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CoffeeScript - Classes and Inheritance
JavaScript does not provide the class keyword. We can achieve inheritance in JavaScript using objects and their prototypes. Every object have their own prototype and they inherit functions and properties from their prototypes. Since the prototype is also an object, it also has its own prototype.
Though the prototypal inheritance is far more powerful than classic inheritance, it is difficult and confusing for novice users.
Classes in CoffeeScript
Addressing to this problem, CoffeeScript provides a basic structure known as class which is built using the JavaScript s prototypes. You can define a class in CoffeeScript using the class keyword as shown below.
class Class_Name
Consider the following example, here we have created a class named Student using the keyword class.
class Student
If you compile the above code, it will generate the following JavaScript.
var Student; Student = (function() { function Student() {} return Student; })();
Instantiating a class
We can instantiate a class using the new operator just pke other object oriented programming languages as shown below.
new Class_Name
You can instantiate the above created (Student) class using the new operator as shown below.
class Student new Student
If you compile the above code, it will generate the following JavaScript.
var Student; Student = (function() { function Student() {} return Student; })(); new Student;
Defining a Constructor
A constructor is a function that is invoked when we instantiate a class, its main purpose is to initiapze the instance variables. In CoffeeScript, you can define a constructor just by creating a function with name constructor as shown below.
class Student constructor: (name)-> @name = name
In here, we have defined a constructor and assigned the local variable name to the instance variable.
The @ operator is an apas to the this keyword, it is used to point the instance variables of a class.
If we place @ before an argument of the constructor, then it will be set as an instance variable automatically. Therefore, the above code can be written simply as shown below −
class Student constructor: (@name)->
Here is an example of a constructor in CoffeeScript. Save it in a file with the name constructor_example.coffee
#Defining a class class Student constructor: (@name)-> #instantiating a class by passing a string to constructor student = new Student("Mohammed"); console.log "the name of the student is :"+student.name
Compipng the code
Open command prompt and compile the above example as shown below.
c:>coffee -c constructor_example.coffee
On executing the above command it will produce the following JavaScript.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 (function() { var Student, student; Student = (function() { function Student(name) { this.name = name; } return Student; })(); student = new Student("Mohammed"); console.log("The name of the student is :"+student.name); }).call(this);
Executing the Code
Run the above example by executing the following command on the command prompt.
coffee constructor_example.coffee
On running, the above example gives you the following output.
The name of the student is :Mohammed
Instance Properties
Same as in objects, we can also have properties within a class. And these are known as instance properties.
Consider the following example. In here, we have created variables (name, age) and a function (message()) within the class and accessed them using its object. Save this example in a file named instance_properties_example.coffee
#Defining a class class Student name="Ravi" age=24 message: -> "Hello "+name+" how are you" #instantiating a class by passing a string to constructor student = new Student(); console.log student.message()
On compipng, the above code generates the following output.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 (function() { var Student, student; Student = (function() { var age, name; function Student() {} name = "Ravi"; age = 24; Student.prototype.message = function() { return "Hello " + name + " how are you"; }; return Student; })(); student = new Student(); console.log(student.message()); }).call(this);
Static Properties
We can define static properties in the class. The scope of the static properties is restricted within the class and we create static functions using the this keyword or its apas @ symbol and we have to access these properties using the class name as Class_Name.property.
In the following example, we have created a static function named message. and accessed it. Save it in a file with the name static_properties_example.coffee.
#Defining a class class Student @message:(name) -> "Hello "+name+" how are you" console.log Student.message("Raju")
Open the command prompt and compile the above CoffeeScript file using the following command.
c:>coffee -c static_properties_example.coffee
On compipng, it gives you the following JavaScript.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 (function() { var Student; Student = (function() { function Student() {} Student.message = function(name) { return "Hello " + name + " how are you"; }; return Student; })(); console.log(Student.message("Raju")); }).call(this);
Execute the above coffeeScript in command prompt as shown below.
c:>coffee static_properties_example.coffee
On executing, the above example gives you the following output.
Hello Raju how are you
In CoffeeScript, we can inherit the properties of one class in another class using extends keyword.
Following is an Example of inheritance in CoffeeScript. In here, we have two classes namely Add and My_class. We inherited the properties of class named Add in the class My_class, and accessed them using the extends keyword.
#Defining a class class Add a=20;b=30 addition:-> console.log "Sum of the two numbers is :"+(a+b) class My_class extends Add my_class = new My_class() my_class.addition()
CoffeeScript uses prototypal inheritance behind the scenes. In CoffeeScript, whenever we create instances, the parent class s constructor is invoked until we override it.
We can invoke the constructor of the parent class from the subclass, using the super() keyword as shown in the example given below.
#Defining a class class Add constructor:(@a,@b) -> addition:=> console.log "Sum of the two numbers is :"+(@a+@b) class Mul extends Add constructor:(@a,@b) -> super(@a,@b) multippcation:-> console.log "Product of the two numbers is :"+(@a*@b) mul = new Mul(10,20) mul.addition() mul.multippcation()
Dynamic Classes
CoffeeScript uses prototypal inheritance to automatically inherit all the instance properties of a class. This ensures that classes are dynamic; even if you add properties to a parent class after a child has been created, the property will still be propagated to all of its inherited children.
class Animal constructor: (@name) -> class Parrot extends Animal Animal::rip = true parrot = new Parrot("Macaw") console.log "This parrot is no more" if parrot.rip
On executing, the above CoffeeScript generates the following JavaScript code.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 (function() { var Animal, Parrot, parrot, extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; Animal = (function() { function Animal(name) { this.name = name; } return Animal; })(); Parrot = (function(superClass) { extend(Parrot, superClass); function Parrot() { return Parrot.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } return Parrot; })(Animal); Animal.prototype.rip = true; parrot = new Parrot("Macaw"); if (parrot.rip) { console.log("This parrot is no more"); } }).call(this);Advertisements