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CodeIgniter - Cookie Management
Cookie is a small piece of data sent from web server to store on cpent’s computer. CodeIgniter has one helper called “Cookie Helper” for cookie management.
Syntax |
set_cookie($name[, $value = [, $expire = [, $domain = [, $path = / [, $prefix = [, $secure = FALSE[, $httponly = FALSE]]]]]]]]) |
Parameters |
$name (mixed) − Cookie name or associative array of all of the parameters available to this function $value (string) − Cookie value $expire (int) − Number of seconds until expiration $domain (string) − Cookie domain (usually: .yourdomain.com) $path (string) − Cookie path $prefix (string) − Cookie name prefix $secure (bool) − Whether to only send the cookie through HTTPS $httponly (bool) − Whether to hide the cookie from JavaScript |
Return Type |
void |
In the set_cookie() function, we can pass all the values using two ways. In the first way, only array can be passed and in the second way, inspanidual parameters can also be passed.
Syntax |
get_cookie($index[, $xss_clean = NULL]]) |
Parameters |
$index (string) − Cookie name $xss_clean (bool) − Whether to apply XSS filtering to the returned value |
Return |
The cookie value or NULL if not found |
Return Type |
mixed |
The get_cookie() function is used to get the cookie that has been set using the set_cookie() function.
Syntax |
delete_cookie($name[, $domain = [, $path = / [, $prefix = ]]]]) |
Parameters |
$name (string) − Cookie name $domain (string) − Cookie domain (usually: .yourdomain.com) $path (string) − Cookie path $prefix (string) − Cookie name prefix |
Return Type |
void |
The delete_cookie() function is used to delete the cookie().
Create a controller called Cookie_controller.php and save it at apppcation/controller/Cookie_controller.php
<?php class Cookie_controller extends CI_Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper(array( cookie , url )); } pubpc function index() { set_cookie( cookie_name , cookie_value , 3600 ); $this->load->view( Cookie_view ); } pubpc function display_cookie() { echo get_cookie( cookie_name ); $this->load->view( Cookie_view ); } pubpc function deletecookie() { delete_cookie( cookie_name ); redirect( cookie/display ); } } ?>
Create a view file called Cookie_view.php and save it at apppcation/views/Cookie_view.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang = "en"> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <title>CodeIgniter View Example</title> </head> <body> <a href = display >Cpck Here</a> to view the cookie.<br> <a href = delete >Cpck Here</a> to delete the cookie. </body> </html>
Change the routes.php file in apppcation/config/routes.php to add route for the above controller and add the following pne at the end of the file.
$route[ cookie ] = "Cookie_controller"; $route[ cookie/display ] = "Cookie_controller/display_cookie"; $route[ cookie/delete ] = "Cookie_controller/deletecookie";
After that, you can execute the following URL in the browser to execute the example.
It will produce an output as shown in the following screenshot.