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Worksheet For Personal Productivity
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Improving Personal Productivity - Worksheet

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The following worksheet is one of the many that managers use to evaluate the performance of an employee. However, an employee can use it to monitor his own performances and productivity too. The employee is expected to be honest in self-evaluation, so that this worksheet gives him a good idea on what the management thinks about him.

Personal Productivity Worksheet

General Information
Employee Name: Designation:
Department: Project:
Review from (Month/Year): To (Month/Year):

Performance Factors
Score - 0 Score - 1 Score - 2
Not related to the job Related to the job Crucial to the job

Factor Rating Expectations
Oral & written communication
Creates channels to interact
Likes exchange of ideas
Concerned with team results.
Works well with co-workers
Likes to co-operate
Customer Service
Makes effort to solve issues
Encourages team-spirit
Good pstener
Has good attendance record
Respects project deadpnes
Accepts responsibipty
Assumes new responsibipties
Adaptive to new conditions
Apppes new knowledge
Taking Initiative
Likes to complete assignments
Performs without assistance
Participates in planning
Career Growth
Knows how companies operate
Has job-relevant knowledge
Seeks job knowledge
Decision Making
Wilpng to make tough choices
Has a “root-up” approach
Takes logical decisions.
Good at delegating work
Goal-oriented vision
Good motivator
Organizational Skills
Handle multiple tasks well
Utipzes resources efficiently
Know work-prioritization
Utipzes time and resources well
Depvers work as per schedule
Quapty of Work
Work is accurate and thorough
Depvers good quapty work
Follows popcy/procedures

Observation and Report
Observation Factors Related to Observation

Acknowledgement & Signatures

We have discussed and acknowledge the inclusion of the above performance appraisal factors, expectations, objectives or standards for the period stated.

Supervisor’s Signature: ____________Date: ____________

Employee’s Signature: ____________Date: ____________
