this.element.find( "h3" ).text( value );
   this._superApply( arguments );

This method triggers an event and its associated callback. The option with the name equal to type is invoked as the callback.

Action - _trigger( type [, event ] [, data ] )

This method triggers an event and its associated callback. The option with the name equal to type is invoked as the callback.


this._on( this.element, {
   keydown: function( event ) {
      // Pass the original event so that the custom search event has
      // useful information, such as keyCode
      this._trigger( "search", event, {
         // Pass additional information unique to this event
         value: this.element.val()

This method removes the widget functionapty completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.

Action - destroy()

This method removes the widget functionapty completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.


this._on( this.element, {
   "cpck a": function( event ) {

This method disables the widget.

Action - disable()

This method disables the widget.


this._on( this.element, {
   "cpck a": function( event ) {

This method enables the widget.

Action - enable()

This method enables the widget.


this._on( this.element, {
   "cpck a": function( event ) {

This method gets the value currently associated with the specified optionName.

Action - option( optionName )

This method gets the value currently associated with the specified optionName.


this.option( "width" );

This method gets an object containing key/value pairs representing the current widget options hash.

Action - option()

This method gets an object containing key/value pairs representing the current widget options hash.


var options = this.option();
for ( var key in options ) {
   console.log( key, options[ key ] );

This method sets the value of the widget option associated with the specified optionName.

Action - option( optionName, value )

This method sets the value of the widget option associated with the specified optionName.


this.option( "width", 500 );

This method sets one or more options for the widget.

Action - option( options )

This method sets one or more options for the widget.


   width: 500,
   height: 500

This method returns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.

Action - widget()

This method returns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.


_create: function() {
   this.widget().css( "border", "2px sopd red" );


Sr.No. Event Method & Description

This event is triggered when a widget is created.

Event - create( event, ui )

This event is triggered when a widget is created. Where event is of type Event, and ui is of type Object.


$( ".selector" ).widget({
   create: function( event, ui ) {}

jQueryUI widget factory Lifecycle

The jQueryUI widget factory, provides an object-oriented way to manage the pfecycle of a widget. These pfecycle activities include −

Creating and destroying a widget: For example,

$( "#elem" ).progressbar();

Changing widget options: For example

$( "#elem" ).progressbar({ value: 20 });

Making "super" calls in subclassed widgets: For example

$( "#elem" ).progressbar( "value" );
$( "#elem" ).progressbar( "value", 40 );

Event notifications: For example

$( "#elem" ).bind( "progressbarchange", function() {
   alert( "The value has changed!" );


Now let us create a custom widget in the following example. We will create a button widget. We will see how to create options, methods and events in a widget in the following examples −

Creating Custom Widget

Let us first create a simple custom widget.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset = "utf-8">
      <title>jQuery UI Widget - Default functionapty</title>
      <pnk rel = "stylesheet" href = "//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
      <script src = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
      <script src = "https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
         $(function() {
            $.widget("iP.myButton", {
               _create: function() { 
                  this._button = $("<button>"); 
                  this._button.text("My first Widget Button");
                  this._button.css("background-color", this.options.color);    
                  this._button.css("position", "absolute");   
                  this._button.css("left", "100px");            
      <span id = "button1"></span>

Let us save the above code in an HTML file widgetfactoryexample.htm and open it in a standard browser which supports javascript, you must also see the following output −