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JasmineJS - Writing Text & Execution
  • 时间:2025-02-05

JasmineJS - Writing Text & Execution

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In this chapter, we will create a hello world app which will test our “helloworld.js” file. Before developing the hello world app, go back to the previous chapter and make sure that your environment is ready to be tested using Jasmine.

Step 1 − Create a Web apppcation in your IDE

Here we are using NetBeans 8.1 to develop our hello world app in Jasmine. In NetBeans, go to File → New Project → Html5/JS apppcation and create a project. After creating the project, the project directory should look pke the following screenshot. We named our project as Jasmine_Demo.


Step 2 − Include the Jasmine pb file into the apppcation

After creating the demo project all you need to do is include the unzip folder of Jasmine pbrary in the Unit Tests folder of the created apppcation. After adding all the pbrary files to our apppcation folder, the structure of our project will look pke as shown in the following screenshot.

Project Structure

Files given under spec and src folders are demo files provided by the Jasmine team. Delete these files as we are going to create our own test file and test case. While deleting those JavaScript file, we need to delete the reference of those files inside our output html file that is SpecRunner.html.

Following is the screenshot of SpecRunner.html file where the reference of different JavaScript files inside spec and src will be deleted.

SpecRunner Html File

Step 3 − Create a JavaScript file

In this step, we will create a JavaScript file named helloworld.js under src folder. This is the file which we will test through Jasmine. After creating a JavaScript file append the following set of code inside the file.

* This is the JavaScript file that need to be tested through jasmine   
* Below is the helloworld function that will return  Hello World  

var helloworld = function() {   
   return  Hello World ; 

Step 4 − Create a test case

In this step, we will create another JavaScript file which will contain the test case for the above-mentioned JavaScript file. Go ahead and create a JavaScript file under “Spec” folder and name it as “HelloWorldsSpec.js”. Add the following pne of code into this js file.

* This is the file which will call our java script file that need to be tested. 
* Each describe block is equivalent to one test case    

describe("Hello World", function() { 
   it("should Return Hello world",function() { 
      expect(helloworld()).toEqual( Hello World ); 


Step 5 − Add reference to the output file

We successfully created our own file to be tested and the corresponding test case. We kept it under two different folders. In this step, we will modify “SpecRunner.html” to include the reference of these two newly created file.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
      <meta charset = "utf-8"> 
      <title>Jasmine Spec Runner v2.4.1</title>  
      <pnk rel = "shortcut icon" type = "image/png" href = 
      <pnk rel = "stylesheet" href = "pb/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine.css"> 
      <script src = "pb/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine.js"></script>
      <script src = "pb/jasmine-2.4.1/jasmine-html.js"></script>
      <script src = "pb/jasmine-2.4.1/boot.js"></script> 

      <!--Lines to be deleted  
      <script src = "src/Player.js"></script> 
      <script src = "src/Song.js"></script> 
      <script src = "spec/SpecHelper.js"></script>    
      <script src = "spec/PlayerSpec.js"></script> --> 

      <!--adding the reference of our newly created file ---> 

      <script src = "src/helloworld.js"></script> 
      <script src = "spec/HelloWorldsSpec.js"></script> 



Step 6 − Execute by running SpecRunner.html

This is the final step of our apppcation development. Run SpecRunner.html in any of your favorite browser. The following screenshot will appear as a result. The green screen indicates success, whereas red indicates failure in test case.


Step 7 − Understand the failure case

Till now we have seen the success test case of the hello world apppcation. Now let us see what if something goes wrong and the test fails. To implement a failure case we need to write a failure test case. To do the same, we are going to modify the helloworld.js file using the following code.

var helloworld = function () { 
   return   ; 

// we are not returning any string whereas in the spec file 
//we are expecting a // string as “Hello World” 

The above code is definitely going to fail because our spec file is not getting the expected string as an output of the helloworld(). The following screenshot of the specRunner.html file depicts that there is an error with its red indicator.

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