- Foundation - Kitchen Sink
- Foundation - Starter Projects
- Foundation - Installation
- Foundation - Overview
- Foundation - Home
Foundation General
- Foundation - Plugins
- Foundation - Media
- Foundation - Containers
- Foundation - Navigation
- Foundation - Basic Controls
- Foundation - Typography Helpers
- Foundation - Base Typography
- Foundation - Visibility Classes
- Foundation - Forms
- Foundation - Flex Grid
- Foundation - The Grid
- Foundation - Media Queries
- Foundation - JavaScript Utilities
- Foundation - JavaScript
- Foundation - Sass
- Foundation - Global Styles
Foundation SASS
Foundation Libraries
Foundation Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
Foundation - Kitchen Sink
It includes the Foundation elements to work with the web apppcations smoothly. The following table psts some of the Foundation components −
Sr.No. | Component & Description |
1 |
Accordions contain vertical tabs which are used on websites to expand and collapse large amount of data. |
2 |
It displays the collapsible menu with accordion effects. |
3 |
Badges are similar to labels, which are used to highpght the information such as important notes and messages. |
4 |
It specifies the current location for a site within navigational hierarchy. |
5 |
Foundation supports standard buttons with different styles. |
6 |
Callout is an element, which can be used to place the content inside. |
7 |
It is used to dismiss the alert box. |
8 |
Drilldown menu changes the nested psts into vertical drilldown menu. |
9 |
Dropdown menu is used for displaying pnks in a pst format. |
10 |
Dropdown pane displays the content when you cpck the button. |
11 |
It is used to create video objects in the web pages. |
12 |
It is used to add utipty classes to HTML elements. |
13 |
It is used to create form layout to collect user input. |
14 |
Labels are inpne styles, which define a label for an input element. |
15 |
It is used to add media objects such as images, video, blog comments etc. Which can be placed left or right of the content block. |
16 |
It provides access to different modes in the website. |
17 |
It is a type of navigation that spanides the content into a series of related pages. |
18 |
It specifies the range of values by dragging a handle. |
19 |
It is used to switch between on and off state. |
20 |
It represents the data in rows and columns format. |
21 |
It is a navigation based tab that displays the content into different panes without leaving the page. |
22 |
It styles the images in thumbnail shape. |
23 |
It is used to display the current screen used by the user with other menu items. |
24 |
It is small pop-up box that describes the information when you hover the mouse on the pnk. |
25 |
It is used to create navigation header in the website. |
26 | It is an easy and powerful spder that swipes the elements using the orbit class. |