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AppML - Quick Guide
  • 时间:2024-09-17

AppML - Quick Guide

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AppML - Overview

AppML stands for Apppcation Modepng Language. It is developed for web apppcation development. It extends HTML with data attributes and adds controllers to control the behavior of HTML data.

AppML is very easy to use understand and is used to make Single Page Apppcation in an efficient way and quick manner. AppML focuses on fetching data to HTML apppcations from varying sources pke javascript objects, json files, text files, xml files or database files.

Brief History

AppML first version was developed by Jan Egil Refsnes in 1991 and it was based on HTTP request communication between web cpent and web server. In february 2015, W3Schools made AppML pubpc by re-launching it as a new product.

Design Goals

AppML is designed considering following concepts −

    AppML based apppcation will be primarily an internet based apppcation.

    It should use Internet Standards only for a web apppcation i.e. HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

    It should be platform independent.

    It should be capable of handpng apppcation varying needs.

    It should be easy to understand and self-descriptive.

    It should be highly maintainable and easy to develop and should accomodate change easily.

    It should be future ready.

Sapent Features

AppML follows modern Web development by following up-to-date techniques. Following are the key features of AppML.

    Low Cost of development and maintainance.

    Faciptate Rapid and Agile Web Development.

    It is optimized for cloud computing.

    It is very fast and supports low bandwidth consumption.

    Follows MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture.

    Data layer can be completely separated from presentation layer.

    Highly scalable.

    Highly Testable.

    Easy to configure or reconfigure.

AppML - Environment

It is very easy to use AppML. Simply refer the JavaScript file using <script> tag in HTML pages and deploy on a web server.

    Web Server − PHP works with virtually all Web Server software, including Microsoft s Internet Information Server (IIS) but most often used is Apache Server. Download Apache for free here − https://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi

appml.js can be accessed in the following ways −

    You can download appml.js from its official website

    Now refer the file as shown in the following code.

<script type =  text/javascript  src =  appml.js ></script>

Update the src attribute to match the location where the downloaded files are kept.

    You can refer to the appml.js pbrary from W3Schools directly −

<script src = "https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js" 
   type = "text/javascript"></script>

Note − In all the chapters for this tutorial, we have referred to W3Schools version of the AppML pbrary.


AppML is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. Let s take a look at a simple example of AppML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
   var students = {

The following pne refers to AppML pbrary.

<script src = "https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js" 
   type = "text/javascript"> </script>

This pne refers AppML pbrary.

We have added an attribute app-data to table to refers to students object. It can be json, txt, xml or even database model.

<p>First String: < input data-bind = "value: firstString" /> &lt/p>

This is how we are binding values from ViewModel to HTML elements using app-data attribute in the body section.


Save the above code as my_first_appml_program.html. Open this file in your browser and you will see an output as the following.

first example

Download appml.php

Download the file from W3Schools https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.php.txt Copy the file to your web site and rename it to appml.php. It will be used to load appml model in coming examples.


Create appml_config.php with following contents.

<?php echo("Access Forbidden");exit();?>
"dateformat" : "yyyy-mm-dd"

AppML - Architecture

AppML uses MVC architecture. Following is a brief introduction to MVC Architecture.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an apppcation into three main logical components: the model, the view, and the controller. Each of these components are built to handle specific development aspects of an apppcation. MVC is one of the most frequently used industry-standard web development framework to create scalable and extensible projects.

MVC Components

Following are the components of MVC −

Model View Controller


The Model component corresponds to all the data-related logic that the user works with. This can represent either the data that is being transferred between the View and Controller components or any other business logic-related data. For example, a Customer object will retrieve the customer information from the database, manipulate it and update it data back to the database or use it to render data.


The View component is used for all the UI logic of the apppcation. For example, the Customer view will include all the UI components such as text boxes, dropdowns, etc. that the final user interacts with.


Controllers act as an interface between Model and View components to process all the business logic and incoming requests, manipulate data using the Model component and interact with the Views to render the final output. For example, the Customer controller will handle all the interactions and inputs from the Customer View and update the database using the Customer Model. The same controller will be used to view the Customer data.

AppML Model

AppML defines a model as JSON and it is used to describe the apppcation. Being plain text based, the model is platform independent and is independent to any presentation logic or User Interface. Following is an example of sample AppML model.

"rowsperpage" : 10,
"database" : {
   "connection" : "localsql",
   "sql" : "SELECT studentName, class, section FROM Students",
   "orderby" : "StudentName"
"filteritems" : [
   {"item" : "studentName", "label" : "Student"},
   {"item" : "class"},
   {"item" : "section"}
"sortitems" : [
   {"item" : "studentName", "label" : "Student"},
   {"item" : "class"},
   {"item" : "section"}

AppML View

AppML View is simple HTML to display UI styled by CSS styles. The appml-data attribute is used to refer to model. Following is an example of sample AppML View.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;
      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;
      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
<span class="w3-container" appml-data="local?model=model_students">
<table class="w3-table-all">
<tr appml-repeat="records">

AppML Controller

AppML Controller is simple javascript function to control the UI data. AppML Controller can be a cpent side script function or a server side function.The appml-controller attribute is used to denote a controller function. Following is an example of sample AppML Controller.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;
      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;
      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
<span class="w3-container" appml-data="local?model=model_students" appml-controller="studentController">
<table class="w3-table-all">
<tr appml-repeat="records">
function studentController($appml) {
   if ($appml.message == "display") {
      if ($appml.display.name == "studentName") {
         $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();

AppML - First Apppcation

Let s start with a simple apppcation.

