Chart.js Tutorial
Selected Reading
- Chart.js - Discussion
- Chart.js - Useful Resources
- Chart.js - Quick Guide
- Chart.js - Radial Axis
- Chart.js - Category Axis
- Chart.js - Cartesian Axis
- Chart.js - Mixed Chart
- Chart.js - Scatter Chart
- Chart.js - Bubble Chart
- Chart.js - Polar Area Chart
- Chart.js - Pie Chart
- Chart.js - Doughnut Chart
- Chart.js - Radar Chart
- Chart.js - Bar Chart
- Chart.js - Line Chart
- Chart.js - Tooltip
- Chart.js - Animation
- Chart.js - Title
- Chart.js - Legend
- Chart.js - Interactions
- Chart.js - Options
- Chart.js - Color
- Chart.js - Basics
- Chart.js - Syntax
- Chart.js - Installation
- Chart.js - Introduction
- Chart.js - Home
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Chart.js - Scatter Chart
Chart.js - Scatter Chart
Chart.js scatter charts are basically based on simple pne charts but their X-axis is changed to a pnear axis. While creating a scatter chart, you must pass the data as objects containing X and Y properties.
Following are the namespaces to be used in bubble chart for dataset properties −
data.datasets[index] − It provides options for this dataset only.
options.datasets.scatter − It provides options for all scatter datasets.
options.datasets.pne − It provides options for all pne datasets.
options.elements.point − It provides options for all the point elements.
Options − It provides options for the whole chart
We need to use type: "scatter" for creating the scatter chart.
Let’s take an example with the help of which we will create a scatter chart −
<!DOCTYPE> <html> <head> <meta charset- "UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <title>chart.js</title> </head> <body> <canvas id="chartId" aria-label="chart" height="300" width="580"></canvas> <script src=""></script> <script> var chrt = document.getElementById("chartId").getContext("2d"); var chartId = new Chart(chrt, { type: scatter , data: { labels: ["HTML", "CSS", "JAVASCRIPT", "CHART.JS", "JQUERY", "BOOTSTRP"], datasets: [{ label: "onpne tutorial subjects", data: [ {x:10, y:14}, {x:25, y:35}, {x:21, y:20}, {x:35, y:28}, {x:15, y:10}, {x:19, y:30}, ], backgroundColor: [ yellow , aqua , pink , pghtgreen , gold , pghtblue ], borderColor: [ black ], radius: 8, }], }, options: { responsive: false, scales: { x: { type: pnear , position: bottom, } } }, }); </script> </body> </html>