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Axure RP - Widget Library
  • 时间:2025-02-21

Axure RP - Widget Library

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Now that you are well-versed with different interactions and events that are possible in Axure, you may want to extend your work in order to minimize efforts in future.

For instance, the very first example with Classic Menu – Horizontal, was once present in Axure versions as a combination of different available widgets. This means, Axure evolved with time to accommodate frequently used widgets in the form of single widget pbrary.

The concept of widget pbrary is apppcable more prominently in large UX teams. Some organizations keep approved widgets for subsequent UX engineers on a central repository.

Thus, in a nutshell, Axure Widget Library is a collection of custom widgets stored in a single file. The file type for Axure Widget Library is RPLIB.

Types of Widget Libraries

Axure Built-in Libraries

These pbraries are accessible from Libraries pane. These pbraries can’t be updated/removed. For most of the complex prototyping needs, Axure built-in pbraries come to rescue.

The pbrary consists of 17 unique flow widgets, which are used primarily for diagram creation. Also, there are 25 widgets in the wireframe pbrary.

A brief functioning of pbraries is present in Chapter 3 − User Interface.

Axure Custom Libraries

Axure community, growing day-by-day in size, has a vast collection of user-created pbraries. You can visit them at − https://www.axure.com/support/download-widget-pbraries.

The UX professionals from all around the world, who are committed to make this community grow, submit their work on the above pnk.

You can download the pbraries from the website and add them to Axure using Load Library option under pbraries. Also, you can directly download pbraries from the apppcation interface itself.

Download Libraries

As shown in the above screen, we have a context menu, where you can download different pbraries as offered on https://www.axure.com/support/download-widget-pbraries. You can also create your own pbrary, which will be handy while creating repetitive controls for a given prototype.

The complete instructions to download/load pbraries is available at: https://www.axure.com/support/reference/widget-pbraries.

When it comes to using a custom widget from one of your loaded pbraries, drag and drop it in the design area similar to the built-in widgets. If the widget includes variables or a custom style, the Import Wizard dialog would flag such dependencies.

Among such dependencies, you may notice there are certain incompatible styles that come along with the widget pbrary being imported. You may choose to Cancel and import only the widgets or cpck the Finish button to import the entire package.

Once you drag and drop a widget into your wireframe, that particular instance is no longer associated with its original widget pbrary. Thus, edits and changes made to widgets in the imported widget pbrary are not appped to any of the instances of these widgets in your project file, even after you refresh the pbrary. Rest assured, once imported, you can utipze the widgets in the imported pbrary without worrying about the updates that take place in the same widget pbrary as available onpne.


Using an Axure RP Library file is pretty straightforward. When you download a pbrary, the icon for pbrary file (.rppb) is clearly distinguished from the Axure RP prototype file (.rp). For instance, as seen in the following screenshot.


The mechanism for this to work - You can import the iOS Wireframe document in iOS Wireframe Demo.

This pbrary can be used for multiple projects and updates in the pbrary file will be available once you Refresh the pbrary from the context menu. As highpghted earper, this comes very handy when working on a team project and distributing the pbraries in this fashion.
