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GWT - Complex widgets
  • 时间:2025-02-11

GWT - Complex Widgets

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"Complex widgets" allows users to advanced interaction capabipty with the apppcation. Every Complex widget inherits properties from Widget class which in turn inherits properties from UIObject.

Sr.No. Widget & Description
1 GWT UIObject Class

This widget contains text, not interpreted as HTML using a <span>element, causing it to be displayed with block layout.

2 GWT Widget Class

This widget can contain HTML text and displays the html content using a <span> element, causing it to be displayed with block layout.

Complex Widgets

Following are few important Complex Widgets −

Sr.No. Widget & Description
1 Tree

This widget represents a standard hierarchical tree widget. The tree contains a hierarchy of TreeItems that the user can open, close, and select.

2 MenuBar

This widget represents a standard menu bar widget. A menu bar can contain any number of menu items, each of which can either fire a Command or open a cascaded menu bar.

3 DatePicker

This widget represents a standard GWT date picker.

4 CellTree

This widget represents a view of a tree. This widget will only work in standards mode, which requires that the HTML page in which it is run have an exppcit <!DOCTYPE> declaration.

5 CellList

This widget represents a single column pst of cells.

6 CellTable

This widget represents a tabular view that supports paging and columns.

7 CellBrowser

This widget represents a browsable view of a tree in which only a single node per level may be open at one time. This widget will only work in standards mode, which requires that the HTML page in which it is run have an exppcit <!DOCTYPE> declaration.
