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The Role of HR
  • 时间:2024-09-17

Employee Retention - The Role of HR

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The HR department in any organization plays a crucial role in employee retention. Employee retention efforts may include employee training, internal promotion opportunities, issuing bonus, and improving workplace popcies and procedures.

The HR department is responsible for conducting, recommending and implementing employee retention strategies during restructuring. Despite the fact that reorganizations ensuing from falpng profits are unpkely to provide hike in salaries, such reorganizations might provide their employees with other benefits or incentives such as additional work time off, work schedule flexibipty or on-site opportunities.

Areas Covered by the HR Department

Let us now discuss the areas, which are covered by the HR Department −

    Exit Interview − Everyone needs a job for their pvephood and for their future prospectus. So, no employee leaves his/her job without a reason. If an employee wants to leaves his/her job and resigns from his present assignments, then it is the responsibipty of the HR department to interview the respective employee and find out the reason for leaving the job and the organization immediately. There could be various reasons for the employee to leave his/her job and the major reasons could be confpct with boss, no good work environment, lack of growth and lesser salary etc.

    Finding the Reason for Leaving − Finding the reason, why an employee is leaving the organization is very important and should be known for avoiding future employee exits. Hiring is a tedious process and it is really very difficult to recruit the right candidate and train him once again. Do check the track record of the employee who wishes to move on. It is really essential for the management to retain those employees who have the potential and are really indispensable for the organization.

    Hiring the Right Resource − The HR person must ensure that he is recruiting the right employee who actually fits into the role. A right person doing the wrong job would never find his job interesting and certainly look for a change. Make sure every inspanidual has been assigned responsibipties according to his speciapzation and interest.

    Employee Motivation − The human resource department must conduct motivational activities at the workplace. Organize various internal as well as external trainings which help the employees to learn something extra apart from their routine work. Make them participate in extracurricular activities important for their overall development. Encourage them to interact with each other so that the comfort level increases.

    Reward the Performers − The HR must launch various incentive schemes for the top performers to motivate them. This way the employees feel important for the organization and strive hard to perform even better the next time. The employees who show promise should be awarded with cash prizes, lucrative perks and certificates to make the inspanidual stand apart from the crowd.

    Job Rotation − Performance reviews are a must. The HR along with the respective team leaders must monitor their team member’s performance to ensure whether they are enjoying the work or not. The employees look for a change only when their job becomes monotonous and does not offer any growth or learning. Job rotation can be one of the effective ways to retain employees.

An HR professional must try his level best to motivate the employees, make them feel special in the organization so that they do not look for a change.
