- Angular 8 - Discussion
- Angular 8 - Useful Resources
- Angular 8 - Quick Guide
- Angular 9 - What’s New?
- Angular 8 - Working Example
- Angular 8 - Backward Compatibility
- Angular 8 - Building with Bazel
- Angular 8 - Ivy Compiler
- Angular 8 - Testing
- Angular 8 - CLI Commands
- Angular 8 - Accessibility
- Angular 8 - Internationalization (i18n)
- Angular 8 - Server Side Rendering
- Service Workers and PWA
- Angular 8 - Web Workers
- Authentication and Authorization
- Angular 8 - Form Validation
- Angular 8 - Forms
- Angular 8 - Animations
- Routing and Navigation
- Angular 8 - Angular Material
- Angular 8 - Http Client Programming
- Services and Dependency Injection
- Angular 8 - Reactive Programming
- Angular 8 - Pipes
- Angular 8 - Directives
- Angular 8 - Data Binding
- Angular Components and Templates
- Angular 8 - Architecture
- Creating First Application
- Angular 8 - Installation
- Angular 8 - Introduction
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Angular 8 - Forms
Forms are used to handle user input data. Angular 8 supports two types of forms. They are Template driven forms and Reactive forms. This section explains about Angular 8 forms in detail.
Template driven forms
Template driven forms is created using directives in the template. It is mainly used for creating a simple form apppcation. Let’s understand how to create template driven forms in brief.
Configure Forms
Before understanding forms, let us learn how to configure forms in an apppcation. To enable template driven forms, first we need to import FormsModule in app.module.ts. It is given below −
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { AppRoutingModule } from ./app-routing.module ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; //import FormsModule here import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; imports: [ BrowserModule, AppRoutingModule, FormsModule //Assign FormsModule ],
Once, FormsModule is imported, the apppcation will be ready for form programming.
Create simple form
Let us create a sample apppcation (template-form-app) in Angular 8 to learn the template driven form.
Open command prompt and create new Angular apppcation using below command −
cd /go/to/workspace ng new template-form-app cd template-form-app
Configure FormsModule in AppComponent as shown below −
... import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Create a test component using Angular CLI as mentioned below −
ng generate component test
The above create a new component and the output is as follows −
CREATE src/app/test/test.component.scss (0 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.html (19 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts (614 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.ts (262 bytes) UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (545 bytes)
Let’s create a simple form to display user entered text.
Add the below code in test.component.html file as follows −
<form #userName="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onCpckSubmit(userName.value)"> <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="username" ngModel> <br/> <br/> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form>
Here, we used ngModel attribute in input text field.
Create onCpckSubmit() method inside test.component.ts file as shown below
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.scss ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { ngOnInit() { } onCpckSubmit(result) { console.log("You have entered : " + result.username); } }
Open app.component.html and change the content as specified below −
Finally, start your apppcation (if not done already) using the below command −
ng serve
Now, run your apppcation and you could see the below response −
Enter Peter in input text field and enter submit. onCpckSubmit function will be called and user entered text Peter will be send as an argument. onCpckSubmit will print the user name in the console and the output is as follows −
Reactive Forms
Reactive Forms is created inside component class so it is also referred as model driven forms. Every form control will have an object in the component and this provides greater control and flexibipty in the form programming. Reactive Form is based on structured data model. Let’s understand how to use Reactive forms in angular.
Configure Reactive forms
To enable reactive forms, first we need to import ReactiveFormsModule in app.module.ts. It is defined below
import { BrowserModule } from @angular/platform-browser ; import { NgModule } from @angular/core ; import { AppRoutingModule } from ./app-routing.module ; import { AppComponent } from ./app.component ; import { TestComponent } from ./test/test.component ; import { FormsModule } from @angular/forms ; //import ReactiveFormsModule here import { ReactiveFormsModule } from @angular/forms ; imports: [ BrowserModule, AppRoutingModule, FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule //Assign here ]
Create Reactive forms
Before moving to create Reactive forms, we need to understand about the following concepts,
FormControl − Define basic functionapty of inspanidual form control
FormGroup − Used to aggregate the values of collection form control
FormArray − Used to aggregate the values of form control into an array
ControlValueAccessor − Acts as an interface between Forms API to HTML DOM elements.
Let us create a sample apppcation (reactive-form-app) in Angular 8 to learn the template driven form.
Open command prompt and create new Angular apppcation using below command −
cd /go/to/workspace ng new reactive-form-app cd reactive-form-app
Configure ReactiveFormsModule in AppComponent as shown below −
... import { ReactiveFormsModule } from @angular/forms ; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, TestComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Create a test component using Angular CLI as mentioned below −
ng generate component test
The above create a new component and the output is as follows −
CREATE src/app/test/test.component.scss (0 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.html (19 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts (614 bytes) CREATE src/app/test/test.component.ts (262 bytes) UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (545 bytes)
Let’s create a simple form to display user entered text.
We need to import FormGroup, FormControl classes in TestComponent.
import { FormGroup, FormControl } from @angular/forms ;
Create onCpckSubmit() method inside test.component.ts file as shown below −
import { Component, OnInit } from @angular/core ; import { FormGroup, FormControl } from @angular/forms ; @Component({ selector: app-test , templateUrl: ./test.component.html , styleUrls: [ ./test.component.css ] }) export class TestComponent implements OnInit { userName; formdata; ngOnInit() { this.formdata = new FormGroup({ userName: new FormControl("Tutorialspoint") }); } onCpckSubmit(data) {this.userName = data.userName;} }
Created an instance of formGroup and set it to local variable, formdata.
Crete an instance of FormControl and set it one of the entry in formdata.
Created a onCpckSubmit() method, which sets the local variable, userName with its argument.
Add the below code in test.component.html file.
<span> <form [formGroup]="formdata" (ngSubmit)="onCpckSubmit(formdata.value)" > <input type= text" name="userName" placeholder="userName" formControlName = "userName"> <br/> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Cpck here"> </form> </span> <p> Textbox result is: {{userName}} </p>
New form is created and set it’s formGroup property to formdata.
New input text field is created and set is formControlName to username.
ngSubmit event property is used in the form and set onCpckSubmit() method as its value.
onCpckSubmit() method gets formdata values as its arguments.
Open app.component.html and change the content as specified below −
Finally, start your apppcation (if not done already) using the below command −
ng serve
Now, run your apppcation and you could see the below response −
Enter Tutorialspoint in input text field and enter submit. onCpckSubmit function will be called and user entered text Peter will be send as an argument.
We will perform Forms vapdation in next chapter.