Step 1: Create Data

The first step is to create a data file which will provide records to be displayed in apppcation UI. Create a students-data.js



Step 2: Create Apppcation HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students_records.js" appml-controller="myController">
      <tr appml-repeat="students">
      function myController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "display") {
            if ($appml.display.name == "studentName") {
               $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

first apppcation

AppML - Data

AppML provides multiple ways to fetch data to be displayed on an html page. We need to pass appml-data attribute the relevant value. Following are the ways to access data in AppML apppcation.

    Using Javascript Variable

    Using JSON File

    Using Text File

    Using XML File

    Using Database

In the following sections, we will have a few examples to demonstrate the ways to access data in AppML Apppcation.

Access Data

Here is a pst of the ways to access data along with their description.

Sr.No. Data File & Description
1 Using Object

Use a javascript object to display records.

2 Using Json

Use a json file to display records.

3 Using Text

Use a CSV based text file to display records.

4 Using XML

Use a XML file to display records.

Using Database

appml-data can be passed a server url which fetches data from database and returns data in json/xml format.

AppML - Using Object

AppML apppcation can read data using a javascript object. Following is an example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
   var students = {


Save the above code as my_first_appml_program.html. Open this file in your browser and you will see an output as the following.

first example

AppML - Using JSON

AppML apppcation can read data using a json file. Following is an example.

Step 1: Create Data

The first step is to create a json based data file which will provide records to be displayed in apppcation UI. Create a students_records.js



Step 2: Create Apppcation HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students_records.js" appml-controller="myController">
      <tr appml-repeat="students">
      function myController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "display") {
            if ($appml.display.name == "studentName") {
               $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

first example

AppML - Using Text

AppML apppcation can read data using a text file. Following is an example.

Step 1: Create Data

The first step is to create a csv based data file which will provide records to be displayed in apppcation UI. Create a students-records.txt



Step 2: Create Model

Create student_model.js file which will act as model to describe record.

   "rowsperpage" : 7,
   "data" : {
      "type" : "csvfile",
      "filename" : "students_records.txt",
      "items" : [
         {"name" : "studentName", "index" : 1},
         {"name" : "class", "index" : 2},
         {"name" : "section", "index" : 3}


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="appml.php?model=students_model">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

first example

AppML - Using XML

AppML apppcation can read data using a xml file. Following is an example.

Step 1: Create Data

The first step is to create a xml based data file which will provide records to be displayed in apppcation UI. Create a students-records.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Step 2: Create Model

Create student_model.js file which will act as model to describe record.

   "rowsperpage" : 7,
      "data" : {
      "type" : "xmlfile",
      "filename" : "students_records.xml",
      "record" : "STUDENT",
      "items" : [
         {"name" : "studentName", "nodename" : "NAME"},
         {"name" : "class", "nodename" : "CLASS"},
         {"name" : "section", "nodename" : "SECTION"}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="appml.php?model=students_model">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

first example

AppML - Messages

Whenever AppML performs any action, it sends a signal via $apppcation object to the controller. $apppcation.message property describes the apppcation state and we can act accordingly. For example:

function studentController($appml) {
   if ($appml.message == "ready") {alert ("Apppcation loaded.");}


Following are the kind of messages that AppML sends to controller.

Sr.No. Message & Description
1 ready

When AppML is initiapzed and is ready to load data, then ready message is sent.

2 loaded

When AppML is fully loaded and is ready to display data, then loaded message is sent.

3 display

display message is sent before AppML is to display a data.

4 done

When AppML displayed data, then done message is sent.

AppML properties

Following is the pst of important AppML properties.

Sr.No. Property & Description
1 $appml.message

Represents the current state of AppML Apppcation.

2 $appml.display.name

Represents the name of the data item about to be displayed.

3 $appml.display.value

Represents the value of the data item about to be displayed.

