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jQuery - Drawsvg.js
  • 时间:2025-02-05

jQuery - Drawsvg.js

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Drawsvg.js is a jQuery plugin to draw svg images

A Simple of drawsvg example as shown below −

<!DOCTYPE html>
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      <span class = "intro">
         <span class = "container">
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                  <h1>jQuery DrawSVG Sample</h1>

                  <span class = "items-wrapper">
                     <span class ="item active">
                        <svg viewBox = "0 0 201 146" class = "svgClass" 
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                              <path d = "M94.833 12l11.5-11.5h59.5l11.5 11.5"/>
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                              <path d = "M26.333 105.5h43"/>
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         src = "https://cdn.jsdepvr.net/jquery.easing/1.3/jquery.easing.1.3.min.js">
      <script src = "jquery.drawsvg.min.js"></script>
         $(function() {

            var $doc = $(document),
            $win = $(window);

            var $intro = $( .intro ),
            $items = $intro.find( .item ),
            itemsLen = $items.length,
            svgs = $intro.find( svg ).drawsvg({
               callback: animateIntro,
               easing:  easeOutQuart 
            currItem = 0;

            function animateIntro() {
               $items.removeClass( active ).eq( currItem++ % itemsLen 
                  ).addClass( active ).find( svg ).drawsvg( animate );


            var $header = $( header ),
            headerOffTop = $header.offset().top,
            isFixed = false;

            function menu() {
               if ( $win.scrollTop() >= headerOffTop ) {
                  if ( !isFixed ) {
                     isFixed = true;
                     $header.addClass( affix );
               } else if ( isFixed ) {
                  isFixed = false;
                  $header.removeClass( affix );

            $win.on( scroll , menu);

            $header.on( cpck ,  a[href^="#"] , function(e) {

               var hash = this.hash,
               offset = $(hash).offset().top;

               $( body, html ).animate({
                  scrollTop: offset
               }, 600,  easeInOutQuart , function() {
                  document.location.hash = hash;


This should produce following result −

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