ES6 Tutorial
Selected Reading
- ES6 - Discussion
- ES6 - Useful Resources
- ES6 - Quick Guide
- ES9 - New Features
- ES8 - New Features
- ES7 - New Features
- ES6 - Browsers
- ES6 - Image Map
- ES6 - Debugging
- ES6 - Multimedia
- ES6 - Animation
- ES6 - Validations
- ES6 - Proxy API
- ES6 - Reflect API
- ES6 - Object Extensions
- ES6 - Error Handling
- ES6 - Modules
- ES6 - Promises
- ES6 - Maps And Sets
- ES6 - Classes
- ES6 - Collections
- ES6 - Iterator
- ES6 - RegExp
- ES6 - Math
- ES6 - Date
- ES6 - Arrays
- ES6 - New String Methods
- ES6 - Symbol
- ES6 - Strings
- ES6 - Boolean
- ES6 - Number
- ES6 - Objects
- ES6 - Page Printing
- ES6 - Void Keyword
- ES6 - Dialog Boxes
- ES6 - Page Redirect
- ES6 - Cookies
- ES6 - Events
- ES6 - Functions
- ES6 - Loops
- ES6 - Decision Making
- ES6 - Operators
- ES6 - Variables
- ES6 - Syntax
- ES6 - Environment
- ES6 - Overview
- ES6 - Home
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
ES6 - Page Printing
ES6 - Page Printing
Many times you would pke to place a button on your webpage to print the content of that web page via an actual printer. JavaScript helps you implement this functionapty using the print function of the window object.
The JavaScript print function window.print() prints the current webpage when executed. You can call this function directly using the oncpck event as shown in the following example.
<html> <body> <form> <input type = "button" value = "Print" oncpck = "window.print()"/> </form> </body> </html>
The following output is displayed on successful execution of the above code.
![page printing](/es6/images/page_printing.jpg)