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Django - Sending E-mails
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Django - Sending E-mails

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Django comes with a ready and easy-to-use pght engine to send e-mail. Similar to Python you just need an import of smtppb. In Django you just need to import django.core.mail. To start sending e-mail, edit your project settings.py file and set the following options −

    EMAIL_HOST − smtp server.

    EMAIL_HOST_USER − Login credential for the smtp server.

    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD − Password credential for the smtp server.

    EMAIL_PORT − smtp server port.

    EMAIL_USE_TLS or _SSL − True if secure connection.

Sending a Simple E-mail

Let s create a "sendSimpleEmail" view to send a simple e-mail.

from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.http import HttpResponse

def sendSimpleEmail(request,emailto):
   res = send_mail("hello paul", "comment tu vas?", "paul@polo.com", [emailto])
   return HttpResponse( %s %res)

Here is the details of the parameters of send_mail −

    subject − E-mail subject.

    message − E-mail body.

    from_email − E-mail from.

    recipient_pst − List of receivers’ e-mail address.

    fail_silently − Bool, if false send_mail will raise an exception in case of error.

    auth_user − User login if not set in settings.py.

    auth_password − User password if not set in settings.py.

    connection − E-mail backend.

    html_message − (new in Django 1.7) if present, the e-mail will be multipart/alternative.

Let s create a URL to access our view −

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = paterns( myapp.views , url(r ^simpleemail/(?P<emailto>
   [w.%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+.[A-Za-z]{2,4})/ , 
    sendSimpleEmail  , name =  sendSimpleEmail ),)

So when accessing /myapp/simpleemail/polo@gmail.com, you will get the following page −

Sending Simple E-mail

Sending Multiple Mails with send_mass_mail

The method returns the number of messages successfully depvered. This is same as send_mail but takes an extra parameter; datatuple, our sendMassEmail view will then be −

from django.core.mail import send_mass_mail
from django.http import HttpResponse

def sendMassEmail(request,emailto):
   msg1 = ( subject 1 ,  message 1 ,  polo@polo.com , [emailto1])
   msg2 = ( subject 2 ,  message 2 ,  polo@polo.com , [emailto2])
   res = send_mass_mail((msg1, msg2), fail_silently = False)
   return HttpResponse( %s %res)

Let s create a URL to access our view −

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = paterns( myapp.views , url(r ^massEmail/(?P<emailto1>
   [w.%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+.[A-Za-z]{2,4}) ,  sendMassEmail  , name =  sendMassEmail ),)

When accessing /myapp/massemail/polo@gmail.com/sorex@gmail.com/, we get −

Sending Multiple Mails

send_mass_mail parameters details are −

    datatuples − A tuple where each element is pke (subject, message, from_email, recipient_pst).

    fail_silently − Bool, if false send_mail will raise an exception in case of error.

    auth_user − User login if not set in settings.py.

    auth_password − User password if not set in settings.py.

    connection − E-mail backend.

As you can see in the above image, two messages were sent successfully.

Note − In this example we are using Python smtp debuggingserver, that you can launch using −

$python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025

This means all your sent e-mails will be printed on stdout, and the dummy server is running on localhost:1025.

Sending e-mails to admins and managers using mail_admins and mail_managers methods

These methods send e-mails to site administrators as defined in the ADMINS option of the settings.py file, and to site managers as defined in MANAGERS option of the settings.py file. Let s assume our ADMINS and MANAGERS options look pke −

ADMINS = (( polo , polo@polo.com ),)

MANAGERS = (( popop , popop@polo.com ),)

from django.core.mail import mail_admins
from django.http import HttpResponse

def sendAdminsEmail(request):
   res = mail_admins( my subject ,  site is going down. )
   return HttpResponse( %s %res)

The above code will send an e-mail to every admin defined in the ADMINS section.

from django.core.mail import mail_managers
from django.http import HttpResponse

def sendManagersEmail(request):
   res = mail_managers( my subject 2 ,  Change date on the site. )
   return HttpResponse( %s %res)

The above code will send an e-mail to every manager defined in the MANAGERS section.

Parameters details −

    Subject − E-mail subject.

    message − E-mail body.

    fail_silently − Bool, if false send_mail will raise an exception in case of error.

    connection − E-mail backend.

    html_message − (new in Django 1.7) if present, the e-mail will be multipart/alternative.

Sending HTML E-mail

Sending HTML message in Django >= 1.7 is as easy as −

from django.core.mail import send_mail

from django.http import HttpResponse
   res = send_mail("hello paul", "comment tu vas?", "paul@polo.com", 
         ["polo@gmail.com"], html_message=")

This will produce a multipart/alternative e-mail.

But for Django < 1.7 sending HTML messages is done via the django.core.mail.EmailMessage class then calpng send on the object −

Let s create a "sendHTMLEmail" view to send an HTML e-mail.

from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from django.http import HttpResponse

def sendHTMLEmail(request , emailto):
   html_content = "<strong>Comment tu vas?</strong>"
   email = EmailMessage("my subject", html_content, "paul@polo.com", [emailto])
   email.content_subtype = "html"
   res = email.send()
   return HttpResponse( %s %res)

Parameters details for the EmailMessage class creation −

    Subject − E-mail subject.

    message − E-mail body in HTML.

    from_email − E-mail from.

    to − List of receivers’ e-mail address.

    bcc − List of “Bcc” receivers’ e-mail address.

    connection − E-mail backend.

Let s create a URL to access our view −

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = paterns( myapp.views , url(r ^htmlemail/(?P<emailto>
   [w.%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+.[A-Za-z]{2,4})/ , 
    sendHTMLEmail  , name =  sendHTMLEmail ),)

When accessing /myapp/htmlemail/polo@gmail.com, we get −

Sending HTML E-mail

Sending E-mail with Attachment

This is done by using the attach method on the EmailMessage object.

A view to send an e-mail with attachment will be −

from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from django.http import HttpResponse

def sendEmailWithAttach(request, emailto):
   html_content = "Comment tu vas?"
   email = EmailMessage("my subject", html_content, "paul@polo.com", emailto])
   email.content_subtype = "html"
   fd = open( manage.py ,  r )
   email.attach( manage.py , fd.read(),  text/plain )
   res = email.send()
   return HttpResponse( %s %res)

Details on attach arguments −

    filename − The name of the file to attach.

    content − The content of the file to attach.

    mimetype − The attachment s content mime type.
