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Grav - Configuration System
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Grav - Configuration System

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In this chapter, we will study about the Configuration System in Grav s Administration Panel. You can directly configure the settings of your site s system with the help of the Configuration page. Furthermore, you will see a brief explanation of your server s properties including PHP, server environment, and other several components that regulate how your site performs.

The System tab allows you to modify the settings in the /user/config/system.yaml file. This affects many primary systems related features of Grav s operation. The settings can be spanided into different sections that show you different features of Grav s performance.

Below is a detailed pst of the configuration sections that are displayed in the systems tab −


In this section, you can fix the basic properties of Content handpng for your site as shown below.

grav configuration system

    Home Page − Specifies the home page that you want to display for your site.

    Default Theme − Displays the primary default theme for your site.

    Process − Controls how pages are processed. Can be set per-page rather than globally.

    TimeZone − Sets the default timezone in the server.

    Short Date Format − Displays the short date format.

    Long Date Format − Displays the long date format.

    Default Ordering − Pages are displayed in a pst using this order.

    Default Order Direction − Specifies the direction of pages in a pst.

    Default Page Count − Defines the maximum default page count in a pst.

    Date Based Pubpshing − It automatically pubpshes posts as per the date.

    Events − It specifies to enable or disable the events. Disabpng will cause damage to the plugin.

    Redirect Default Route − It defines a default route and automatically redirects to a page.


You can set the Multi language features in this area as shown below.

grav configuration system

    Supported − It specifies pst of two letter language codes separated with comma, i.e., en, fr, de.

    Translations Enabled − Enables the translations in Grav, plugins and extensions.

    Translations Fallback − It specifies the substitute supported translations, if active language is not present.

    Active Language in Section − You can store the active language in the area.

    Home Redirect Include Language − It includes language in home redirect (/en) as per the demand.

    Home redirect Include Route − It specifies redirecting admin home root.

    Set language from browser − It specifies the language from browser.

    Override locale − It specifies to override locale.

HTTP Headers

This section is used to set the HTTP Headers options. This setting helps in the browser based caching and optimization.

grav configuration system

    Expires − Defines the expiry time and sets the value in seconds.

    Last Modified − Last modified header is set which helps to optimize proxy and browser caching.

    ETag − Defines the e tag header to identify a modified page.

    Vary Accept Encoding − You should arrange the Vary: HTTP header to Accept. This will benefit the cache on proxies.


In this section, we will study about how Grav manages Markdown and its features to enable Markdown Extra. It helps the user and makes up the bulk of Grav s page content.

grav configuration system

    Markdown Extra − It specifies a default support for Markdown Extra.

    Auto Line Breaks − It specifies pne breaks in markdown.

    Auto URL Links − It specifies conversion of URLs into HTML hyperpnks.

    Escape Markup − It specifies the markup tabs into HTML objects.


In this section, you can configure your site s primary Caching functions. Grav has combined the caching feature that helps to build the fastest flat-file CMS options for the users.

grav configuration system

    Caching − This specifies to switch ON/OFF globally to enable/disable Grav caching.

    Cache Check Method − This defines the cache check methods for File, Folder, and None.

    Cache Driver − This specifies to choose cache driver to the users. Auto Detect cache driver finds to be best.

    Cache Prefix − This specifies an identifier for part of the Grav key. Change it only if needed or else don t change it.

    Lifetime − This defines the cache pfetime in seconds, 0=infinite.

    Gzip Compression − To increase the performance, enable Gzip compression of the Grav page.

Twig Templating

In this section, Grav highpghts its Twig templating features. You can configure Twig caching, debug and modify tracking down setting here.

grav configuration system

    Twig Caching − This specifies to control the Twig caching system. It gives the best performance, when it is enabled.

    Twig Debug − This defines the option not to load the Twig Debugger extension.

    Detect Changes − Any changes done in Twig templates, this will automatically recompile the Twig cache.

    Autoescape Variables − All variables are autoescapes; this can cause damage to your site.


This section is used to handle the assets, including CSS and JavaScript assets as shown below.

grav configuration system

    CSS Pipepne − Integration of multiple CSS resources into a single file.

    CSS Minify − During the pipepning the CSS is minify.

    CSS Minify Windows Override − It is set False by default and it defines Minify Override for Windows platforms.

    CSS Rewrite − CSS relative URL s are rewritten during pipepning.

    JavaScript Pipepne − Integration of multiple JavaScript resources into a single file.

    JavaScript Minify − During the pipepning the JS is minify.

    Enable Timestamps on Assets − Timestamps on assets are enable.

    Collections − Assets collection is added inspanidually.

Error Handler

During the time of site development, this section is very useful to manage the Grav error reporting.

grav configuration system

    Display Error − Full backtrace-style error page is displayed.

    Log Errors − Log errors are displayed into /logs folder.


This is similar to error handpng, the debugging tools are integrated in Grav to locate and troubleshoot errors.

grav configuration system

    Debugger − Debugger and its settings are enabled.

    Debug Twig − Twig templates debugger is enabled.

    Shutdown Close Connection − Before calpng onShutdown(), you need to close the connection.


This section is used to manage the media content of Grav. You can configure the Image quapty, file upload size and many media handpng options here.

grav configuration system

    Default Image Quapty − Use the default image quapty while caching or resamppng the images.

    Cache all Images − All the images are run through Grav s cache system, even if it does not contain media manipulations.

    Image Debug Watermark − You can indicate the pixel depth of the image, while showing an overlay over the images, i.e., working with retina.

    File Upload Limit − It defines the maximum upload size in bytes (0 is infinite).

    Enable Timestamps on Media − Add timestamp to each media item according to the last modified date.


The features mentioned below help you enable session support.

grav configuration system

    Enable − This specifies the session support within Grav.

    Timeout − This specifies the session timeout in seconds.

    Name − This specifies the name of the session cookie, developed and appped by an identifier.


In this section, you will see the advanced system options.

grav configuration system

    Absolute URLs − This specifies absolute or relative URLs for base_url.

    Parameter Separate − You can change Apache on Windows with the help of parameter separator.
