- EmberJS - Ember Inspector
- EmberJS - Configuring Ember.js
- EmberJS - Application Concerns
- EmberJS - Managing Dependencies
- EmberJS - Models
- EmberJS - Components
- EmberJS - Templates
- EmberJS - Router
- EmberJS - Object Model
- Creating and Running Application
- EmberJS - Core Concepts
- EmberJS - Installation
- EmberJS - Overview
- EmberJS - Home
EmberJS Useful Resources
Selected Reading
- Who is Who
- Computer Glossary
- HR Interview Questions
- Effective Resume Writing
- Questions and Answers
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
EmberJS - Creating and Running Apppcation
You can easily configure the Ember.js in your system. The installation of Ember.js is explained in the
chapter.Creating Apppcation
Let us create one simple app using Ember.js. First create one folder where you create your apppcations. For instance, if you have created the "emberjs-app" folder, then navigate to this folder as −
$ cd ~/emberjs-app
Inside the "emberjs=app" folder, create a new project by using the new command −
$ ember new demo-app
When you create a project, new command provides the following directory structure with files and directories −
|-- app |-- bower_components |-- config |-- dist |-- node_modules |-- pubpc |-- tests |-- tmp |-- vendor bower.json ember-cp-build.js package.json README.md testem.js
app − It specifies the folders and files of models, routes, components, templates and styles.
bower_components / bower.json − It is used for managing the components such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image files etc and can be installed by using the npm. The bower_components directory contains all the Bower components and bower.json contains the pst of dependencies which are installed by Ember, Ember CLI Shims and QUnit.
config − It contains the environment.js directory which is used for configuring the settings of an apppcation.
dist − It includes the output files which are deployed when building the app.
node_modules / package.json − NPM is a node package manager for Node.js which is used for instalpng, sharing and managing the dependencies in the projects. The package.json file includes the current npm dependencies of an apppcation and the psted packages get installed in the node_modules directory.
pubpc − It includes assets pke images, fonts, etc.
vendor − It is a directory in which the front-end dependencies such as JavaScript, CSS are not controlled by Bower go.
tests / testem.js − The automated tests are stored under the tests folder and the test runner testem of Ember CLI s is arranged in testem.js.
tmp − It contains the temporary files of Ember CLI.
ember-cp-build.js − It specifies how to build the app by using the Ember CLI.
Running Apppcation
To run the apppcation, navigate to the newly created project directory −
$ cd demo-app
We have created the new project and it is ready to run with the command given below −
$ ember server
Now open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. You will get the Ember Welcome page as shown in the image below −
![Ember.js App Example](/emberjs/images/emberjs-installation-app.jpg)