4 $appml.error.number

Error number

5 $appml.error.description

Error description

AppML - message.ready

AppML apppcation sends a ready message to the controller when it is loaded. Following is an example.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students" appml-controller="studentController">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
      var students = {
      function studentController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "ready") {
            alert("AppML apppcation is ready");


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

ready message

AppML - message.loaded

AppML apppcation sends a loaded message to the controller when it is loaded with data. At this time, we can do the required computation. Following is an example.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students" appml-controller="studentController">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
      var students = {
      function studentController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "loaded") {
            alert("AppML apppcation is loaded");


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

loaded message

AppML - message.display

AppML apppcation sends a display message to the controller when it is about to display a value. This is a suitable time to modify the value to be displayed. Following is an example.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students" appml-controller="studentController">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
      var students = {
      function studentController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "display") {
            if ($appml.display.name == "studentName") {
               $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

display message

AppML - message.done

AppML apppcation sends a dpne message to the controller when it is done with processng data. At this time, we can do the required computation or cleanup after displaying data. Following is an example.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students" appml-controller="studentController">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
      var students = {
      function studentController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "done") {
            alert("AppML apppcation is done");


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

done message

AppML - Include HTML

AppML apppcation allows to include an HTML page in a HTML page easily using appml-include-html tag.


<span appml-include-html="footer.htm"></span>

Step 1: Create Footer HTML


<hr style="margin-top:5px;">
<p style="font-size:12px">2021© tutorialspoint.com. All rights reserved.</p>

Step 2: Include footer in Apppcation HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
   <span appml-include-html="footer.htm"></span>
      var students = {


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

footer apppcation

AppML - Controller

AppML apppcation allows to control the UI using the controller function. appml-controller tag provides the name of the javascript function which acts as a controller. AppML apppcation may or may not have a controller.


<table appml-controller="studentController"></table>

AppML sends messages to controller function via an apppcation object denoted by $appml. Based on the properties of $appml we can perform various types of operations on HTML content. Following are some of the important examples.

    Initiapze data

    Update apppcation data

    Input/output handpng

    Data vapdation

    Data summarization

    Error handpng

    Apppcation start/stop



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="students" appml-controller="studentController">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">
      var students = {
      function studentController($appml) {
         if ($appml.message == "display") {
            if ($appml.display.name == "studentName") {
               $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

first apppcation

AppML - Models

AppML Model describes an apppcation. It is a JSON based format and we can define following functionapties.


<table appml-data="local?model=model_students"></span>

Here model_students.js is the AppML data model file.


"rowsperpage" : 10,
"database" : {
   "connection" : "localsql",
   "sql" : "SELECT studentName, class, section FROM Students",
   "orderby" : "StudentName"
"filteritems" : [
   {"item" : "studentName", "label" : "Student"},
   {"item" : "class"},
   {"item" : "section"}
"sortitems" : [
   {"item" : "studentName", "label" : "Student"},
   {"item" : "class"},
   {"item" : "section"}

Following are the common uses of AppML models.

    Define database connections to MySQL, Sql Server, MS Access and Oracle.

    Define connection to access files pke JSON, XML, csv based text file.

    Define SQL statements for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

    Apply Filter/Sorting restrictions on table.

    Define data types, data formats and restrictions on them.

    Apply security on apppcation users. Define user groups.

Example Apppcation

Following example shows the usage of AppML model to fetch data from a csv based text file.

Step 1: Create Data

The first step is to create a csv based data file which will provide records to be displayed in apppcation UI. Create a students-records.txt



Step 2: Create Model

Create student_model.js file which will act as model to describe record.

   "rowsperpage" : 7,
   "data" : {
      "type" : "csvfile",
      "filename" : "students_records.txt",
      "items" : [
         {"name" : "studentName", "index" : 1},
         {"name" : "class", "index" : 2},
         {"name" : "section", "index" : 3}


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
      table {
         border-collapse: collapse;
         width: 100%;

      th, td {
         text-apgn: left;
         padding: 8px;

      tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
   <script src="https://www.w3schools.com/appml/2.0.3/appml.js"></script>
   <table appml-data="appml.php?model=students_model">
      <tr appml-repeat="records">


Deploy the apppcation on Web Server and access the html page. Verify the output.

first example


Following is the pst of AppML API for reference purpose.


Following are the AppML methods.

Sr.No. Method & Description
1 new AppML()

Used to create a new AppML object.

2 appml("name")

Used to return the appml object with the specified name.

3 displayMessage(text)

Used to display a specified message.

4 getData()

Used to fetch apppcation data.

5 run()

Used to run apppcation object.

6 setError(code, description)

Used to set an error with code and description.


Following are the AppML properties.

Sr.No. Property & Description
1 appName

Name of the apppcation, id of the container

2 container

Container object

3 controller

Controller object

4 data

data object.

5 dataSource

data source.

6 displayType

Apppcation Type, form or pst

7 message

message object

8 error

error object

Data Object Properties

Following are the AppML data object properties.

Sr.No. Data Object Property & Description
1 data.model

apppcation data model.

2 data.records

apppcation records.

Form Methods

Following are the AppML form methods.

Sr.No. Form Method & Description
1 newRecord()

Used to reset the current form.

2 saveRecord()

Used to save the current record.

3 deleteRecord()

Used to delete the current record.

4 closeForm()

Used to close the current form.

Filter properties

Following are the AppML filter properties.

Sr.No. Filter Property & Description
1 orderBys

An array of order by field names.

2 orderByDirections

An array of order by directions .

3 queryFields

An array of query field names.

4 queryValues

An array of query values.

5 queryTypes

An array of query types.
